
>lovecratian horror check
>Poe Dammron is fucking Padma check
>Shit on earth is mutating
>Padma leads an all female team but unlike Ghostbusters this might actually work.
>Predator meets cosmic horror
>isn’t made by Disney

Who’s ready for some aggressive negotiations?

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mite b cool

How exactly is this Lovecraftian horror?

looks like STALKER kino

I'm genuinely interested in this.

This reminds me a lot of evangelion for some reason

Looks like a rip off of S.T.A.L.K.E.R soc, in a good way, neat

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of the unknown is just the human condition, Lovecraftian horror is there's something in the unknown you should be fucking afraid of.

Yearly reminder if you like cabin in the woods you might as well be clinically retarded.

Why did they send in an entire team of women without support of an actual military unit?

Dudes go mad after seeing the horrors in Area X.

someone who read the book please spoil the plot

>steal roadside picnic
>steal stalker and solaris
>make it all women

ah... hollywood creativity

The book is shit. It's 200ish pages of four women that bitterly hate each other, the protagonist of which is trying to find out what happened to the husband she didn't really love or even like. It's an unintentionally miserable read that only women seem to enjoy. Hopefully the movie is better. In the trailer she does seem to actually like her husband.

Does this movie have some connection to Cabin in the Woods? Now I’m interested in seeing this then

So its just the Far Realm?

>an all female team
>might actually work.
Has that ever worked?

don't count on it my dude
>It seems the book’s more intellectual elements have been carried over into Alex Garland’s film adaptation of Annihilation, and that has one of the film’s producers worried. The Hollywood Reporter reveals that producer David Ellison, the head of Skydance Productions, has voiced concerns due to some less-than-positive early test screenings on the film.
>Ellison was worried that Annihilation might be “too intellectual” and “too complicated” for average moviegoing audiences.
>The producer suggested several changes to make the film less complicated, including making the film’s lead character, played by Natalie Portman, more likable and altering the ending.

>all female mercenary explorers
immersion breaking
I'll pass


it's fucked

>“too intellectual” and “too complicated” for average moviegoing audiences

i think they're scientists

Enjoyed the book, don't know how well they'll translate it

Well apparently it's only getting a theatrical release in the US and UK

going straight to Netflix everywhere else.

spoil the plot plz

into film

In the book its not as bad as you think, whether youre hoping to see women fail or a woman who's actually not a dumbass you'll see both

Well they changed the ending

>Duming it down so the lowest common denominator understands it.

This is why movies suck now.

I was wondering about that after seeing the trailers, do you know if its only going to be about the first book

>made by the hack who made that terrible AI movie that offered nothing new on either AI or the scifi genre and was lauded by pseuds


Just for you, an all female team is sent into a Chernobyl esque exclusion zone. Antics ensue as the main character learns more about the zone (they arent told much going in). Learn as we go on a big reason she joined is her husband was part of a past expedition into Area-X(the zone). All members but her die. I skipped over the whole plot with the crawler and tower. Look at the wiki if you want more

its like the maze runner but for adults

have you read The Color Out of Space? this movie is obviously ripping themes from that

Holy hell just watched the trailer and most of those scenes weren't in the book. wtf bro

Unless there are things in here from the 2nd and 3rd books

wiki explains shit

so it's aliens?

I read the plot on wikipedia. It seems more allegorical than anything. She finds out her husband died on an earlier mission and there is a lighthouse and cave they are trying to go higher and deeper in. I don't fucking know.

In the book, they tried experimenting with different combinations to see if it made a difference, and they'd already sent in all-guy and mixed gender teams.

Could be cool. Hopefully there is copious gunplay against these beasts.

I've only read the first book of the trilogy and it leaves alot more questions then it answers. Thats why Im not sure if the trailer is bullshit or not because 80% of the scenes in the trailer weren't in the first book


I'm just speaking as someone whose first introduction to the story is this trailer. They go out of their way to mention that Portman is ex-military and they show the entire squad geared up with assault rifles. It just wouldn't make sense if there's not at least one scene of a desperation bulletstorm on a monster.

Also I really just like the trope. The Humans vs Machines fights in the Matrix Revolutions really did it for me.

Really want to see this


They say she is a biologist, I only read the beginning but they all get weapons as far as I remember

Yeah the group is given iirc 5 handguns and an assault rifle, the only x-military in the group is the surveyor

only gun fight is girl on girl

That sounds powerfully bad. Was it ever popular? Why are they making a movie off such a bitchy-oriented plot?

Couldn't make it through the entire trailer. Too long, too many stupid fucking cliche sound effects. Fuck the fuck off and make something original, instead of some garbage designed to reel in 90% of the masses. It's obvious it's going to be a semi-niche film anyway.

I swear there's like every single shots of the movie in this trailer

I thought they were trying to complete a mission and survive with eachother? Why the hell would they fight??

What do you think, they eventually turn on each other

But why? There's no reason for them to. They're all on the same team.

There have been countless expeditions throughout history were members turn on each other, in the book its the mistrust and its inferred one member was told to kill the rest if something went wrong

In the trailer you see a white faun and a plant-like replica of it. There's an plant based organic matter that mimics life forms it comes into contact with. That's what the husband that came out of the zone is, a replicant. The replicants don't live long, they expire after a few weeks. The main character starts sprouting leaves and they all start killing each other.

Also the whole expedition is a ruse and they're actually human guinea pigs.

Will there be Hershlag nudity?

Is it just one of the many mutations in the zone, or is it the only one? Also, what's its goal?

I just finished the trilogy.

2&3 were so fucking unnecessary

The book leaves these questions unanswered

>harshlag going commando
im in

The replicants are basically an automated reconnaissance program that catalogues indigenous life. The zone itself is alien terraforming tech. There's no actual aliens though, the process is fully automated. The aliens shoot out a bunch of probes which kick off a terraforming process then call in a few centuries later when it's done. This is all implication though, the book isn't really blatant about it.
That said the book is pretty bad and just reads like a roadside picnic ripoff. I usually think deviating from the source material is a great way to fuck up an adaptation, but this series is completely derivative and not that great anyway, so there's plenty of room to improve it if the Director just tries to make a good movie instead of a good adaptation.
