They even killed possible good new character...
R.I.P. Tallie
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I don't even remember her dying
>good character
Women are inherently evil.
Why is she a possible good character? Because she makes your penis hard?
Being cute doesn't make her a good character.
Its not confirmed.
Why wear make up when going to war?
Faggots roasties cucks
I mean couldn't even do that so she's automatically superior.
based on her backstory in the visual guide, they could have developed her a bit more alongside Poe - maybe even a love interest or ally for him.
She was killed when Kylo started shooting out the Liberty's hangar when Poe was trying to reach his X-Wing and lift off with her.
She appears to have actually spent several of her formative years training (unlike Rey) to acquire a useful skillset (unlike Rose) and choosing to use it for a cause she's actually on board with (unlike Finn).
Poe is going to be gay you shitlord. The only way he'll be straight is if he get involved romantically with a trans woman.
>Possible good new character
You are pathetic.
She needed to die because the entire purpose of her role was to directly illustrate the "But at what cost?" moment that Poe and Holdo have after the battle.
attractive females in my STAR WARS????
not on my watch sweetie
The Force is going to save her.
If she wasn't on the falcon at the end then she is dead
They killed this girl instead of her sister Rose.
Fair point.
More like rip wedge Antilles and Tycho celchu
>tat on her wrist
very shameful display
I think white women find attractive asian women intimidating
They would have made more money in China with her. Bad choice. And to make her sister fall in love with a black...they really want to piss off the Chinese audience.
But her sister's love interest is black and Rey didn't seem to like Finn in the same way he liked her.
This was the only Star Wars movie where I actually felt strongly affected by rebel pilots dying. In any other movie Paige would have been completely forgotten about after she died, but in this we see her sister mourn her and that informs her actions for the rest of the movie.
that little gesture the cute A-Wing pilot did with the X-Wing pilot right before they both died really stuck with me. It reminds me that these are, within the fiction, actual people who had their own lives and relationships and now they're fucking dead.
for what it's worth disney fucked themselves up in asia by having the asian girl kiss a black man
people literally boo'd and stood up in the cinema in taiwan
>people literally boo'd and stood up in the cinema in taiwan
What happened to Jess Pava?
She was a qt
What the fuck is wrong with brown people man
>Bad choice.
i'd rather it be the fat uggo who gets with finn desu
Jesus, I thought Americans clapping in the cinema was bad. Do these idiots even realize that nobody who made the movie is there to hear them?
Episode IX is looking great
You only cared because they were girls you fag.
Standard cheap movie tactic of filling the 'good side' with women who have no place being in combat to make you feel more sad when they get killed.
Meanwhile the bad side remains conveniently woman-free, so you don't feel bad when the goodies slaughter them en masse.
>She appears to have actually spent several of her formative years training (unlike Rey) to acquire a useful skillset (
Yeah, a babyfaced young woman who looks like she's 16. Clearly looks like a hardened pilot.
But she didn't die in the dreadnought attack? She died when Kylo blew up the hangar.
She's 22 according to that page some user posted up there and learned the basics of piloting using a cropduster on her father's farm.
So let's be stingy and say she has a minimum of 6 or 7 years flying experience.
That's approximately 400 times the experience Rey has in using the force and fighting with a lightsaber.
The chinese will not be happy about it
Don't forget they made kylo do
>I'll try spinning - that's a good trick!
>the bad side remains conveniently woman-free
There were loads of females in the first order
and? so is Kylo Ren, he's a good character
Rey is the worst case of Mary Sue in the history of cinema, it doesn't make the other shitty Disney feminist characters better. If the resistance is so desperate that they're hiring little girls to beat the empire, they should already give up. I remember when there' the assault on the village in TFA, you got a closeup on a female soldier shooting at the ST. This shit needs to stop, it's like this BS is consuming 100% of their time. That's why we ended up with the worst films ever made.
What if Doctor Aphra saved her?
>She's 48
Goddamn it, Asia, what do you do?
Yes, duh.
tfw I couldn't protect her smile
>Jessica Henwick will never choke you to death with her whip and then open your guts with her katana
I just want her to be my kaishakunin
Was a great day when I found her old topless modelling shoot
She should have had Billie Lourds role
Fucking hw nepotism
a cute
Holy fuck, I want to go to a midnight release for a poo movie. These people know how to properly nog out at a movie.
Billie is such a qt, she deserves a bigger role!
Rey is objectively not a mary sue in TLJ, though
That wasn't so bad.
She should be bigger
>swn put a Luger at your temple and pull the trigger as she says "die, subhuman".
kylo is the greatest starfighter in the galaxy. he's got the force, he's got skywalker blood, he's got solo blood. he'd wreck poe in a 1v1.
he just flew into the hangar without a care
>he's got skywalker blood
Leia doesn't seem to be a very good pilot unless you count her scene in TLJ
i was referring to anakin
>Red nips
>Pale skin
She's perfect. Would create clone army of
Why did she have to die lads
And what I meant, is just because Anakin Skywalker is your ancestor doesn't mean you'll end being a good pilot, see Leia.
They're too stupid to bring good characters into the movies
>none of the resistance secondary characters made it to TLJ except for that alien
L O S T cast BTFO
>has a sad look on his face when Rose's sister's bomber is destroyed
He was piping it down for sure.
we never really saw leia fly anything for very long, so we don't know. she did fly the falcon though in Empire pretty effectively
more feet!
>tfw no english rose gf
I agree. She makes a shitload of mistakes, but these assholes won't accept this. She's no more a Mary Sue than Luke himself - he was a fairly bland character in ANH and took out a Death Star without any training, then further films sketch out his weakness and failings. Same with Rey.
Wait, didn't that guy die in TFA?
>rip Snap
>without any training
Also the Death Star is the only thing he succeeded at in the entire trilogy.
The forced diversity character.
Notice how non of the characters in the OT felt out of place?
She like many is nothing but a quota & it sticks out like a sore thumb.
>tfw 30 years later, plebs still say that luke is "whiny" and don't notice how he changes significantly in each movie
>what is a character arc
Best new qt pilot ;-;
I'm talking about him spinning excessively to look cool. There was no need to spin for like 15 second straight
The alien is my favorite character
>just because ____ is your ancestor doesn't mean you'll end up being a good _____
yeah, user, that's how genetics works, but this film franchise's one consistent motif is FAMILY DESTINY and muh pottery so judging by the established rules of the universe, Ben is probably the best pilot in the galaxy
The rebellion is female.
i agree that luke has a character arc, even tho plebs don't see it
so does anakin, even tho plebs don't see it
and so does ben, even tho plebs don't see it
Rian gets that you have to focus on the Skywalker no matter which movie you're making and that Rey is too much of a Mary Sue p2w character to flesh out as having real trials to overcome, so he made us focus more on his development. that's why TLJ is the only good Disney SW and will probably be the only good one until Rian makes his own trilogy
>She makes mistakes!!!
Like what, faggot? Let's run down Rey's "character conflicts", shall we?
>Receives a deserter stormtrooper bodyguard that gives up the deserter life for her
>Receives a map to Luke Skywalker, that the whole universe was after
>Receives the Millennial Falcon and is able to pilot it better than Han, though she never flew it before
>Receives a visit from Han and Chewie, gets to keep Chewie as the world's best co-pilot
>Receives Anakin's lightsaber, gets to keep it for free when the wheeling-dealing, "no union negotiations" merchant lady sees that she's holding a priceless artifact weapon with a blank look on her face
>Fights the big bad of the new series only for him to fall head-over-heels in love with her, so much that he betrays his lord without even compromising his thoughts to him
>Receives the first hug from Leia when getting back from the Not-Deathstar
Oh yes, she has it so tough and makes so many poor decisions.
Let's not forget how difficult things are for her in TLJ:
>Goes into the Darkside Pit only to look at a mirror and never be affected by it again
Wow, real character growth. Real inner struggle right there.
I think I read somewhere that Greg Grunberg refused to shoot any death scenes so that way he couldn't be killed off during the battle.
He'll probably beg JJ to say that his character was somewhere else and didn't die in TLJ.