Mark is a guy who played Luke in the original trilogy. He's not the authority on jedi.
>"the whole thing is awful and i dont agree with it..."
>"...but i hope you will enjoy the movie"
yeah right.
Was this before or after the movie released in theaters.
He is the authority of Luke, because he is Luke
Who is? Disney? Some random director they hired?
Jedi's don't give up.
>Obi Wan went into exile
>Yoda went into exile
>Vader went dark side
>Dooku went dark side
>Ahsoka left the Jedi
Because he wouldn't give up. Interesting. I really like Luke in the OT and I can see what he's saying. Luke becomes completely punished. In the OT he was really resilient and near the end of the trilogies he changed and grew to be completely resolute. I think that was the Luke Mark knew.
Mark's instincts were right.
>in this version
>another character
Disney wars is pure crap. I'm unironically mad about this.
>"I almost had to think of Luke as another character. Maybe he's Jake Skywalker, he's not my Luke Skywalker"
I think we ought to start changing up our filenames for every image of Luke from TLJ.
>Obi Wan and Yoda made a longterm plan to defeat the Empire that ended up working
>Vader, Dooku, and Ahsoka specifically stopped being Jedi
Stop being so obtuse.
Never mind the fact that that's not the criticism, the criticism is that LUKE SKYWALKER wouldn't abandon the galaxy to a problem he himself caused like this
They went into hiding because they were the last remnants of the Jedi.
Luke himself left a map of sorts to help find him. But TLJ destroyed that concept & ignored everything set up.
>Obi Wan went into exile
While watching over Luke.
>Yoda went into exile
So he won't get killed. Trained Luke when he arrived knocking on his door.
>Vader went dark side
Yeah, he was corrupted. Not the same as giving up, left me to die.
>Ahsoka left the Jedi
I really don't care about non movies characters.That included the EU.
Soy Wars confirmed for non canon.
I love his honesty.
(who is this jake skywalker btw?)
Continued to watch over Luke to train him when the time comes
Continued to hide from the Empire to wait when the time comes for him to pass his knowledge. Still had hopes for Leia if Luke fails.
Continued to work for the Empire even after he lost everything but kept himself commited to keeping the new order.
Left the Council to live with his own ideals and principles and went as far as to join the Seperatists to prove his points and died fighting.
Don't know much about this one but probably you are wrong again.
He's just being a professional.
It's pretty obvious with how specific his criticism is and how generic his praise is.
After Lucas he literally does
You can tell he gave up on Luke some time during the making of the movie. He's telling us what he's probably been telling himself. "It's only a movie..."
>dumbass you are
>a hehehehehe
Luke was a better Jedi than all of them, hence why he succeeded where all of them failed
He still gave a great performance even with his issues, might have even helped that he had resentment
>Ahsoka left the Jedi
Or did they put her in the new animated show and ruined her as well?
>I came to believe Rian was the exact man they needed for this job
What did he mean by this?
>Jake Skywalker
Isn't that guy in prison now?
didnt she leave in the Clone wars show? I remember there being an episode where they accuse her of murder or something and then she just leaves.
>What did he mean by this?
Disney is holding a gun to my head.
No he is the actor that plays Luke a character created by Geroge Lucas.
Fuck George Lucas and fuck Disney.
Luke IS Mark and Mark IS Luke.
Punished Mark is Luuke.
That was the last of season 4 I think.
I tought she came back at the end of it?
Might rememebr wrong tough.
>Mark himself doesn't even know the plural of jedi is jedi
Lol get a load of this nerd
who thought this scene was a good idea?
Does anyone know what interview this clip is from? I want to see the official, full length one
*blocks your path*
Most impressive
Is Jake Skywalker the most powerful character in SW Universe!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!
yes, to finally kill off Star war for good/
Wow this is fantastic. Good for Mark
heacts more like OT luke in the interview than the he does in last jedi
>Jake Skywalker
Bigger Luke confirmed
They are going to kill him as soon as he finishes his scenes for IX. Revenge + sales boost.
Screencap this.
This. Based RLM is.
Very nice
That's terrible stop ...NOT MARK.
it's easier to just pull a gibson on him and just kick him out of the industry
Mark Hamill and Mel Gibson team up to save the universe from jews
Absolute Kino
Yeah he kinda is faggot, he studied under Yoda, duh
I believe now.
Yeah because actors NEVER know more about the characters they play more than the people they write them. I mean that famous scene from Empire Strikes Back when Harrison Ford said "I know." after Leia confesses her love wasn't because Ford knew Solo better than George or anything.
>as if the other parts of the video would change anything to what he said
w-we should stop spreading this interview, I'm scared Disney is going to do something bad to him for shit talking the movie...
Best mainstream media rant on it ive seen so far
He said he was wrong with TFA and that he may be wong again with TLJ, I'm fine with he becoming a crazy hermit like Yoda.
Mark seems like such a great guy.
how long until a wookipedia article guys?
Ohhh an actor adds a little phrase to his character and now he created the character.
>Tfw you realize it was Jake Skywalker all along
He's definitely more of an authority than soy boy who was in diapers when ANH was playing.
>Obi Wan went into exile
>Yoda went into exile
They were being hunted and were waiting for the right moment, faggot.
>Vader went dark side
>Dooku went dark side
Obviously not true Jedi then.
>Ahsoka left the Jedi
Literally who?
>tfw Jake Skywalker would've manhandled Rey
>Episode IX starts
>Bigger Luke appears
"I'm here to avenge Jake"
It's great that there are people really willing to not hold back on this one.
That's not what he said at all. Nice strawman
>I came to really believe that Rian was the exact man that they needed for this job
Mark Hamill is such a cheeky cunt, good lord.
Jake was a small guy.
good one
Obiwan went into hiding with a porpuse to train and protect luke.
Yoda was defeated by palpatine and list his pride and lightsaber thus gained exile.
>Bigger Luke
Has Mark Hamill ever acknowledged it?
Jedi can give up, but Luke never would. So yeah, Hamill is 100% right.
Luke was supposed to break the chain.
>not knowing togruta jailb8
ahsoka a best
he says it with dispair and angriness,you can see it in his face,he has an official narrative to tell.
Nah, she left for good and didn't return. She's in the new one too as a commander of rebel forces. or was.[spoiler/]
>Snoke was actually Luuuuuuke, malformed as a result of being a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone
>the real big bad is Luuuuuuuke
REMINDER: Trevorrow got fired trying to save us
>“What's interesting is I'm not creating a host of new characters,” Trevorrow said. “I have a lot of characters that people really love that we're going to make sure are all honored. No one's going to be left behind.”
I wonder if Terrio will be able to save the series in IX
>Jake and Luuke
He didn't create it. But it shows that he understood it better than Lucas himself
He's kept a really flip attitude with regards to the whole Disney acquisition, so even normshits are being able to glean that the man is under coercion.
I'm just sad we'll never see a Mark Hamill directed sequel trilogy.
Yoda became a hermit but certainly not a crazy soy milk drinker.
This is a great idea
>Republic planets gets blown up
>First Order somehow reigns supreme
>People still chilling at a casino planet
>Nobody even answers Resistance's calls
What the hell is even happening in the galaxy? It feels like there aren't even any people in this galaxy other than these assholes who keep fighting against each other.
you ask too many questions goy.
just buy some porgs and go to sleep.
>The Last Jake
>before the movie there's a shit ton of Porg merchandise being promoted
>they're hardly in the film
Same goes with BB-9E who had two scenes.
Christ, Disney, can you be anymore transparent.
dude it's just a fun summer blockbuster turn your brain off breh