He was pretty funny honestly
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong
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Well he was a clown, but still better than literally all the nu-characters they have these days
Jar Jar hate is overrated.
The worst thing he was a part of was the gungan vs. droid battle and that was because it was the least interesting part of the climax.
Yeah, he's a dumb kid appeal character, but so were the droids in the OT and everyone liked them.
I liked Jar-Jar
Because you have a child's intellect and sense of humor.
Never understood the Jar Jar hate either. Part of me wonders if it has to do with the fact that this was one of the first entirely CGI character approaching life-like that most people had seen at that point
Being a secret sith is hard work
He was basically Nigger Jim
hating jar-jar is literally the most bland, boring, predictable pleb opinion you could ever have
>I hate Jar Jar!
>r-right my fellow Star Wars fans?
>I'm such a pathetic man-child that I spend all of my days writing angry Internet rants about a character made for children, from a franchise made for children
Don't find Jar Jar particularly funny, but that shit is just plain sad.
he has more personality than Rey at least
more likable too
He took screentime away from developing child anakin and the jedi
Him mocking the Jedi constantly was actually funny.
Also how he made Sheev the Emperor.
He's also actually a great warrior.
he's good compared to Last Jedi
>imlying he wasnt the key to all this
I literally just watched Episode 1 and I dont even remember why I hated it. It was bad, but goddamn Plinkett made it look so much worse.
Had there been a twist of a bumbling idiot turning into the grand villain before the prequels? I mean it could've worked, right? There being backlash against Jar Jar's character wasn't a negative, it was to be expected. What did Lucas think? People will like this foolish doof? No, of course not. You subvert the peoples expectation and then hit them with the stunner. Deep down I've come to accept that this was never the intended development for Jar Jar, because had it been, Lucas surely would've gone through with it. It makes no sense to create an unlikable character with a twist, then because people don't like it, not go through with the twist.
I hope this is a troll thread.
I never understood the backlash against jarjar. He was just slapstick comedy. No one citizizes the three stooges or Marx brothers or any of the home alone movies, yet people got butthurt that the prequels tried to be a family movie instead of targeted at middle aged fans of the OT?
The mistake I think was in pronging him back as a senator. How did that development in any way make any sense?
I could've predicted Sup Forums would approve of jarjar due to contrarianism
Historical revisionism
People loved TPM when it came out
>weeza going home!!!
droids > shitty Jamaican cgi monster.