>Leave Starkino to me
Leave Starkino to me
>we need more quips
I'm not familiar with this guy. Who is he?
>reintroduces gungans
>noone can say shit because that's raciss against maori
That would be funny as fuck though. Would watch, if the universe wasn't ruined.
A good comedy director who should make personal movies and not fall in to the hollywood machine.
only based waititi can save star wars
>we need more sheep shagging
I would be fine with a spinoff
I can see it now, StarWars with an entirely NZ cast
>fick off kylo i hate you heaps
But who is already in the Disney combine, having directed Thor: Ragnarok.
Yes,sw definetely needs more quips!
I just hope he takes the money he made from Thor and makes something original.
>tfw your cuzzie bro is calling the shots now
>feck oofv cuz, feckin cont
He stared and directed this excellent piece of indie comedy called What We Do in the Shadows and Thor Ragnarok, pretty good.
Ending sucked. Killed off any possibilities of a tv show.
Except for Thor, his movies have very well executed humour and manage to keep levity even despite it. So he's actually going to be perfect for Star Wars.
Look I know who he is. What I'm saying is that I hope he made Thor just for the paycheck so he can continue to make movies like WWDIS, Eagle vs shark and hunt for the wilder people
thor ragnarok was good ya faggots
>i'm going to hate on this movie based on it being a marvel studios movie alone
Haven't seen it but if it's anything like the previous 2 I'll hate it so i'll just save time and money and say it's shit. ;)
it is nothing like the other 2, actually fucking nothing like
Why doesn't Kennedy hire any women directors? Does she hate diversity?
Is this a prequel series?
jew from new zeland. quick let him direct his own movie
>His father is Māori of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui and his mother is Jewish (of Russian Jewish heritage).
Yes because what Star Wars need right now is less seriousness, more out of place humor and cheap looking props
>tfw he makes a ridiculous OTT Boba Fett film starring nothing but NZ people
A week ago, he was rumored to have already been hired for Boba Fett movie. He's Maori, like Tem Morrison.
His mother is a Jew
So his father confused a hairy little jewish woman for a sheep? Only in kiwiland
Would go to the midnight screening for
Your mother is my father.
>Bro-ba Fett
I'd watch it
>fARR out Kylo you're a real dumb guy aye
>inserts snarky comment about aussies into a huxley speech
Pic related is the foreign comedy kino director that should be given a Star Wars film. Or Chris Morris.
>fire Miller and lord because they made Solo to jokey
>hire less talented Talki Walki to make a jokey Star Wars
Edgar Wright would be fucking great.
No bullshit Natalie Portman love subplot to drag things down. Impossible to take seriously because of jokes every 15 seconds, but it actually looks and feels like a proper 1970’s comic book Thor story for the first time ever, so that counts for something.
10/10 sould watch
What a load of shit
Whenever an article mentions the bechdel test, do yourself a favor and close the tab
fucking hell. I might actually enjoy temuera morrison quipping his ass off as an old boba fett
I'd prefer Edgar make his own stuff and he's already shown he's unwilling to work with Disney on franchise stuff when they kicked him off Ant Man.
I mean, I love his movies but they are comedies that are "quirky". The problem with the new trilogy in general is a constant need to be funny and snapping one lingers like a Marvel movie and not taking itself serious enough to tell a story without making fun of itself before the audience can. Imagine if Lord of the Rings had Aragorn doing one liners and being quirky, and Frodo doing "Dance off!" shit. Infact, fuck it, let him do the 3rd movie and turn the series into what Disney wants it to be. Capeshit wearing Star Wars skin.
He managed to exit the Mickey grasp relatively unharmed (just look at what they did with Whedon) and created very enjoyable Baby Driver instead. I'm kinda glad for him.
Safe Jew hire who's half New Zealand Maori so they can also score diversity points.
>boba fett and a few clones break into a haka at the end of the film
>Boba Fett and a few clones become bouncers at the Mos Eisley Cantina
>last name is literally white titty
I saw a couple interviews with Taika about Thor and they really tore apart the movie he actually wanted to make. It was very clear to me that there was hardly any of him in the movie - he might as well had just written in a handful of jokes. I don't think the experience was very pleasant for him and I don't think he will be doing it again. But who knows, giant piles of money await.
>just look at what they did with Whedon
What has whedon done lately except for cabin in the woods?
Man has fallen hard
Why do so many people want these indie directors to make star wars and marvel movies? Don't you guys want new interesting stories told instead of just rehashing the same old shit over and over again?
Token foreign guy with no distinct directorial style who Hollywood can groom and seduce into being a yes man studio director for life.
Well, his Avengers are probably to blame for the state of capeshit today.
The last thing I heard of him was that he rewrote some scenes in Justice League (didn't watch)
>Man has fallen hard
True enough. You could still see his fingerprints all over Ant-Man too...I'm a bit wary of the second one without any involvement from him.
The humor in TLJ was the same as in the last Thor so why the fuck not, just burn it all down.
Aussie here he's based so I really don't care if he is a jewmaroi
I wish he'd do gotg4 or something more r rated like deadpool3 kind of movie.
Hunt for wilderpeople is a classic as is whatwedointheshadows
>hire comedy directors
>complain that they're making the Han Solo movie too funny
>fire them
>want to hire another comedy director
You could not be more wrong
You're right, they want him to direct billion dollar franchise flicks for his artistic vision and auteur style. How naive are you?