Three exceptional people make inventions that can net them a lot of money

>three exceptional people make inventions that can net them a lot of money
>they invest their whole lives into it after their practice goes tits up
>after a rough start and difficult first job they succeed and start making bank
>they even make enough to bring on two employees
>the government comes to shut them down for violating laws they had no knowledge of
>their inventions save the world and the government look like assholes

Is Ghostbusters a libertarian film?

Not an American. Can someone explain to me the difference between Libertarian & Capitalist?

Basically the same thing, lib is more in the interest of public / individuals

Capitalism is a form of economics, Libertarianism is an ideology that expouses totally free markets and small government. All libertarians are capitalists, but most capitalist countries are not libertarian.

Libertarianism is bat shit insane. It's capitalism with less rules.

To give you some examples when you want to build something on your property you need planning permission as it may affect properties around you. A libertarian would say it's your property, you can build a 100 meter tail building that ruins the skyline.

A capitalist may have a free market to some extent but would place limitations on citizenship and selling of property and businesses to foreigners, a free market is good but ultimately a country exists to serve it's people, not the market. A libertarian doesn't believe in borders and everything is for sale to the highest bidder, bring in as many migrants as possible to drive down wages so he can higher them for cheap.

Literally the American dream user wtf are you on about.

Egon does say the backpack nuclear reactors are unlicensed.
Literally they would never be able to go into business if the Govt knew they had those things.
Not even the EPA. The military would shut them down.
Egon is essentially an evil genius, who just never went evil.

Libertarianism is a name for the original form of ideological capitalism. Free markets with minimal rules.

Pretty much all existing countries only partially implement capitalism. In theory the words are pretty much interchangeable but libertarian is just a word used to distinguish the hardcores.

Anyone with half a brain is a Libertarian.

> …Libertarianism is bat shit insane. It's capitalism with less rules.
how is it possible to be this retarded and still so confident that your terribly wrong opinion is correct?

>All libertarians are capitalists
That's not true.

>company releases a poisonous product
>a million people die
How would the free market resurrect those people. I'll wait. This breaks the libertarian brainlet

that guy in the 2nd movie that shuts them down did nothing wrong.

Companies would still be under analysis and quality assurances of other private companies would would grant them a seal of quality. Their own namesake and credibility is in game (like a private ISO). Would you go to a doctor who did not attend medical school if the government did not require it anymore? Same principle.

Why do airlines don't just apply a quick fix on their planes? Is it just the government? Or do they have a huge financial loss in doing so?

Or do you really think the government is this magical God that protects you from all evil? It is the fucking ROOT of all evil.

Again, it's easy to measure a person's IQ by just analyzing how much of a libertarian he or she is.

Libertarians are for personal responsibility, liberals want a nanny state with big brother telling them how to live.

>fuck you dad and mom it's the 70's just let us take the wealth we deserve
>Dude it's the 80's let's get rid of the entry job market and let it to chinese
>wtf why white people natality has collapsed??? I guess we'll have to import shitskins to keep our consumers marker afloat :D

boomers must be exterminated. Their death should not be peaceful

>Can someone explain to me the difference between Libertarian & Capitalist?
Capitalism is pretty much all about making money. A capitalist can dodge or break the laws, but follows them in general.

Libertarians have no natural defense against nazis and shit. Because muh freedums.

>Companies would still be under analysis and quality assurances of other private companies would would grant them a seal of quality. Their own namesake and credibility is in game (like a private ISO)
These securities are rated AAA! Don't worry you can trust private rating agencies!

In the new Ghostbusters the government is unbelievably incompetent but the almost equally incompetent Ghostbusters end up working for them at the end.

Because the government offers you so much more credibility, eh?

If you're talking about the whole subprime bullshit: that was only allowed to happen because they KNEW the government would then get the money they steal as taxes and give it to them. Take off the government, and no one in their right mind would do that.

But again, dude, stick with SW discussions.

Wtf my brain has been broken

Go get laid man, this is embarrassing

That's very strange because from my point of view, everyone here is accusating the libs of being "marxist" when liberalism is the exact opposite of communism.
I mean here in europe, left is more social and progressist AND anti liberal

Respond with facts and an argument.