And a star is born. Can not wait for the biopic.
And a star is born. Can not wait for the biopic
dumb amerimongrel
Welcome to the list
I want Nikki to be my mommy
Serious question, why doesn't America stop giving free money to povvo cunts who talk shit and tell whiners to fuck off.
What are stupid person. "Were taking names!" Man how retarded can an ambassador be??
What exactly do Israel give the U.S. that they are reduced to this sort of groveling?
How much soy milk do you gulp down.
You’re about to see that happen.
>you will never, EVER have a threesome with Nikki Haley and Natalia Poklonskaya
How much longer till European allies start to break away from US and for Putin to begin his take over of Europe??
Based. This will make muzzies hate kikes even more.
fuck user, you just ruined my day
Yaaas Queen Slaaay
Americans love sucking jew dick. They fought WW2 for the jews.
How do we stop America?
>american ambassador to UN
>has a pornstar name
>stops giving money to countries that don't support the decision
>continues giving way more money to the propped up israeli state
>instead of spending that money on improving the region and infrastructure, they use it to bomb and gas people they've resettled
Remind me how Trump isn't a Zionist again
just beat them in a war
Have fun dying in the trenches in Iran for the glory of our (((allies.))))
Why don't Americans know what their government has done around the world?
we do. but communism is not in our best interest so no one gets it
that threesome would probably consist of Haley fucking you both with a strap-on
Considering the rising inequality, the increasingly oligarchical nature of the government and a few elite families, the rising mortality rate, the decreasing life expectancy, the reappearance of diseases once banished from the first world, the extreme religious fundamentalism that embraces ignorance and rejects science
Considering all this I think you just need to leave them to their own devices and allow a natural decline, that is already occuring
When will the US change its name to the Mexican States of Israel?
Jew loving whore.
this picture makes me sad, Kerry was pretty decent back when he entered the senate in the 1980s
He went hard after BCCI
He delved deep into Contra cocaine funding and make accusations against Bush Snr
When did he lose his spine?
Did he just give up things hoping to make gains elsewhere too many times?
but Trump says they're bad so its okay
>stop America
why? every other choice is fucking far worse.
He probably got tempted by that loli pussy.
That seems to be the line where most politicians cross over into the dark side.
>we can stop America
>or we can stop the people of Nicaragua overthrow a 40 year old family dictatorship and run their own affairs and develop healthcare and educational services to lift themselves out of poverty
>Kike puppet Trump is going to get America blown to shit because he's sucking the heeb cock so hard
Gee, who could have guessed that was gonna happen? Oh right, me. I've been saying this shit was coming for almost two years, since you fat alt-kike niggers started championing him. Let me ask you something you meme loving fucking kike bootlicking non white alt-kike Sup Forums brainless easily led sheep, do you ever get sick of being wrong? Enjoy dying in Israel for the Jews, morons.
You don't actually know what the USA has done around the world or in Central and South America, do you?
That just makes it better
Lel who fucking cares?
She is a pajeet. Pajeets running usa
Because Sup Forums is filled with underage retards who don't know of AIPAC or anything except LEL LIBKEK TEARS.
it makes strategic sense
Devils advocate: it could be seen as a 'good' thing in that it energized hamas and hezbollah and isolates the US internationally. The real redpill is in realizing stirring up shit is intentional, un 'opposition' is meaningless, and just sets up the rationale for further US intervention.
Honestly though they aren't wrong to recognize Jerusalem as the capital because that is where all the administration is. Burying your head in the sand calcifies and prolongs the conflict rather than resolving it. The problem here isn't in recognizing Jerusalem as the capital, but in having no plan on what to to afterwards
I didn't believe you so I googled it
>Nikki Nimrata Haley
Fucking kek
A street shitter is now a US ambassador.
jews own congress and the senate, you can't become elected unless you show your loyalty to Israel, possibly even before the US
>these are the "people" calling you soyboy
>these are the “people” telling you to go back to Sup Forums
this has all become pathetic. we need a serious return to proper decorum in politics.
indians are the jews of asia
>implying one side is worse than the other
they're both completely fucking autistic and awful
Chinks are the jews of asia
pajeet detected
Go away satan
indians are jews in the sense that they have infiltrated america's politics and tech industries.
The net result of Trump's decision is likely to be one of two possibilities. Either the Palestinians give up on their own state and demand equal rights in Israel, which would destroy Israel given the population balance. Or one side or the other simply declares a Palestinian state with a defacto border based on the main west bank wall. Thirty years of cold war later they sign an actual peace treaty confirming that border.
The two party negotiated peace deal died between ten and twenty years ago. Trump just forced the issue, for better or worse.
why would xhe need one?
Nikki haley gives me a weird boner, bet she has nice tits.
S-SHUT UP YOU STUPID LIBRALS DADDY TRUMP IS JUST PLAYING 50D CHESS HE DOESN'T ACTUALLY LIKE JEWS MAGA DADDY TRUMPY GONNA MAKE MERICA GREAT AGAIN YOU ALL ARE SO STOOPID DADDY TRUMP IS A KANG AND SHYT MAGA MA... Hang on one of my daddies said I just got drafted and have to go die in some shitskin shithole for the Jews, surely he has made a mistake brb.
Strong conservative women are based as fuck
Calm down, child.
>this is what counts for manliness on the right
Oh, well that makes sense.
>unless you show your loyalty to Israel, possibly even before the US
you must be a retard to use "possibly"... jews are only loyal to israel and so are their cucked ameritard subjects
The US government apparently
this is exactly what the Prussians thought about the french and then BOOM Napoleon
You know I have a theory that all the drumpkins are children of single mothers who severely lack/lacked a father figure. Most of them are probably not even voting age anyway.
Blame evangelical jew lovers for voting this piece of shit into office.
Israel first
Bit sexist mate
america only got into WW2 because of Pearl Harbour user
>you must be a retard to use "possibly
Well no need to be so harsh, remember where we are right now. You're right about jews and their amerislaves though.
>this is your brain on reddit
t. Closet case that wants some masculine cunt to stomp his balls because he has mommy issues
Women should be subservient homemakers. Zero exceptions.
7 more years, sweetie ;)
Ohhhhh soyy can you eaaat
There's actually some research to back this up about the alt-right in general
Hey it takes bravery to Stand With Israel™, especially in today's socialist climate.
Excellent rebuttal you kike and or future victim of kike meddling.
A -> B -> C
degenerate west is A
subservient homemakers is C
you want to go straight from A to C but you need B first, which is strong conservative female role models
fundamentalism is suicide
No there isn't.
The new triumvirate is
Street shitters
Their opponents (Russia, China, Muslims) are going to fucking clean the floor with them and I am going to laugh (if we survive the fallout that is).
Wouldn't surprise me
Fucking this
t. /r/the_donald
>if you don't like reddit then you're reddit
This is your brain on reddit
>america only got into WW2 because of Pearl Harbour user
What the fuck does Bor have to do with Israel? I can get him saying misogynist stuff, but why the fuck would a Nordic god in Valhalla care about Israel? Or does Bor have beef with YWVH in the canon?
>Russia, China, Muslims
lol chinks and muslims are nigger tier...& russians have been royally cucked by the jews since the days of lenin
nordics are the polar opposite of the semite
4 dimensional chess
he's a bad guy in an American comic book. what better way to show he's evil than to say he hates the most important country in the world according to americans?
Time is the fourth dimension, so it would be normal chess.
and jews and pooinloos are kike tier.
i'd take niggers over kikes anyday.
I thought Nicki Haley was from the movie Hairspray, how’d she get this job?
by what measure does time exist in a one-dimensional state? brainlet.
Look at the Reddit Jew shrinking back after it has been named. You could set a clock by you Trumpkikes and how you respond to everything.
>one-dimensional state
I'm not talking about California here.
>This is your brain on reddit
Maybe but 3 of them together would form a bloc of actual non-cucked nations without degeneracy and faggotry fucking their youth up. The youth of the bloc I mentioned will not even have to try in wiping the floor with the kike triumvirate.
damn milo sick burn
All those tweets finally paid off.