>will be utterly defeated by Rey in every movie of the sequel trilogy
how the fuck do you defend this?
>will be utterly defeated by Rey in every movie of the sequel trilogy
how the fuck do you defend this?
failure is the greatest teacher.
we still have hope in him
>She defeats him on the streets.
>He defeats her in the sheets
It's pottery
Besize, feminazi won't approve you "abuse" your wife.
He will save her again, very lowkey, he will die, she'll kiss him on the mouth and it'll be okay because he dies and the next Jedi born will be a hispanic or a black guy.
Unless they make her so strong she can influence the mp3chlorians to create life, and literally mirrors lesbians trying to have babies without a male.
The best outcome for this character has always been him moving on the force spectrum and becoming either neutral or good by working with Rey for a common goal. They fucked it up unfortunately by having it happen for 10 seconds and then making him evil again
>will be utterly defeated by Rey in every movie of the sequel trilogy
>Kylo wants Rey to rape him and he's proud of it
Hadn't he just been fucking shot the first time? And they didn't really go toe to toe the second, just pulled a lightsaber apart.
>kylo is the anti-hero
>will eventually become strong enough to defeat rey and become a force master who rules the universe
>the third trilogy is actually the story of kylo's rise to greatness
Lol don't understand why some people still think Kylo will die, he is the Skywalker of this trilogy, and SW saga is always about the Skywalker, even Disney have to confirm it themselves multi-time. His fathers (Luke and Han) have already died to save Kylo, just like Vader died to save Luke in OT, and Anakin sacrificed to save Luke and Leia in PT.
> his fathers
I wish I shared your optimism, but I think the best case scenario for Kylo is that he gets a last minute redemption where he has to sacrifice himself to save Rey. As much as I've love to pretend otherwise, these films are centered around Rey's journey, not Kylo.
>His fathers (Luke and Han)
Stop it nigger, your theory can't change anything.
Kylo is Anakin's grandson, Han Solo's son, He is "the skywaker" of this trilogy. He's always the main character, directors of this trilogy have said it many times.
Hux will die because he is the main villain now to compete with Poe. Poe is not worthy of a powerful villain like Snoke. Only Hux is suitable for Poe.
Finn is Jar Jar and C3PO of this trilogy.
Just fucking deal with it.
They will never, EVER, let a white straight heterosexual cis binary male copulate with a white straight cis heterosexual binary female on the big screen again, not when the movie is so big to use as a manifesto. There is just no fucking way. If he lives, he gets his dick charred off by a light saber. If he keeps the tool down there, he dies with it. No fucking way. Most I can concede is that they pull a Terminator with Kyle Reeves, and that's already complete madness, because a white guy fucking a white girl on screen now is tantamount to assault and rape no matter the arrangements.
The white guy siding with the white chick would turn the marxes against them, and it would redeem in a way what they did so far, like pulling an Adam and Eve in a way. They will never do it, unless Kathleen Kennedy dies of a violent stroke before script is approved.
it's so depressing that these two star wars movies have been so deplorably awful that your intentionally absurd point of view is almost plausible
I'm sorry, but I just don't see it happening. The "saga" isn't centered around telling a story about a family anymore. It's centered around feminism.
By now if you haven’t realized that what they meant by THE END OF THE SKYWALKER SAGA is ALL THE SKYWALKER WILL DIE, you need help.
Really he defeated Rey in TLJ. He tricked her and used her to help him kill Snoke. He also didn't let her grab the lightsaber when she refuses to join him.
It's not optimism, it's SW pattern and how SW Skywalker saga works. The father (Anakin) sacrificed his life for his children in PT, the father (Vader) sacrificed his life for his children again in OT, now both the biological father (Han) and father figure (Luke) have sacrificed themselves for Kylo. He will come back and alive no matter what to value the sacrifice of Han and Luke and tribute Carrie Fisher's Leia.
It's the fact. Rey is Kylo's love interest, the story of Kylo is told from Rey's point of view.
Basically, it is
Kylo = Han =Anakin
Rey = Leia =Padme
Poe = Luke =Obiwan
Finn = C3PO =Jar Jar
Rose = R2D2
It always repeats itself.
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
Not sure this nigger is really a moron or just another feminazi.
They tricked SWfaggots into thinking Rey is a Skywalker/ Solo after TFA.
Now they trick SWfaggots into thinking Kylo will die for feminazi because he has not yet come back to the light in TLJ.
It just Disney's cheap twists all over again.
Oh really, Kathleen Kennedy approves all of this you SWretardnerds. It's subtle and artistic. So you need a brain to realize how it actually is.
>he's now the wisest man in the galaxy
What if they make Rey bi?
i still can't even that a person WITH WHITE SKIN got to be the last human in the movie. Disney is so damn racist.
Rian Johnson's made it so he's the only interesting character left, pretty much every review positive or negative says as much. So what the fuck is JJ gonna do? Make Kylo cuck and be shit like in TFA, or just kill him off with some bullshit? Either way he kills his own movie. If he has balls the only interesting way out would be to make Kylo and Rey grey Jedis with super strong grey Jedi babbies to end the war.
Hmm, and that white man and white woman couple was the only one good thing that comes out from TLJ and also the only one thing that receives good reactions from critics and normies, while the other characters were underdeveloped, poorly written. But is it a big surprise at all? Poe in TFA was 10-minutes-screen-time latino character. Finn was a pathetic comic relief and he is still a comic relief again in TLJ. LMAO
>Kylo and Rey grey Jedis with super strong grey Jedi babbies to end the war.
Kylo will become the villian we all want him to be. He is now the master of his own destiny. No more of this stomping and throwing tantrums.
>tfw the story becomes the old republic tier again
I am so okay with this
I think its cute you believe you know what yourre talking about.
>Kylo's journey to the light from the dark in contrast to his grandfather's journey from the light to the dark
JJ will find a way to fuck it up even after Based Rian has set it in motion
A big part of it frankly is that the white male is the only new actor with serious acting ability, imagine having your character being a fanboy throwing tantrums and still come out as interesting and capable of creating chemistry for the best romance since Han and Leia.
Jesus Christ it's literal fucking pottery how these sequels have turned out.
>how the fuck do you defend this?
It's just characters in a movie, m8. Calm down and stop acting like you're defending your rl friend.
Why didn't they do this? It would have given Pademe some kind of redeeming value.
According to JJAbrams, the "white chick and white dude" couple is the prince and princess of a fairy tale. But Disney hosted a color-blind casting to cast Rey, so Rey could be black/ latino/ hispano/ Asian. So yeah, basically every chick who ends up with Prince Kylo could be considered a princess too.
>Rey literally delivers herself to you in a space coffin wearing new, darker robes and helps you become emperor of the galaxy after you show her shirtless body, after which you destroy her lightsaber
>Defeated by
He should have killed Rey desu they could always bring her back as a force ghost or some shit in 9 anyway
>That child at the end was white
Haha holy shit is this how it feels to be 56%?
>the only reason Kylo never defeats Rey is that he's never trying to kill her and just wants her to join him
How do people not get this?
What if he actually wins in the final movie?
so kawaii
>Defeated by a girl with no proper training
>Abandoned by his Mom and Uncle as a lost cause
Being Ben is suffering
Wins what? Him and Rey are going to join forces FOR REAL this time and have grey jedi babies.
>his waifu rejected him even after he killed his master and offered her the galaxy
He's all alone again.
I mean some retards actually believe he was trying to kill her when he was telling her she needed a teacher
Metaphorical and literal. Come on man
>offer to be her teacher
>she runs off to go train under your Uncle
>the Uncle who tried to kill you and senses the same power in Rey
I really think he was so adamant that she learn the truth because he was worried Luke would try to kill her too.