>You can't do anything new with Star Wars, it's dumb and for babies!
Absolute fucking bullshit. Ever heard of something called KOTOR2, you big retard brigade? You can do great things with any source material, just stop hiring SHIT writers.
>You can't do anything new with Star Wars, it's dumb and for babies!
Absolute fucking bullshit. Ever heard of something called KOTOR2, you big retard brigade? You can do great things with any source material, just stop hiring SHIT writers.
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if you just rehash a new hope they'll love it though.
>Ever heard of something called KOTOR2,
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Star Wars is shit and for babies.
No brainlet, you need to come to terms that a fucking VIDEOGAME blew your shitty overmarketed trash the fuck out.
They did turn Luke into a tantrum throwing milk drinking baby who died while being teabagged by two giant balls of fire...
TFA was the only decent SW film aside from the original trilogy and that was a complete rehash of the original
They're absolutely right. The prequels and TFJ tried doing something completely different and just fell completely flat
Star Wars should've been left alone
As I said, it is shit and for babies.
who are you talking to?
were you one of those kids who spoke to the tv people at the tv screen?
it's not that good user, I saw a twist a mile away. Kotor 1 is much better
Pure Pazaak!
Rich is just a whiny baby that plays the same games over and over again while making fun of anything esle
I’m playing KOTOR Right now. Steam has a big Star Wars sale.
We shouldn't have to look to video games for better stories, ALL mediums should have good stories.
Even if star wars were to go in a completely new and interesting direction, it's too smart for star wars. Hell, it's too smart for DISNEY'S star wars.
KOTOR1 is baby food.
I love baby food...
Not kidding, I buy that shit and eat at least 4 a day.
KOTOR 2 is such a pretentious piece of shit, it baffles me that people actually enjoy it.
It's equally baffling how people take a generic space opera series meant to sell toys and shit so seriously too, so take from that what you will.
>if I'm too dumb to understand it it's pretentious
didnt even pick the good kotor
>oh noes, we can't shit on this movie directly and can't say it was nice either
>let's pretend we didn't get tickets and watched it later, then do "review" in dark room so it will look like we don't care
RLM is just as pathetic as TLJ writing
Babby can't handle Granny Fedora's redpills on the Force
>muh video games
Kreia has to be the most overrated character ever in vidya.
and what original kotor2 did?
it's the same shit all over in different packaging
Kotor 2 isn't 2 hours long. If we're talking in movie only terms, theyre very right on that point. These movies are so overhyped by some crazy fucking fandom that we've reached the point of absurdity with how much of a pedastal normies and autists alike have put it on.
Nice impression of Rich talking about shit he knows nothing about
Man, that shit never works for me because it's still within the framework of a video game
>be Light Side
>shut the fuck up Kreia I'm helping all these people and you can't do anything about it
>next playthrough
>be Dark Side
>stop crying about relying on the force Kreia, I'm gonna Force Storm whoever I want and you can't do anything about it
Plus, you can't have your mouthpiece character complaining about the black and white nature of the franchise while giving me a stat bonus for being completely good or completely evil
they never said that.
you just don't have any arguments
Rich literally says that
He always says that when the discussion of Star Wars comes up because he's a uncreative manboy
Just look at the shit he makes
They're ignorant plebs. They know nothing of best parts of star wars; the EU (including the clone wars) They look at the Trash OT and think that's what star wars is, ignoring the decades of lore that has been built after the movies.
Goyim. It's impossible to leave star wars alone. That's like leaving a trillion dollars on the table.
KOTOR2 was shit, though. It's what a teenager would considered "deep".
KOTOR2 may as well as took place in a different universe for all of the links it has to the current Star Wars universe
Its a shame we wont ever get to see the Mandalorians Wars and HK-47 in movie form
Because Star Wars movies are so thoughtful and deep
Ever heard of the prequels?
Oh yeah I forgot the three manbabies on your photo cried their tits off because it was too different and had politics and world building.
Now that they got their wish of endless rehashes of the OT they pretend that star wars is dead.
Either dumb or dishonest.
What Rich was too autistic to articulate but probably meant is that we won't be getting any unique and creative star wars movies because of Disney.
I'm hoping that's what he meant because you can make a good story out of anything especially Star Wars. It's already been proven with some games and the EU
they aren't but neither is most mythology. It is however thematically impactful and universal.
He did, or you prefer the anh rip off with the villain cartoon?
Universal is code for brainlet
nobody was saying that, but nice strawman
was pointing out KotOR2 trying too hard to be deep, and failing except amongst the very young
>didnt even pick the good kotor
He did, though. KOTOR 1 is a typical 6/10 Bioware game that follows the same, retreaded formula that they use for every game and felt like a prototype to Mass Effect. While 2 was rushed out unfinished, the devs released "unofficial patches" a short while later and it's arguably a better game overall.
I love them both but nigga Sion literally lets himself die because he's in love with the Exile. II's Sith are great but both get jobbed out hard.
They called for writer/director freedom, they got it and the end product was a shitty universe breaking teen romance that pretends to be more clever than it is. So they shrug and say "can't do anything with this galaxy, it's just like back to the future. They should just stop making them."
>TFA was the only decent SW film aside from the original trilogy
no, it's code for universal
not everything has to be "deep"
lemme see dem titties
>criticizing Star Wars' dumb black and white mythology is "trying too hard"
only le siths deal in absolutes xD
These men have given up on Star Wars. They are not invested emotionally as others are. To them the new trilogy is a step up from the PT but also just basic sci-fi flicks with flaws. Any semblance of creativity in the series is impossible now because of the gigantic cash cow it is. I think it’s best for you all to admit that the series you grew up loving is gone. It’s all about sales and making you feel close to something by showing you something familiar every single movie. It’s done guys. Just let go. There was a feeling of finality in TLJ for a reason. Rian is a secret genius and dissented from Disney
That's how the Force works though, the Force is black and white, and that's what Kreia hates about it. Did you not even play the fucking game?
I think the game suffered from the limitations that Bioware's original morality system imposed by penalizing you for staying in the grey.
Also part of the point of Kreia's charter is that she's critical and smarmy and wrong about a lot of things, even if she's Avellone's self insert. I'm not sure whether it was intentional.
I dont think that's what they were trying to say
>Star Wars is creatively bankrupt
>Instead of using great stories like
Disney makes all old lore no longer canon
>Create new trilogy but kill off all the characters that could have possible moved the plot forward
>Left with characters that are as interesting as a brick wall
I think that they're aware of the EU. They probably think that Disney doesn't have the balls to pull something like that.
>Kylo asking Rey to join him mirrors Bastila and Revan.
>KOTOR 1 is a typical 6/10 Bioware game
Now this is some good bait
KOTOR and Neverwinter Nights are the highlights of Bioware's ludography
Baby food is good
>I have no argument
thank you for conceding
>cry that the prequels are too different
>get more OT rehashes
>start bitching it's too samey
>KOTOR and Neverwinter Nights are the highlights of Bioware's ludography
...before it all went to shit.
It took a videogame for a single person in the SW universe to say "hey this binary force shit is retarded"
almost as if making reductive arguments like "it's too different" is ignorant and unhelpful
Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Bioware peaked around the Bauldr's Gate and Neverwinter Nights era and have been steadily declining ever since.
Not him but TFA was at least competent compared to the prequels and TLJ. I know it's a rehash, but:
1. It's a decent rehash.
2. It had to be a rehash after the prequels to recapture the "star wars spirit" of the OT.
It might not actually be intentional bait, they might be underaged and have no context (only knowing the bioware bashing from after)
nah, that shit was fleshed out in the novels ages ago. KOTOR did do it really well though
>writer/director freedom
>Kathleen keep firing directors for "creative differences"
>can't do anything with this galaxy, it's just like back to the future
Which was also a dumb example because bttf could have spawned endless sequels with different time periods. Doesn't get more varied than history.
It's just that the third movie was shit, boring and looked like it was made for VHS and killed the franchise.
Kathleen just wants to tear down Star Wars and replace it with islamic communism.
It's almost like Disney followed their plinkett advice to a t and got the Star wars equivalent of space cop as a result.
Dragon Age: Origins and ME 1,2 are absolute 10/10's, faggot.
lmfao who reads that shit
>almost as if making reductive arguments like "it's too different" is ignorant and unhelpful
That's true. It can be different as long as it follows the logic of the previous movies.
>Why did Luke leave a map if he wanted to die alone?
>Who is Snoke?
>How did the First Order get to be so powerful?
See what I mean?
It's a movie dude
Turn off your brain
>dude it's meant to be bad
>dude its ironic
>dude its subverting tropes
I think you're right, Rian is an RLM fanboy and he took their shit advice to heart.
Do you think they actually know anything about video games? Have you seen previously recorded?
>creativity is only bad if disney does it
I hope this ends up being confirmed
Name one creative thing in Nu-StarWars
As an RPG I agree on DA:O but it's a chore to play.
>creativity is inherently good
only if you are a pleb (fucking nuWare destroyed the grey guardian and morrigan romance)
DA:O is an absolute classic.
Except she told the Exile that he's supposed to make his own decisions instead of following a black and white path
She's pissed that the Force seems to have a will of its own in deciding the fate of the galaxy, that's it
>2deep4u garbage by avellone
Sup Forumsedditor confirmed.
avellone is a shit writer himself.
Something can't be a classic when the two most popular mods are skipping past certain areas.
t. jelly hollyjew hack
>Mass Effect 2
Now I know you are a complete retard. ME 2 had only 1 (one) good thing about it - The Shadow Broker DLC. Everything else about it is complete and utter shit.
Now ME1 and DA:O I will agree, those are good games and final fresh breath of air Bioware had given us before it all went to shit.
Anything after ME:II made by Bioware is shit and non-canon.
>Turn off your brain
Why? I don't have to do that when I watch other movies like The Lord of the Rings.
>the Sup Forumsedditor considers this good writing
better than anything Shitney can make
>You need to see all sides of the argument to understand
YOU'RE the reddit
>it's another starshit thread
Well that's exactly the point that Kreia is making. The force has a will and gives "powers" to people of both sides to bring "balance". Kreia points out how fucking terrifying that is. If you play in any side you are helping the force.
He never said it was good, just that it was better than the trash that is TFA and TLJ
It's not about the "twist," the writing and characters are much better (until it falls apart at the unfinished end, even with the restored content)
the (((force)))