"Remember me?"

>"Remember me?"
>cheesy 90s rock starts playing
Who thought this was a good idea?


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it is going to make at least half a billion in brazil

so they made a movie protesting destroying forests buy literally destroying a forest and laying down concrete for some cunts house?

why do they keep bringing back these characters that were popular decades ago (yogi, smurfs, etc)?
kids these days have never heard of them

Why they are DUMB motherfuckers down there

this means they will kill freakazoid in your lifetime


Because an ancient sumerian deity manifests through these characters and the talmudic babylonians wishes to free it.

Instead of making new ips they 'modernize' old ones to recash them. Woodie makes selfies and force is female now.

This has to be a money laundering scheme.
this, too

>Remember me?

Yeah, I'm sure all those grandpas who remember watching Woody Woodpecker back in the fucking 40's will come in droves to purchase this straight to DVD garbage


what happened to making original movies and not just rebooting dead franchises from people's childhoods

it's easier just to take an already existing IP with some recognition and paying some studio hack to write a shitty script than it is finding something original

Brazilians literally masturbate to this cartoon, not memeing, its not just a kids thing, adults watch it too during sex and shit

that society is totally fucked and irredeemable

>Ripping off JUST

Welcome to the future

>not memeing

Isn't Brazil the country where kids tv presenters are literally topless dancers? I guess when society is that sexualised you look for other things...

This makes about as much sense as any other explanation I can think of.

>Direct do DVD

This is the sort of film you do so you can still keep the copyrights of the character, right? This is unfunny and dreadful as fuck

It was made for Brazil and it made its money back. Production cost:1.5 mil
Sup Forums is late to the party as allways

>that society
Fucking macaco, stop ruining Sup Forums with your unfunny posts and retarded insights.
Se mata, favelado de bosta.

I remember Woody Woodpecker and I know I've seen some of his cartoons, but I can't remember a single episode