When what is happening to Star Wars happens to Marvel

When the 60 year old guys that are keeping Marvel afloat finally retire and they start pulling out all the "diverse" "storytelling" and nobody wants to see it.

What a glorious day that will be.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Democracy: sometimes a contact sport
>id est, "Its okay to harm people if you believe you're right".

maybe income-wise
there hasn't been good capeshit since iron man 1

i still hope infinity war gonna do something stupid (even for capeshit) and end this shit once for all

About half of Americans sincerely believe this though

>punch a Nazi XD

give it to me straight Sup Forums. is it jews doing this shit AGAIN?

Kind of like the Americans who fantasize about the "DOTR", "The Race War", and "physical removal"? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

what's great about this is that actual muslim would look at this pic and think to themselves that this bitch is going to hell for not wearing the scarf

Except those type of people only exist on the fringe of society whereas the “punch a Nazi XD” crowd are embraced by the mainstream. Really makes you think.

That's people on the internet, in the ocean of piss. That's not people publically calling for violence and then committing it you retarded faggot

>those types aren't unironically arming up and "training for the race war" (aka training for the day I can shoot everyone I don't like/disagree with)
>they aren't publically marching while armed and advocating for killing everyone they agree with offline too

Why not make politics actually inclusive and include the majority as well, instead of making the majority the enemy and creating a losing fight?

> it's not okay to punch individuals who actively seek to exterminate entire races of human beings

Ok, Cody.


Because America always has and always will root for the underdog.

Not only that, but the left’s entire “empowerment” fantasy is completely reliant on white men handing everything over. They can’t create on their own. They have no innovation skills. They are literally screaming, crying and demanding while claiming “empowerment”

>publicly marching
Yes there must have been 10s of people at those marches! Truly Amerikkka is on the verge of a fascist takeover now that DRERNERD DROORMF is president!

but seriously it is pretty (((interesting))) how the Overton window has shifted so far left that being a literal communist is only mildly edgy but heaven forbid anyone express beliefs further right than the GOP who are already basically Nazis anyway hehe

Unfortunately Rian Johnson is not directing that movie.

You faggots are awfull holy shit.Fighting for What you believe(yeah even use violence)is not the problem.The problem is that everyone with even one braincells knows the SJW ideas are fucking retarded...i mean how many time you these tapes denying reality to fit their shitty arguments.

It's already happening though.

All the "diverse" comics are getting or have already been cancelled (Mockingbird, America Chavez, Moongirl pretty soon I bet, even the black Ironman is about to retire).

Marvel comics is only still relevant because of their Star Wars comics. And once episode 9 came out and the hype slows down again, they'll have nothing.

>dude isn't this just like when harry potter had to punch a nazi

yeah we need to see those women marvel writers go the way of the dodo

Almost like inverted Nazi propaganda.......

You think the (((jews))) would do that?

Give credit where credit is due, it's the Chinese market that now decides what happens in American pop culture, the slants aren't exactly socially leftist. If Marvel flips its because they finally realise that they can make more money catering to a single Chinese city than to the entire American leftist demographic.

You're a sensitive faggot.

Every time you people bitch about "muh snowflake left" you conveniently forget how triggered you get every time there's a hint of similar sentiments of animosity on the other side. You're pathetic, and you know for a fucking fact that the protest marches against Dolan Drumpfy were nearly twice as large as his inaugural crowd.

Doesn't Moongirl do pretty well at Scholastic Bookfairs? I think that one is safe. Kinda sucks Gwenpool is dead too

I'm just happy Chinese Superman outlived it

That's exactly what Trump did. He won because he appealed to the real working class in places like PA, MI and WI and not the """""working""""" class that Obama appealed to that have trouble keeping a minimum wage job.

You shouldn't use words if you don't know what they mean.

Is Chinese superman any good?

I'm tired of the "democracy" meme

Why should the future be decided by a gaggle of useless retards, or more precisely, whichever sociopath is best at herding that gaggle of useless retards?


That and Red Hood and the Outlaws are my favorite Rebirth titles

>women are sma-

>liberal left is supported by almost every rich person in the country (and many rich people worldwide), every major corporation, every media outlet, every comedian
>"we're the underdogs"

The working hard class and the hardly working class.

All of you racists.

Listen and understand.

I still can't fucking believe Lobdell is writing this.
How can you go from literally the worst to one of the best writers in comics in only 2 years?!


This country is polluted with retards too dumb to hold a serious debate and would rather just punch it out like the apes they're barely evolved from.

I wish there would be a war just for the ensuing silence

The screeching and threats and insults are ever louder and more meaningless, shit or get off the pot

Sup Forums fags need to stay on Sup Forums and never leave

>every thread should be a star wars thread

Every one of her points amounted to:
>gibs me dat
These people are a walking parody of themselves.

>every thread should cater to my tastes
>other people can't enjoy things I don't like

How can this be real?

Yes, that's essentially what said.


Thats not the problem.

The problem is that people in power tend to exploit so if you cut out the marginilized they become even worse off.

The meme that everybody in America is fucking stupid is true.

The only thing it ignores is that everybody in Britain is also fucking stupid, and so is everybody in Canada, and Germany, and France, and Sweden, and Belgium.

And the worst part is that all of those fucking retards still look like absolute geniuses compared to the people in Mexico, Brazil, the Middle East, Africa, etc.

The board simply cannot contain all of it

>these are the people working at Marvel