I hereby order you to execute all white males on this ship

>I hereby order you to execute all white males on this ship
Wow, really?

Her deadpan ‘inspirational’ speech once she assumes command was so fucking dull and lame omg

>I've dealt with potential rapists and mansplaining sexist bigots like you before
Do you think they pushed their agenda too far with this?

>Sup Forums alt-right babies angry that women acted more manly than other male cast and saved everyone by sacrificing herself

>leftists think this would actually happen, when in reality women run and scream into another room when they see a spider
Whatever you say, sugar tits.

Sorry ma'am. There are no white males in the rebellion.

I got a weird vibe that Holdo and Leia were in a lesbian relationship.

Did anyone else notice this or am i being paranoid?

attention all hands. I know an inspirational leader would tell you they have a plan. Some way to at least escape if not save our ships.

But yeah we're just going to keep going till we run out of fuel, at which point we'll all explode.

Oh, and by the way I'm so incompetent at organising that the escort ships won't be completely evacuated by the time they run out of fuel, and you'll see senior resistance officers vapourised over the communications channel.

Remember to keep the faith and don't do a mutiny or anything ;)

>being sexist and acting like macho
Whatever you say, sugar virgin.

I was thinking she was a spy since they brought up trackers and traitors but like everything else in TLJ, it all came to nothing. It would have saved all the trouble of casino planet and half-assed politcal message if she just told Poe her plan (dumb as it eventually becomes later).

>it's le current year

>Someone get this hothead outta here!

Shieeet. Got a link?

t. rostie

she exclusively dates black men irl


>"The Age of White Men is Over" Holdo proudly proclaimed before kamikazeeing the First Order
Really Rian?

Just following the steps of the great raimi.

>Someone has to stay behind to thrust this phallic symbol of toxic masculinity into the hive of white fucking males that have been manspraying us with their green ejaculate for the entire movie
They really didn't need to start explaining the phallic references.

Is it true he let Raimi direct a few scenes?

>lefty liberals
>inspirational speeches

Most punchable face of 2017? She looks like she loves Daria, Dr Who, and cats

>Luke refers to the natives of his rock as jigaboo space nigger slaves happier being enslaved by the Jedi
I think Raimi directed a few scenes

Every fucking time lmao. You know you put a crazy lefty in the corner when they have to make a personal attack, 9 times out of 10 they resort to “basement dwelling virgin”

>Tee-hee you call me sugar tits but I call you sugar VIRGIN

Female "people"


>sugar virgin

did you think this was clever or something?