Other urls found in this thread:


>What is it Sammy


>What would Dad think?


>Sam, there is a VAMP NEST in Wichita. Grab your gear, we're not talking about this right now.


>NOT NOW Sammy. Have you forgotten that LUCIFER is out of the cage?

i miss old Sup Forums



>Awww, how'd you guess?

because he wants you to possess him instead


what is it this time, sammy

>How about it Sam? One more ride, for old time's sake?

*dinosaur roar*

>*dragon roar*

DEAn I think I lost MY FACE.

are you playing with the rabbit's foot again??

>Dead, listen to m... oh never mind, Ruby's here!


>That's right, Sammy! I'm all yours!

>TFW after watching this show especially season 4-5 I can't unhear "Dean! It's not Ruby.. it's Lillith!!" Every time ACDC back in Black plays.

Outside of the Supernatural multiverse, what dark fantasy characters will provide great challenge to the Winchesters?

How will the brothers handle strange things like the mindflayer?

>I can't unhear "Dean! It's not Ruby.. it's Lillith!!" Every time ACDC back in Black plays
The recap montage for S4 has Shooke Me All Night Long, not Back in Black

They kinda settled on the whole "looking like humans" or "using humans as vessels" -trope didn't they. Or maybe their budget is truly so fucking small that they can't afford a huge decent, dare I say lovecraftian, creatures like that.

Yeah, my neeeerd! Back In Black was playing in S2 when they got the car back in business.

>jew dick


>Carry on my wayward son

Captain Obvious here! It's so ironic that it is still going on as the finale song even though it wasn't meant to be one. It played in the penultimate episode of S1. I guess they realized that hey, this kinda fits you know and sounds cool.

And no, I'm not watching the show anymore. It ended in Swan Song.

this. it even had a lengthy scene with Dean saying
>listen to her purr
or something like that and Sam tells Dean to get a room

If I'm not mistaken it's the Bloodlust episode with the vegan vamps

they did mostly because of budget, although two things to consider--the latter seasons started showing more monstrous creatures, and second, other shows of the genre also were limited with this problem. Sure, they may have prosthetics, but majority of the demons/vampires/monsters in genre shows like this are often humanoid

I love this thread, thank you OP

>It played in the penultimate episode of S1
this used to tick off my autism. They played Fight the Good Fight by Triumph at the end of S1, so I just consider Salvation and Devil's Trap to be a 2-parter to appease my inner autist

Well, quite honestly it is a two-parter so it fits.

that it is, user. that it is

>post-Kripke kinos

11.04 Baby
S11 in general
Amara, especially teen Amara
3 on 1 cage fight between the boys and Luci
Eve and alphas
6.11 Appointment in Samarra
6.15 The French Mistake
6.17 My Heart Will Go On
6.18 Frontierland
6.19 Mommy Dearest
7.09 How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters
7.10 Death's Door
Slow Ride - Foghat in S7's Then-Now montage
Turn Into Earth - the Yardbirds when Castiel regains his memory
Born To Be Wild - Steppenwolf in S7 finale
Abaddon when she was strong
Mark of Cain
Nazi/Thule episodes
12.18 The Memory Remains
12.20 Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes

Off the top of my head

Just talking about the budget it is no wonder the show looks so cheap now. They have to pretty much recycle the motel sets and what I've hear is that they don't really have a proper 2nd unit anymore. Which means less night and location shoots. And what I've seen from the new episodes, yeah, looks cheap as fuck.

Go and watch S1 or even S4 and see the difference. Mind blown!

Best thread on Sup Forums right now.

It's like we are actually talking about the subject. Am I right or am I right? I'm so right.

>no wonder the show looks so cheap now
are you kidding me? The show managed to pull better CGI since around S8, do a decent submarine episode (set, props and CGI and all), do actual CGI for Hellhounds, Banshees, Khan Worms, better spellwork CGI (check out Rowena's scrying scene from S10, the combined smiting death ray of angels against Amara in S11, etc) all while maintaining the MoL bunker AND motel scenes

They also managed to finally secure permission for official Metallica music, invite Kansas live for their con

They can now do more aerial shots which was very rare in the past seasons (I only remember the umbrella scene in Scarecrow when the elders were convening)--latest episode alone had several of these aerial shots, and by the looks of it and the promises of the writers, they will ensure the "dinosaur" premise will pay off this season

Guess I missed this thread last Friday

What an awful mess, people actually think S9 is better than S6-7 wew. Glad i don't have that shit taste

is this Tara?

yes. where have you been



>tfw essentially immortal


say yes sammy

then what??

those big bad bosses are no match for the Winchesters, if you want real challanges, pit them against other teams/individuals who have thwarted other big bad bosses

Buffy and Dean will have sex on the first night after they meet. But Buffy will fall in love with Sam. Dean won't mind Buffy falling for Sam because he's too busy having sex with all the other Slayerettes. I wonder what the child of a Winchester and a Slayer would be like.

Winchesters having sex with any Slayer is a death sentence on the girls. And I think Sam will be more attracted to Faith. Just a hunch. Maybe the "cosmic entities" would fear that the kid would be too overpowered and wreck the balance of good and evil or the fabric of nature or some shit. Jack the Nephilim tore the fabric of reality and opened multiverse (really hope they maximize this), while Buffy and Willow activating all potential Slayers instead of following the line of succession gave the First Evil a reason to launch an attack against the Slayer line. I'm sure you can't cook up a big key player for the good side without an equivalent evil key player counteracting it

Anyway, a better question would be if they can work with or fight against pic related

>I wonder what the child of a Winchester and a Slayer would be like.
a normal kid. Sam and Dean do not have innate upgrades, they are just in the good pockets of two cosmic entities. Slayers may have improved reflexes, strength, healing and prophetic dreams but their abilities are not genetically passed.

Unless of course some mystical prophecy said otherwise. This trope is common anyway

alright redpill me on why Buffy is often mentioned in these threads

It was the Supernatural of the previous generation.

>And I think Sam will be more attracted to Faith.
Soulless Sam or Sam-trying-to-be-Dean-(when-Dean-was-in-Hell), yes. But normally I think Faith would be more Dean's type while Normal Sensitive Sam would be more into Buffy.

Maybe I should have asked what a child raised and trained by a Hunter (a Campbell-Winchester Hunter) slash Men of Letters legacy and a Slayer would be like.

Additionally, when they first meet, Castiel and Illyria will have an hours-long confusing conversation where they will completely misunderstand one another but, when Illyria talks about pizza in response to Castiel's question about hyenas, Castiel thinks it's an invitation to kiss and they have sex. Now what would be the child of an Angel and an Old Goddess be like?

You mean aside from the similar structure of the shows where MCs hunt evil shit on an episodic basis and prevent apocalypses by taking big evil bosses at the end of the season?

Well you also have character parallels, Buffy and Dean are both blonde(ish) heros who have insecurities/self-doubt and self-hate, both died and came back more than once, had to take care of a darker haired younger sibling, life taken over by slaying/hunting, hit major depressions at some point, uttered lines on how they are the monsters have nightmares about.

And that's not even touching Sam's parallels with Willow (the other major character who turns darkside) or Dawn (darker haired younger sibling who looks up to the elder). Or Dean's parallels with Spike (blondeish, leather jacket, snarky, alcoholic, loves sex, loves a good brawl) while Sam has parallels with Angel (dark haired brooding, always the conscience to contrast the "goofier"/"swing-first, questions-later" companion, seeking redemption) etc.

Many viewers have watched both shows, some actors have appeared on both, Supernatural itself made several explicit references to Buffy and one character even outright called Dean "Buffy" once in S9 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer itself is a rather iconic pop culture phenomenon that is bound to permeate many other shows in the genre that follow it.

Not to mention these two shows have succeeded in establishing great and expansive lore stretching more than a decade's worth of material (Buffy7+Angel5, Supernatural13+) that most shows of the genre could only dream of having.

Buffy (and Angel) fans are usually Supernatural fans. They're similar (supernatural genre, action/fights, research/hunting, humor) except that Supernatural has more rock music while the only rock music in Buffy is only in the theme iirc.

When Angel was cancelled (Buffy was already cancelled and X-Files also already cancelled) I was bummed wondering what I will watch now and then they announced Supernatural and I was ecstatic.

>But normally I think Faith would be more Dean's type while Normal Sensitive Sam would be more into Buffy
fair point, I kinda considered that after I replied. And it makes sense, but then again Buffy also fell in love and had several sex sessions with the Dean Winchester fo the vampire world

>a child raised and trained by a Hunter (a Campbell-Winchester Hunter) slash Men of Letters legacy and a Slayer would be like
like any other Slayer, I suppose? Essentially
>Hunter = Slayer
>Men of Letters = Watchers

>when Illyria talks about pizza in response to Castiel's question about hyenas, Castiel thinks it's an invitation to kiss and they have sex. Now what would be the child of an Angel and an Old Goddess be like?
i'd pay for this. In fact, with the multiverse shit Supernatural is trying to pull off and cross over with Scooby Doo, they can technically cross over with what ever show they want to. I'd at least hope it's with a canon that is also within the same genre with also amazing lore. I don't think Angels can breed with Old One demons though

Spike and Cordelia guest-starred as powerful witches in Supernatural (they started out as antagonists but ended up as allies). I wish Buffy and Angel would guest-star. Did Giles and Giles Jr (was his name Wesley?) guest-star?

>Supernatural has more rock music while the only rock music in Buffy is only in the theme iirc
Buffy and Angel had some indie-rock and grunge which was popular for the 90s

>When Angel was cancelled (Buffy was already cancelled and X-Files also already cancelled) I was bummed wondering what I will watch now and then they announced Supernatural and I was ecstatic
I was the opposite. I was too young for Buffy and X-Files then and while waiting for Supernatural to resume, I was looking for other shows. Buffy is usually the first recommendation but I really thought it was stupid. I came across Robert Singer's interview on how he hated Buffy at first but came to love it due to good writing and because of Spike so I finally checked it out. Great stuff. I don't really care much for the relationship and romantic crap, but yes, it was essentially the Supernatural of the previous generation. It also made me realize and appreciate certain scenes in Supernatural that I initially did not understand as they were explicitly made to reference Buffy.

I'm also checking out X-Files now. It's a bit more on the Sci-Fi as opposed to just horror/dark fantasy but I can also see the influences of it on Supernatural.

>they can technically cross over with what ever show they want to
The Winchesters were trapped by Gabriel in various TV shows and Castiel sent them to our dimension where Supernatural and Buffy are TV shows so I agree they can cross over to Buffy with the Winchesters aware that they're in a Buffyverse dimension.

>Buffy also fell in love and had several sex sessions with the Dean Winchester fo the vampire world
This user mentioned that Dean is Spike while Sam is Angel so Buffy having sex with Dean (like she did with Spike) but eventually deciding to not have a relationship with Dean but be in love with Sam would be a poetic parallel.

>Men of Letters = Watchers
I didn't think of that but I totally agree. British Men of Letters vs British Watchers (before they were blown up, of course), who would win?

>I wish Buffy and Angel would guest-star.
SMG already showed interest in the past. I wish she'd come through

>relationship and romantic crap
I did not care for that also but at least in Buffy it was not soap opera level like in Vampire Diaries where angsty vampire spends most of the episode brooding over girl or in post-season 2 Smallville where they have whole episodes dedicated to Clark-Lana-Lex love triangle.

It would be awesome if her character is a Hunter.

>Castiel sent them to our dimension where Supernatural and Buffy are TV shows
That was Balthazar but yes. The French Mistake. A classic.

>This user
that was me, user
>Dean is Spike while Sam is Angel so Buffy having sex with Dean (like she did with Spike) but eventually deciding to not have a relationship with Dean but be in love with Sam would be a poetic parallel
Like I said, your point also makes sense since Buffy was nailed by both. So we aren't necessarily in opposing sides. I just find the snarky blonde cast better and more compelling than their dark haired brooding counterparts. I also just now realized both Sam and Angel are also taller than Dean and Spike respectively.

>British Men of Letters vs British Watchers (before they were blown up, of course), who would win?
The Watchers' Council hired chumps as their muscle. Men of Letters are both brains and could be muscle if push comes to shove. I'd say MoL takes this, but then again, it took a primordial force of evil to wipe out the Watchers' Council while it only took one Knight of Hell to wipe out the American chapter of MoL. Whatever.

>I'm also checking out X-Files now. It's a bit more on the Sci-Fi as opposed to just horror/dark fantasy but I can also see the influences of it on Supernatural.
Too bad Mulder and Scully didn't guest-star in Supernatural's X-Files ep.


>I did not care for that also but at least in Buffy it was not soap opera level like in Vampire Diaries
I find it sad both Supernatural and Buffy suffer from the misconception about being nothing more than TVD-tier when nothing could be farther from the truth

Supernatural keeps its creatures front and center and although there is emotional baggage and relationship crap, it's usually found a few minutes/lines in the intro and in the conclusion of the episode unless it's a mytharc.

Buffy does have love triangle bullshit, but it does not completely take over the story. You still have enough research, fight scenes and lore and world building. Many potential viewers are turned off by the title, which Whedon intentionally made goofy to further subvert the trope/genre

It's even worse if the misconceptions happen between viewers of Supernatural and Buffy, when both bases already know what it's like to suffer from misconceptions

>That was Balthazar
Ah, yes, I remember now.

>their dark haired brooding counterparts
After reading this, when I think of Sam I now hear Angel's theme song. I wonder if there's a youtube music vid of the Angel theme with Sam scenes.

>redpill me on why Buffy is often mentioned in these threads

Here is an official synopsis released by the CW for an episode as recent as S12, user

>SAMMY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER — A chance to take out a nest of vampires backfires when the alpha-vamp shows up and turns the tables on Mary (guest star Samantha Smith) and The British Men of Letters, who are doing their best to recruit Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles). Directed by John MacCarthy, the episode was written by Robert Berens. (#1214). Original airdate 3/2/2017.

Supernatural itself makes the references, user

lmao I love Misha. He's fucking hilarious.

>if they can work with or fight against pic related
I think they might initially be antagonists thinking the other is evil but they'll end up as allies. I Constantine-Supernatural crossover would be great. I just realized Archangels in both shows are assholes. Constantine Archangels vs Supernatural Archangels, who would win?

>I wonder if there's a youtube music vid of the Angel theme with Sam scenes
not with that setting but there's this

>Constantine Archangels vs Supernatural Archangels, who would win?
which Constantine canon are we talking about? The comics, the movie or the series? Because the movie never said Gabriel was an archangel, while the latter only had Manny, also a regular angel. The latter two basically didn't get a chance to expand their lore properly.

Besides, the trope "angels are assholes" is kinda common in the genre, otherwise, once they show up, it removes maybe 90% of the obstacles of the heroes. So it's usually essential to make them dicks, indifferent, conspirators to evil or outright evil with a different moral stance to maintain some conflict. Not to mention Kripke was influenced/inspired by Hellblazer as well.

>I find it sad both Supernatural and Buffy suffer from the misconception about being nothing more than TVD-tier when nothing could be farther from the truth
Sadly most people who grew up on Vampire Diaries, True Blood and Twilight think that all supernatural shows and movies are teengirl soapies like Gilmore Girls and Pretty Little Liars. I would not be surprised if in a few years, people who grew up on Hunger Games and Divergent will think that all sci-fi are teengirl soapies. And people who grew up watching current Marvel and DC TV shows (Supergirl, The Flash, Iron Fist, Inhumans) will think that all super-hero TV shows are more relationship dramas than action shows.

>the movie never said Gabriel was an archangel, while the latter only had Manny, also a regular angel
I was thinking of the series. I should have said Constantine Angels vs Supernatural Angels.

we still didnt see enough of angels in Constantine, but Imogen being able to resurrect that pastor while ALSO granting him healing powers with just an angel feather was pretty impressive. As for sheer force we have not seen enough of what Constantine angels can do whereas Supernatural angels can even play with time or perform smiting en masse

I'm so glad Willow convinced Whedon to pick that song for the theme. Listening to the song again made me want to dance.

a damn shame indeed.

>tfw still no Amy recurrent eiher as Andrea or as portaling universe-crossing Illyria...

who is this blue bitch and why do i always see her?

That's Goddess Blue Bitch to you, little boy.

>Always see her
Nice try shitposter

His name is Fred and he's a CUTE!

i meant elaborate on what she is and what she can do

She's a character from Angel, a spin-off of Buffy. She was a very powerful Old One demon. The Old Ones ruled the earth at a time when the Biggest Bad Demons of the show, the Wolf, Ram and Hart, were considered minor demons. She possessed the body of Fred, a member of Team Angel. She's still very strong but not as powerful as during the age when they ruled the earth. The memories of Fred influenced her and made her feel more human and become a part of Team Angel.


Yes. What's the problem?
Also, I just realised that I look like the male equivalent of Amy Acker. I don't know how to feel about this.

She's an Old One. A lovecraftian tentacled goddess from the old primeaval days, the demon age. Like what we expect to see in the alternate universe the Winchesters went to. As for her abilities, she can fight, punch and kick like a goddess, make portals to anywhere and anytime... also she can talk to plants

The Old Ones basically had the power of gods. I remember Illyria being able to time travel and to cross dimensions. She might have done other things that I don't remember now. But she lost most of her power (I don't remember how or why, sorry) but she's basically very strong. She had a demon army that she was planning to use to conquer (or reconquer) the earth but when she went to the dimension where her army was waiting there was only dust. Either the army left or they turned to dust after millenia of waiting.

Her power was too much and the integration process with Fred was flawed, so Fred's body wasn't strong enough to contain her, she almost went nuclear, so they had to use a device so siphon some of her power, resulting in a nerfed Illyria... She got all of it back in the comics though.

I started watching this show like 4 days ago after putting it off for 10+ years...
Already into season 5.
This show is addictive as fuck.
I don't even mind the really silly comedy episodes.

>She was a very powerful Old One demon. The Old Ones ruled the earth at a time when the Biggest Bad Demons of the show, the Wolf, Ram and Hart, were considered minor demons
>an Old One. A lovecraftian tentacled goddess from the old primeaval days, the demon age. Like what we expect to see in the alternate universe the Winchesters went to.
>Old Ones basically had the power of gods. I remember Illyria being able to time travel and to cross dimensions.
Angel and Buffy had this kind of lore? Interesting. How did the primeval demonic world get changed then? Redpill me more

So like humans not being able to contain angels?

>I started watching this show like 4 days ago after putting it off for 10+ years...
>Already into season 5
enjoy user. Have you decided if you will continue past S5?

user... It's not possible to be as cute as Amy

>How did it change
Kind of like real prehistory ended and civilization begun. Organized humans created culture. In this case, demon slaying culture. The first Slayer was magically made to kill the things that hunded humans. Back then, demons were the equivalent of dinosaurs though, much more powerful than the things in present times. Like Eve and the Alphas on SN. Some Old ones were slain, imprisoned or simply went dormant.
>Like angels
You could say so, yes.

>Supernatural of the previous generation
>Supernatural itself makes the references, user

should I start watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, lads?

>user... It's not possible to be as cute as Amy
I worded my post wrong. I meant version not equivalent. We have extremely similar features, especially the nose, except my face is (obviously) more masculine.
We could be siblings.

fuk u sammy

both shows are dated if you didn't watch them back when they aired.

I am an angel fanboy so I can't tell you what to do without being biased but ultimately you'll most likely find something you like in them.