Tfwngf experience threads

>tfwngf experience threads

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Will this help me feel less lonely?

Does the second season get any better, the first episode seemed to be a poor rehash?


sexy lesbians!




Guess not.

ugly moron

They are both women. I like my yuri but this is kinda creepy.


>gf experience

famale ejaculate is actually urine
ass tastes like sweat and shit
day old pussy smells rank
period blood doesn't taste good

s01 >>>> s02

nothing happens. its all tension and foreplay with no release. not a single thread gets tied up.


being so alone doesn't taste good for my soul


>famale ejaculate is actually urine

Actual female ejaculate is a separate substance from urine. Very few women produce it. The rest is all true.


click here for gf experience


>famale ejaculate is actually urine

are sinbad put her off cock for life




it will make you want to go out
be successfull
and get high priced call girls


it does

not so much the protective custody study
more so the qt politician and escort

SJWs get mad if you point out the factual error in this scene.


do girls really do this?





I get that it's a show about literal prostitutes, but is there anything else interesting in it than le realistic sex scenes?



wtf they actually had a penis in mouth (or even a prosthetic one)

This seems inefficient

Millennials have become desensitized by internet porn




fuck, s02 isnt over. the torrent ended at 10 and i presumed that was it.

Is this an atk girlfriend spinoff?

atk actually ripped off this, but does it better

it's a spinoff of the Soderbergh movie with Sasha Grey

now that's just sad

source? oh yeah, there is no source because you heard it at school yesterday

I'm almost 24 and have thought about seeing an escort for a few years now. I just don't believe it's moral. I don't believe any of them like it and consent would be a bit murky. Also, I feel like there would be a huge crash afterwards. Just crushing loneliness and a slimy feeling that you had to pay for something that nearly all other guys get for free.

>inb4 b-but everyone pays!!!

>med school

Same here, bro

Fuck dude I'm 21. The solution is to have friends. Then those friends have female friends so you meet some and you try your best. It's going to cost you lik 3 rejections or something but then it's going to be easier and you'll finally put benis in vageen.

All of my friends female friends are fat and ugly

well you're fat and ugly too so it's a match made in heaven

Are you really muscular? I feel like you have to be really fit and outgoing in order to get laid.

This is the real girlfriend experience where you get so bored of her you rather play games on your laptop.

Nah, I'm just an awkward babyfaced manlet

Have even more friends. I know it's difficult since most of the time you are going to be the one asking your friends out to eat, watch a movie or just to fool around.

Fyi I'm still a virgin, it's just that I know women and I'm flirting with some.
I was a fat subhuman and now I look normal. I've just lifted for one year so I look like a man but I don't have abs or huge shoulders, in fact, my hips and shoulders are wide so I look like a fridge. Lose weight and lift.

Girlfriend experience

Accurate but you're forgetting the comfy of having a snuggling gf on your arm late at night.

>famale ejaculate is actually urine
there's a difference between a girl "squirting" (which is just piss) and the white mucus-like substance which some girls produce during sex

Who's the THICC?

is it semen?

What? No, I said "which some GIRLS produce". It just kinda dribbles out of their vag in the middle of the act as opposed to shooting out when they climax.

is that a dildo inside her ? how did she get that scar ? why is he ignoring her ?

> chest pains

>no one read the results

they've concluded that it is mostly urine with some other secretions added. Most likely the "cream" when she's wet as fuck

she's a cutter

>kinda creepy
That's this entire fucking show, user. There's full blown cuckoldry in S1.

>What? No, I said...
Too late, futanari fetish acquired.
