How accurate is this?

How accurate is this?

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Something about that comic makes me want to puke but I can't quite put my finger on it

Maybe it's because Ryu's eating a PLAIN hotdog.

Right on the money.

Villainous friendships are the best!

>no pinkies out

They truly ARE villains.

To be fair some crazy shit goes down in crossovers

Pretty much.

I suspect this can be extrended to most major events.

Have Black Manta and Prof. Zoom ever teamed up?


Pretty much.
However, the villains almost always end up turning on each other while the heroes always end up getting along quite well. Often they were only fighting because the villains set them up anyway.

That doesn't sound like the Joker. He would hate them because they are "no fun allowed" bores but not because the Joker cares about America.

Nah it's essentially because it's funny to draw the line here, in a faux-patriotic matter like that matters to the fucking Joker.
Its Joker being written as though he wants comedy with the crime, which is proper chaos, rather than CHAOSLELMOA.


That chin and dialogue is a thing of beauty.

the biggest flaw of every LA Joker is they don't have the chin for it

I don't care if they have to whip up a prosthetic out of facial clay, just do it

even joker hates nazis, why don't you Sup Forums?

Because Joker is a nutter.

I like how Carnage looks utterly shocked to be compared to the Hoff.

Unlike the Joker I am capable of rational thought

Angst-less joker is a thing of beauty


Why don't we what again?

Eat your hamburgers, Apollo

Yes, it's because of two simple reasons I will now needlessly elaborate.

In-universe the villains are usually candid about their operation and so will quickly find things that they agree on.
The heroes are usually quiet even if they're not hiding anything necessarily, and so they become suspicious of each other.
Meta wise it's because the readers want to see if their guy could beat up someone else's guy because this is all really just a more expensive version of a playground toy fight.

If the writers didn't service that desire they'd miss easy sales.
>In this issue YOUR HERO fights someone else's hero, you want to know if your guy is cool right? Better pick this one up! (no conclusion to said fight guaranteed because likely they'll come to a stalemate after a lot of pointless back and forth or put aside their differences at the last second should one of them dominate)
It's cheap, it's profitable, it works.

What's amusing about this is Carnage insults Joker and his plan, but when Joker retorts he adds "nothing personal, of course". He's even too classy to be crude when it's due.

Imagine having a friend for the very first time.

Why should I follow of all people the Joker as example?

>drinking at all while driving

>but when Joker retorts he adds "nothing personal, of course"
He might just be being snide too

>Stefan Stefansson as the Joker
I'd watch it.

>Dd he just call me Hassel Hoff?
>that must mean...

and big in germany

>why don't you follow the example of an evil and clinically insane killer clown

>Americans will never know that pleasure
What the fuck is the point of a road trip if you're sober.

I feel like you could proabbly get a better result having them fighting a berserker good good, like hulk, or one that looks like a monster, like swamp thing. Things done out of necessity and misunderstandings that are believable.

But when you see a good guy like Clark hovering there and you can talk to him via tech like ironamn, I don't expect there to be a problem. There's also people who have naturally gruff and mistrusting personalities like Logan, who upon being asked to go in for questioning by someone who means well but speaks from a place of authority, like Guile or Chris, then that's another decent set up.

Though honestly for some villains I'd imagine they'd fight a lot more often at first, retreat, then decide to change their stance after a few more had gotten bagged.

Because they fight evil

As much as Carnage and Joker are written poorly, this is both of them at their best.

Could Gordon convince Red Skull to rape the Joker?

>could proabbly get a better result having them fighting a berserker
fighting Wolverine or Hulk as a first impression usually sours peoples opinion on the entire Marvel universe because 'why the fuck are you working with that rabid monster instead of putting him down?'

It's the fact that the author stopped drawing porn.

Also, nerfnow has been shit ever since they added dialog to the panels.

I'm going to need a source to verify your initial statement!

I miss this Joker so much.

Villains are bros and heroes are paranoid cunts. Well, except if you're talking about Sigma, Darkseid, Doom or Zemo, these are indistinctly cunts. with everyone.

Doom tends to act fine when he knows someone either respects his power, or they seem to think he's above them (like he always does anyway).
Or both.


>They had a bandanna big enough for Modok

I like it when the villains are barely holding their shit together.

It's actually a poncho.

>jo's artstyle hasn't changed since he started his comic

Joker's a Jew so of course he hates Nazis. He's a hypocrite for it because he's probably gassed more people than Auschwitz during his entire lifetime.

paheal jopereira

Red Skull and Doofenshmirtz

I know they revealed he's jewish. I wonder how he'd react if he knew he was pals with a literal Nazi.

The majority of the wealthy jews like Soros made their money working with the Nazis.

given Doof's childhood I don't think his family's exactly wealthy

This is doofensmirtz, the guy wouldn't recognize a Nazi if the sieg heil'd right in front of him.

This is the same guy who once said: "A Perry the platypus plumber?"

> Implying People were gassed at Auschwitz.

That's the best.
It's why the early Brotherhood of Evil Mutants were better than the X-Men, and why Cobra was the main reason to read GI Joe.

Shut up Right and buy Ryu that colorful body tattoo styled gi set he's been asking for.

Unintentional political commentary just happens sometimes everyone.

Red Skull hates Drusselsteinians a thousand times more than he hates Jews.

Hes confused cause he would consider it a compliment.

Is there a crossover where the heroes are on the same page from the get go and it doesn't go through the "misunderstanding leads into a fight that will inevitably end in a stalemate" thing?

>Those digits

When has Joker had angst?
You're not talking about SS are you?

Pretty sure this The comic doesn't even bother with parralel universe bs, Batman and Cap are just already established heroes in that setting.

I mean, even if he only gassed one....

The joker is a Jew m8, is that simple.

Didn0't this use to be a Dota comic?

I'm not crazy, Nazism is better than capitalism and far right neoliberalism.


it was a tf2 comic before that


It's like asking why don't I hate pirates even though they were all rapists and thieves. As far as I'm concerned Nazi's are ancient history(neo-Nazis don't count)

>red skull thinking Joker would make a superb Nazi

This is the thing that bothers me the most. It doesn't make the slightest bit of sense

Of course it makes sense. Think about how many jews he could gas at once.

>after so many years, Sup Forums still takes this Elseworlds seriously