Why do people like this guy? Everything he does is intentionally confusing, pretentious garbage. Most of his movies make no sense and are hard to follow. What is the appeal of this guy?
Why do people like this guy? Everything he does is intentionally confusing, pretentious garbage...
he makes everything vague on purpose so brainlets find hidden meanings that aren't there that appeal to them
He has super nice hair
He's not pretentious. He doesn't make movies that look deeper or smarter than they are. He's just a weird guy with a weird thought process who translates that stuff to his movies which makes them unique and odd while keeping enough of a connection to the real world to tell emotionally resonant stories.
I love David Lynch's films because they have a fantastic, dreamlike atmosphere that appeals to me and I enjoy the nontraditional structure and style he uses, also many of his films are really not confusing or hard to follow, even if they use symbolism and metaphor
>Blue Velvet
>Straight Story
>The Elephant Man
>Fire Walk With Me
are all great movies that are quite easy to follow. Also, he is very good at using filmmaking techniques and tropes to manipulate the viewer's expectations and perception of things in a very subtle way. The only David Lynch film that could genuinely be considered pretentious is Inland Empire, that one felt like he had his head up his own ass pretty firmly.
>not confusing or hard to follow
Literally what?
Eraserhead is surreal but it is not hard to follow or understand. It's clearly about fatherhood and from a narrative standpoint it's just
>couple has relationship problems
>have baby that ends up being deformed and premature
>woman leaves
>man kills baby then kills self (the suicide part is debatable but that's what I think happens)
Liking him makes redditors feel like intelligent snowflakes who "get it". Basically just like people who say they like indie music.
The plot isn't hard to follow. Guy lives in a shitty world and his shitty wife who has a shitty family has a shitty baby (That's probably not even human) leading to his life getting even shittier.
What specific things actually mean is debatable but it's always clear what happens. It has a clear beginning, middle and end.
Lynch films are really not that complicated though, people like you are just retards who cannot into symbolism at all.
>Lost Highway
>Mulholland Dr.
Are some of his most esoteric films, yet they are all very clear-cut as to what's happening 85% of the time and you should have a solid grasp of the film after 2 viewings maximum. Not to mention all his traditional, simple films that are still great. Even Inland Empire is not that hard to understand, this isn't The Mirror or something, you might just be retarded.
>effeminate anime poster
Didn't bother reading.
tbqh, this.
To be fair, all Jungian psycho analysis is a bit pretentious.
This guy got it.
>coming to Sup Forums for arguments
How intellectually insecure of you. It's OK to not be good at sports you know. You don't have to build your personality around overcompensating for that deficiency.
A sophisticated version of JJ.
It's just applying mysticism to cinema. Plenty of people gobble it up
He makes people who can't into more surrealist filmmakers feel smart. His films aren't on the same level as influences like Werner Herzog.
Werner Herzog is nowhere near as surreal as Lynch though, comparing Herzog and Lynch is completely retarded. Watching a Lynch film is a completely different experience from watching Herzog.