>I wish... I could put my first through this whole lousy beautiful town
I wish... I could put my first through this whole lousy beautiful town
>I wish... I could put my first through her whole lousy beautiful hole.
>war is bad :(
>btw pls forget that i'm a soldier fighting in a war
just turn your brain off bro
thats the point tho
I liked the movie but this was one of the many lines that almost caused me to implode into myself. This movie deserved better writing.
god she was such an ugly
wait.. you.. LIKED it? why? What part of it was good? Watching the entire Resistance get killed off because purplehair didn't want to share her plans with the Hero who took down Starkiller base?
>Literally every single rich person in the Star Wars universe is now a weapons dealer
>This is supposed to add moral complexity
Is this the part where I get told my opinion is wrong and why I need to get down on my knees while George Lucas and the force ghosts of the Jedi council force me to drink a gallon of jar jars semen while reading the uncut attack of the clones script?
Yeah I thought that was pretty assuming
>everyone on this entire casino planet is an arms dealer. EVERYONE
>cuts to them laughing and having a good time, but now we're supposed to believe they're evil
Its made funnier by the fact that the person they're looking for is at the casino...and isn't an arms dealer.
>arms dealers are bad
>they sell things like the arms we use to fight our enemies with
I know the point was to turn off your brain but I'm sorry I can't
>person says a thing in a movie
>audience treats it as absolute fact
the absolute state of star wars fans
What is the point? To tell us how bad and nasty the First Order is? Nigga we knew that shit 40 years ago when they were called the empire. Fuck outta here with this stupid ass filler plot line.
gambling asians
Look how fucking disgusted he looks. Even he doesn't want the nasty gook.
>Person says a thing in movie
>Uses this statement to justify trampling casino patrons with space race horses, possibly to death
>Film does not then present these characters as amoral mass murderers, suggesting the statement is true
>Disney shills can't think this through
the absolute state of disney shills
He's looking at her in shock as she pulls up to give him a kiss.
Of course he is! I'd be shocked too if a disgusting subhuman creature planted its fucking mouth parts on me.
I'd be shocked too, she just doomed the rebellion to a quick death. Thank God for Force Astral Projection.
>defending what he believes to be fictional arms dealers and criminals
look I just want to understand
I couldn't even PRETEND I liked it for a few hours, as I did with TFA.. that quickly faded the more I thought about it.. but still, it lasted for a little while
His ship would've disintegrated and he would've died like a faggot.
If you preferred TFA you might want to consider playing in traffic. Don't worry, JJ is coming back to forcefeed you some more memberberries you waste of cells.
Explain to me how in the fuck he got out of that unscathed when his ship was already melting from the beam???
you realize the slicer guy reminded them that the Resistance's weaponry came from them as well? They just killed some rich dudes who sold them shit when no one else would
>Hur, you're not meant to think they're all arms dealers, just because she said it doesn't mean its true!!!
>Hur, they're all arms dealers so its okay to trample them to death!!!
Make up your mind you schizophrenic Disney shill.
Knocked it out of beam before the main structure could liquefy? That's a weird thing to nitpick user, you're not gonna get any Sup Forumspoints
I mean if you ask whether I prefered one pile of shit versus another I'm gonna tell you I'm not really a shit sommelier
Neither one of them should have ever been greenlit in my opinion
>can't read
I just reread your posts and his assessment of your flipfloppery seems pretty accurate
nice try though
No, he showed that to Finn only, who didn't tell Rose.
You stupid fucking sexist shitlord, strong womyn don't NEED to have their political viewpoints questioned or any character development. Listen and believe!
>and his
t. disney shill with no solid point, because you just say whatever vacuous sentence seems to defend the movie best at any certain time
I'll break it down for you:
If we are supposed to believe they're ALL arms dealers, that's fucking retarded.
If we're not supposed to believe they're all arms dealers, then Finn and Rose were also trampling random rich people e.g. the heir to the blue milk fortune, which is also fucking retarded.
Yep, I'd rather let the whole Ewok tribe kiss me. At least they're cute teddybears who actually helped the Rebellion.
No. I mean him, his fleshy fleshy body. This thing was melting metal but didn't burn him at all?
>caring about this
>calling samefag when two people disagree with you
t. true brainlet
Its funny how you 'stop caring' as soon as your argument gets called out and demolished. Still, I'll take that as a concession, disney shill. Does that mean your pay gets docked?
the brainlet meme is for brainlets who cannot articulate themselves with text and need to resort to lumpy wojack reaction faces
anyone who posts more than one in a thread is basically using them as an avatar imo
>uuugh shilllll
>lose Sup Forums argument
>'lol, i nevah kared anywayyzz
>u may think these people are good, but actually their helping the first order!!1! bretty complex huh, not everything is black n white?
>were the good guys tho 4 sure lol don't even doubt it everything the resistance does is totally right
Daddy Disney dindu nuffin!
user, I really like this image
What is their tax policy?
What is their policy on immigration and trade?
Do they have socialised health care?
Do they subsidise the needs of the disabled and elderly?
Is marriage regulated at all?
Are homosexuals allowed to marry?
Is religion freely practised?
What is their policy on infrastructure?
Do they provide schooling?
>come into thread expecting to shit on this awful movie some more
>instead, see brainlet wojak posters getting blown the fuck out as per the usual
this was a pleasant, welcome surprise
be sure to keep posting, everybody