22k thumbs down, really? That's how we're going to play this?
Wow good one, Sup Forums! Ha ha I am one of you!
we did it reddit!
user, that's a Reddit saying.
>mysoginists are downvoting because they hate women
>free advertising for the movie
It worked for Ghostbusters, you better believe they will do it again
russian bots did this
You are a fool keep up the good work.
but ghostbusters flopped
Girlbusters didn't make any money strange concept of "working" you have their
Why are virgins so upset about this? It's just a movie.
>That's how we're going to play this?
Are you from their PR department?
We're gonna have another round of "nasty misogynist trolls are downvoting this"? Here's another idea, don't show up for it and don't talk about it. It's a shitty movie, Hollywood makes 100s.
Ocean's was never a good series. who cares.
Does anyone really care if it’s an all womens Oceans movie? It’s not like ghostbusters where people grew up with it being one of their favourite movies, I refuse to believe anyone cares for oceans
true music
It's the gook from the movie and the song perfectly captures the feeling and the mood of the movie.
We had threads yesterday where people tried recasting it into something good.
Seems like most of Sup Forums thinks it could work, but that the lineup is shit. Get rid of the literally who's, add some Lucy Liu, Charlize Theron, Marisa Tomei.
Get the mommy milkies viewers.
it flopped so hard, at least in europe they didn't even bother to market the bluray-release. the movie just vanished.
It's not interesting enough to work up the enthusiasm to trash it.
Got to be a Sup Forums poster. Truly the gook we need dare I say it /ourgook/
They gave out free copies of the movie when you bought Sony bluray players. They clearly had a load of stock that wasn't selling, gotta shift those units somehow.
Kill yourself
It doesn't work like that at all. There might be some noise about it, but in the end, even the virtue signalers aren't going to watch it if it doesn't look interesting enough. That happened with GB as well, despite the fit throwing exploded out of proportions. In the end it was a BO failure, of which everyone distanced themselves of. Even Paul Feig.
Truly the niggers of genders
Now add in the hypothetical number of people who didn't watch this trailer, didn't know it was a thing, and don't care to find out either or watch this shit show.
For the first 6months of the PlayStation 3 release the shipped casino royal.
I understand the dislike of the casting, but brigading for dislikes just seems so stupid for this
>people didn't know Awkwafina
yeah surely those 22k aren't genuine dislikes. there's no way anybody could genuinely dislike something without some ulterior conspiracy going on.
She's virtually unknown outside the USA though. But then again, that goes for most american rappers.
Good deal desu.
I'm doing my part
>what's your name?
>what's your real name?
I don't get it.
I don’t doubt it, but OP implied otherwise
>but brigading for dislikes
We're not. Nobody's invested in this crap, it's just normies that don't like it voting down.
I can't believe how this is a fucking talking point for everything now. Any criticism is somehow a fucking conspiracy. Check out the Star Wars box office thread:
It shows that after the first hype weekend, now that opinion and word of mouth is affecting results, it's tanking. It's dropping faster than BvS. All this bullshit talk about how it's just a minority online, how it's all bots, how it's russian hackers or Sup Forums, that was hot garbage.
Every fucking time it's a PR coverup. Remember, that's what they said about Ghostbusters too. It was just a small group of angry fans. Manbabies. It wouldn't affect the boxoffice, it didn't represent the majority, they were just brigading. And then whoops.
There's no fucking mystery here. These movies are made and defended in a liberal bubble that's insulated from the reality of the viewing population.
It's funny if you're a pavement ape
This opinion is too edgy for me
>Sup Forums - Alt-Right Russian Trolls Discussion Forum
Seriously fuck you fascist fucks.
The issue here isn't just that it's pushing the "we iz wamen and shiet", it's that they've made what will be a bad movie while pushing it. Remakes just don't work. They've taken a nice, comfy franchise and changed it to suit their agenda, same as ghostbusters. They haven't made something original, even to push their agenda.
The other major issue is that each of these people seem exactly the same, as far as the trailer goes. In the original crew(s), you had people who behaved differently, who had different mannerisms and perceptions of the same idea. ("Do I look 50 to you? -Only from the neck up."") You had people of all ages, sometimes with a little of their own unique story thrown in. There was no character that didn't feel essential in the crew. That's not the case here. These sluts are exactly the same.
so how many "ugh men am i rite" and "muh vag" jokes do you think there'll be in this movie?
there'll probably be at least one period joke.
women suck at being funny
what did he mean by this
Just what I said user he is a fool or a shill trying to fit in.
We still aren't even half the bar
We need to work harder
Uhh we don't cater to minorities here
50k bots. 2k soy votes. 22k not stupid votes.
Nobody cares