Think of a Sup Forums character. Got it...

Think of a Sup Forums character. Got it? A professional sniper is now after them and the character has no idea that this is happening. How screwed are they?

She's pretty screwed, for all of her power and the power of anyone else who could channel all it would ever take to bring them down is a single arrow.

not very much because they don't exist :^)

>wearing darwins danger shield


She'll never be killed because it'll never update

Well, fuck you. Because I was thinking of Barry Allen.

>Ms Lion
We're talking end-of-world scenario here, people.


You don't really get more professional than Slade.

she's fine

Celtic Magic Laddie!

Jack survived and defeated the cursed archers. He's fine.

>TF2 sniper

If you came in her, would it be visible?

He'll figure it out.

Depends on if her skin is a sort of camouflage or she's actually transparent.

I don't even think the sniper knows it's happening.

Don't think we've been told.

Is Boku No Hero honorary Sup Forums or what?

It's westaboo as fuck, might as well be honorary Sup Forums

>Samurai Jack
Absolutely nothing changes from the original seasons

What happens when she eats food? Can we see her chew it, or does it become invisible when she closes her mouth?

Dunno if we've ever seen her eat.
She's kinda easy to overlook.

that sniper is fucked.

Samurai Jack.
He'll find a way, he always has.

This is just another tuesday for Samurai Jack

Most likely, very dead.

He'll be fine. He's tricky, that one.

Well. Shit. Not again.

Would be tricky.

She'll have to get her clothing repaired, yet again.

good, we need to purge liggers once and for all!!!

>mfw I was thinking of the sniper since he's technically Sup Forums related
>sniper tries a quickscope
>danger shield prevents insta death
>he swings around and shoots him back

She would rub her head and saw "Ow!"