Sith make Jedi crystals "bleed" to make the red

>Sith make Jedi crystals "bleed" to make the red
>this is now canon

Lmao, and people thought the old EU was shit. In just two years Disney has ran the entire franchise into the grand.


>the crystals are alive
Oh God, I don’t even know what to say at this point

So in R1 when they are harvesting kyber crystals for the death star, they say its also of the lightsabers.
So the death star is essentially a giant lightsaber?

I can't wait till something on a higher tier of canon (like a novel) directly contradicts this, and the Disney canon ends up just as convoluted and complicated as the EU.

Sort of. I'm surprised nu-Sheev didn't come down to make them bleed so the Death Star could have a red laser.

stop talking, your train of thought is making me angry

I'm not talking, I'm writing...

I saw this on Sup Forums. I much preferred the idea of synthetic crimson crystals. The distinction between organic and synthetic was subtle enough, while also further helping to define the distinction between the Jedi and the Sith. This interpretation is on the nose. Who wants to think about lightsabers being emotionally compromised? That isn't interesting; that's plain stupid. So many of the changes to the lore and universe are just plain stupid.

So why wasn't the Death Star Laser red?

The Death Star, as I hope everyone knows, was basically a gigantic light saber

>The colour of our rage

Holy shit...better than everything that's in TFA & TLJ.

Vaders comical fucking

>"GRRRRR, bloody... Red lightsabers, oooh I'm livid"

pose in the last panel... for fucks sake

What's with purple then?
Do they get the crystal hooked on lean?

I am 99% certain that old canon was that the use of Dark Side powers turns the blade red.

The Clone Wars episode where the younglings all go to get their kyber crystals says something about how the color of their blade has to do with their individual connection to the Force. Sort of like "the wand chooses the wizard" in Harry Potter.

Uh no, sweetie. The crystals cry about being ruled by the wh*te male patriarchy. How about you think twice before bad mouthing NuWars on our board, ok hon? I only wish the kyber crystals were changed to be white males.

>I am 99% certain that old canon was that the use of Dark Side powers turns the blade red.

No, they were synthetic. Remember that the original idea in the movies was that the Dark side is unnatural and the synthetic red crystals represent that.

Legends was that red crystals were synthetic, as that user said. Christ man, take two seconds to look it up before needlessly looking retarded.

What do you mean?

For a purple lightsaber you need to had stolen at least one bike before starting the jedi academy.

I am 90% sure that the reason for this change was to have Kylo's blade spontaneously change to blue when he comes back to the light.

WTF Iron Manlet is a nigress now?

I think it was better when we just had the OT and there was this idea going around that the red saber was unique to Vader as a fallen Jedi. The Emperor in ROTJ speaks condescendingly about Luke's saber and calls it a "Jedi weapon", so I always got the vibe that the lightsaber was a weapon exclusive to a Jedi Knight (which Obi-Wan says as much in the first film) and that users of the dark side were evil wizards like the Emperor, and Vader had an evil red one because he was a disgraced/evil knight.

but then everyone, including Sheev himself, used a lightsaber in the prequels and the red saber just became an evil guy thing. I think this new retcon of a "Sith never makes a lightsaber, he takes it" is actually better anyway since it fits with the idea of the dark side and the sith being an abomination of the force rather than a natural ying/yang part of it.

I teenage super genius nigress to boot.

Are you a brainlet? That's not the retcon at all. It just says Sith make their lightsabers red through making their kaiber crystals cry. How does this indicate at all that they don't make their own lightsabers? In fact, it implies this is some ancient sith ritual, which just firmly establishes that lightsabers are an integral part of being a sith.

>rather than a natural ying/yang part of it.

That's how it is in TLJ tho, so this is just the Sith being massive edge lords.

how we kill Dinsey ? this is full retard

Her name is Ironheart thank you very much

Did you actually read the comic this panel is from? I'm guessing you didn't. The quote I posted is paraphrased but only barely, it's almost exactly what Sheev says to Vader. The rest of the comic is about Vader trying to desperately find a living jedi so that he can kill him and use his lightsaber, because a Sith doesn't make a lightsaber, they take it.

Jedi reach enlightenment by becoming crazy hobos. This is now canon.

Don't pay for anything made by Disney. That's how capitalism works.

This makes me wonder, how did Kylo manage to crack his crystal? Was he so edgy he split it in half?

from the pure pain of being probed by Uncle Luke that fateful night

what would happen if you raped the crystal?

It would turn brown

Well... blacks do have a much higher rate of angina.

I've just realised that's not even red; it's orange. Kylo can't do anything right.

the other anons replying to you are right. it used to synthetic vs. natural kyber crystals. jedi go through a whole ritual where the 'crystal chooses you' blah blah blah and make a big deal out of making your lightsaber. sith however, are economical, the lightsaber is just a tool and mass-produced crystals are the most efficient option. who has time to go to some cave and meditate on a rock?

And canonically smarter than Tony Stark (somehow)

he's using a lightsaber from the old KOTOR era, some of that stuff was made canon again. his lightsaber was made during the mandalorian wars.

But why?

he's obsessed with the old sith

What the fuck is going on

There is an entire board of people assuring this doesn't happen. The novels and comics are the same level of cannonicity

Someone explain why Disney would wipe out 30 years of perfectly good Lucas approved lore. Less is better? Like wtf .

Mouse shill with opinions here.

I thought synthetic crystals were stupid as fuck and much prefer this.

Because only a fraction of it was actually Lucas approved. Even the Thrawn trilogy had details Lucas contridicted in the prequels.

When I first saw the OT, I never assumed that the Sith actually used lightsabers. Whenever lightsabers are talked about they're reffered to as "Jedi weapon" and Sheev even sort of makes fun of them. With this logic, the only reason Vader had a lightsaber was due to him previously being a Jedi and that this made him unique among Sith. I can't be the only one who came to this conclusion.

This makes sense. I never saw the OT before the episode 1 maul hype train, but I could see how someone would think this

Sheev used them to mock the Jedi and beat them with their own weapon. After the Jedi are gone, there's no one left to mock
>tfw :(

What about the red kyber crystals? In KOTOR1-2/SWTOR you could harvest some, now you have to make them "bleed"? Oh jesus, what the fuck Star Wars has become?

she didn't built her original suit on her own though, she basically STOLE IT.

Too smart for George.

We are taking about a guy who thought the stadium scene in AotC where half of Jedi order dies to comedy robots was a good idea.

There was one.
He and George had to approve everything in order to not break canonity.
If they're still there then they're not wirking for fucks sake.
Shit like TLJ wouldn't have been possible otherwise.
Fuck, if the crystals reflect the emotion of the wiedler, then Anikains lightsaber should've been red the moment he became Vader and started to kill younglings.
This shit is retarded from top to bottom.

Unironically this

Well she is a nigger.

The reason a Sith's crystals are red is because most of them don't give a shit about faggot crystals and just use synthetic ones. A synthetic crystal is read. That's it. That's all it is. DISNEY WARS IS NOT CANON.

I thought he was obsessed with Vader, literally the newest Sith.

Don't you EVER call ANYONE sweetie on this website again again. The people here are of a certain... well, let's just say, type. We see right through you. In fact your use of "sweetie" completely betrays your intentions of pretending to be a female. No subtlety at all. And a female ON THE INTERNET none the less, which if you knew even the first thing about the internet and it's many rules you would know: THERE ARE NO FEMALES HERE! Seriously, this is one of this first things you learn when you begin learning about the Chans so when you make such uninformed posts, it becomes completely obvious that you're a fucking newfag. Get back to lurking and see how things are really done here if you ever expect to take even the first step of being a successful troll. Take it from me, it won't be easy and you might not even make it. I mean sometimes this place just swallows people up whole. But if you put in the work, you might just end up participating in, or maybe even enjoying, the intrinsic brutality of this place.

Nice fanfiction

I always liked that Exar Kun didn't give a shit and continued to use his blue lightsaber after he became a Sith. He also didn't have a Darth title, he just used his name like the ancient Sith did.

Of course. There was a book where the Hutts just made the cannon to terrorize the Galaxy. It was called the dark saber.

Still dressed like an edgelord though
>B-but the black cape is functional

Don't get attached. Sales are down and the only writer that gives a flip about the character left to DC.

Well no. Kyber Crystals are the power source, but there is a lot more that goes into a lightsaber that makes it a lightsaber.

Kinda like saying that since both Cars and Vespas use an engine, a car is just a giant Vespa

>he doesn't like the 2017 Darth Vader comic
You are an idiot who doesn't deserve an opinion. fuck you

Because they didn't force torture all the crystals. They were mostly blue and green, so a green laser is formed


I think it was in Darth Plagueis that young Sheev comments he feels the most powerful Sith should have no need for a lightsaber since their control over the force makes them strong enough, and that they would actually become a hinderance to advancement over their force powers.

Meh... the older explanation was better
>Sith outgrow the use of lightsabers
>just another tool, if anything an affectation to mock the Jedi
>a true Sith master was beyond the need for it, you can simply fuck people with lightning or TK
>synthetic crystal just make it and be done with it
>Jedi used a lot of crystals, adegan/ilum ones were just better qualitity, not because they were alive or anything

That's stupid. So did Darth Maul specifically train to use a double-bladed saber beforehand or did he just happen to kill the rare and elusive jedi who uses one?

in the darth maul novel the crystal was synthetic. maul meditated on it during the crystals creation thus personalizing it however. who's to say that kyber crystal doesnt 'feel' being crushed up and put into an autoclave? sounds like the equivalent to 'torture' for a rock anyways.

It makes sense for the crystals to be alive given that only living things are supposed to be connected to the Force, and Jedi are so connected to their lightsabers.

>B-but the black cape is functional

I supposed he could have killed any jedi, took his crystal, then reconstructed the saber in his own way. Maybe they don't hunt Jedi for the fully completed saber but just for the crystal. Still dumb, though.

>I always liked that Exar Kun didn't give a shit and continued to use his blue lightsaber after he became a Sith.

Well that's all well in good, but what happens when a Sith meets a Jedi he can't just ragdoll with the Force and that Jedi closes the distance with his saber? Think Sheev vs Yoda. That green rascal would have carved him up in seconds.

>inb4 Yoda shouldn use a lightsaber
Yoda explained that a Jedi never uses the Force to attack, so a weapon is a necesarry for the Jedi religion.

Why would you possibly want an angry lightsaber? If you piss it off too much it'll probably chop your cock off when you least expect it.

One somewhat interesting panel, as part of a dream sequence that has no bearing on the overall narrative, does not a great comic make. The dialogue and plot are downright remedial at best; the artwork is highly forgettable. You posted the only decent example of art this comic has. And, when people defend this comic, they always use the same panel. That should tell you something.

remember how cool and threatening kylo ren looked in that first trailer? I think his character is probably one of the best parts of the new trilogy but I still wish we could have gotten something more in line with that first appearance

He looked cool because he was a ripoff of Revan, a much better character.

but you couldn't see his mask in that trailer

Good point. He looked cool, but everyone made fun of his meme saber.

Then he is weak and unworthy of his mastery. Sith philosophy is all about "swim or die".



Then the Sith would been extinct long before the movies. Limiting themselves is not the way of the Sith. It makes sense to carry a saber in case they need it.

So does kylo rens lightsaber use synthetic crystals and that's why it's not a stable beam of light?

Nothing in any movie is ever mentioned about why the evil people use red lightsabers. Lucas' reasoning is that good guys use blue and bad guys use red. Luke Skywalker used a green lightsaber in ROTJ because a blue one would not have shown up well against the blue sky during the siege of Jabba's sail barge. That is all. Whatever headcanon or fanfiction you want to believe, you are welcome to it. But in the movies, there is no deeper reason other than people associate blue with good and red with bad.

Didn't you see the OP? You have to "bleed" crystals to make them red in nu-canon.

Lol. I didn't think /lgbt/ ever expanded to other boards

I'm not saying that don't carry sabers at all, but that thet don't give any particular importance to it. Palpatine dismissed it as an affectation and mockery to the Jedi, yet he was a master in it's use.
Palpatine left his lightsabers hidden for decades remember? He disarmed Yoda with his lightning, not with his lightsaber.

yeah i remember that. i just think his stance was cool


This. Vader had a lightsaber because he was once a jedi knight. Luke used a lightsaber because he wanted to be a jedi like his father before him. Obi Wan used a lightsaber because he was a jedi. Yoda didn't use a lightsaber because he didn't need to have one for any scene he was in; alternatively, he was a force user and teacher who had no need for one, in the same way cops use guns but criminologists who teach cops do not necessarily carry guns on them at all times. The emperor was a dark sith lord, not a jedi, so he did not use a lightsaber because like yoda, he was a master of using the force.

He absolutely calls luke's saber a jedi weapon... even ben in ANH says that it was a symbol of a jedi. why would sith or evil force users even bother to use an "elegant weapon from a more civilized age"?

The reason his is unstable is because the crystal is cracked


Oh yeah. That makes sense why Palpatine never used a lightsaber

>nly living things are supposed to be connected to the Force

Yoda says Luke has to feel the force between himself and a rock. But yes, life creates it, but everything is connected to it. It permeates the whole universe and binds the entire galaxy together.

Wow, Legends really is trash...

So you people actually believe that if Rian wants to tell a different story about lightsaber colours in his next movie, they won't let him?
The new EU is going to be even more full of contradictions, because of so many different directors wanting their creative freedoms.

Sure, it's not sacred to them, but it makes sense to pack one just in case.

>why would sith or evil force users even bother to use an "elegant weapon from a more civilized age"?

Because he would get raped by a Jedi strong enough to resist his Force powers without one.

Of course it does, man. The lightsaber was more of a symbol of a jedi than anything else. Why would a jedi bother focusing on his lightsaber when he has the force? think about what vader does in all 3 original movies... he only ever engages other jedi with lightsabers, and only because he wants to. what does he do when dealing with non-jedi? he just chokes them the fuck out without even lifting a finger. a jedi's power comes from the force and lightsabers are just a symbol they have which happens to be usable as a weapon.