Disney deliberate sabotage of SW: The Last Jedi

Deliberate sabotage by Disney.

I'm serious. Let me explain.

Disney wants to establish a new star wars fan base. One made up of an alliance of nu-millenials, asian market, SJW,s Tumbelrinas and whole lot of other minority crowds.

They purposely don't want any of the old fans dictating the franchise direction. Disney wants to be in charge of it and having the old fans have so much swaying power is problematic to them. Yes you read that correctly. Star wars fans have huge influence and money purchasing power on the franchise. They even made Lucas change direction after Episode 1. Disney are scared by these fans as potentially it puts star wars films at risk of underperforming. Think of marvel films and how they are safe money makers because of the braindead fan support. Old star wars hardcore fans can be autistic as fuck. They can ruin a franchise anytime and that causes disney anxiety.

They don't want old fans fucking up their investment by having the risk of a flop occurring in the next films or they being ridiculed because they have not been appeased/pandered too. Simply put the power dynamic is not to disney's liking. The old fans has too much power. On the other hand these new fans can be melded by disney to like whatever they churn out.

So they want the new old fans to be gone. To be outraged. To call this fan fiction. They want this. They want them to be gone and make the road clear for the new drone fans.

Fans that will never complain about direction. Fans who will take anything up the ass. Fans who will love it no matter how bad it is. Fans that you can sell and merchandise to. Basically think the Marvel film fans situation. Guaranteed money.

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Or they could just give the fans what they want and make a lot more money.

This was a Star Wars movie made for people who have never watched Star Wars and only gained an interest in "nerd culture" around 07/08 when The Big Bang Theory, MCU and Dark Knight came out.

It's Kathleen Kennedy. She is a control freak and die hard feminist.

Skip to 9:45


Yeah it is a little bit of that, but it's also the fact they want to maximize profit and bring in an audience of consumers that was previously put away from Star Wars, and that are WOMEN.

Additionally, the movie MUST play out to the main consumer base today, millennials, and to do so it must include the safety of a Mary Sue to assure them they are special little snowflakes that are entitled to the world as soon as everyone realizes how perfect they are. It needs to be a fantasy realization for millennials: fighting capitalism and being so so perfect and great without ANY effort whatsoever.

Let me give you another example. I have a friend who works on the music industry, and he says movie studios are shying away from melodic soundtracks with themes and leitmotifs because - just like narration in trailers - those are perceived by millennials as "dated" - and millennials are the main market for movies. It must be a bit more rhythmic and less melodic. This is why John Williams soundtrack is SO subdued and plain. He CAN still do a Duel of the Fates, but he was specifically told to be as discreet and plain as possible. At the same time, they cannot hire a fucking Hans Zimmer and do that shit, because it would break away from the original tone waaaay too much, so they picked in between.

Disney is fucking SW. It is up to us to embrace what they now call LEGENDS and give Disney a middle finger. Say NO to them.

I am not buying anything SW related or paying to see any of the new films.

It baffles me as well, user. And how hard is it to cast people that aren't slags or chimps? Truly a question for the ages.
They somehow managed to fail on every level
>their toys are shit
>they made old fans hate them
>they made the actual tumblr, sjw crowd hate them
>they couldn't establish a new setting
>they couldn't make a decent movie
Everything that could go wrong, did. I've said it again and again, but why didn't they just give the old series a proper send-off for the fans, and then make a spin-off bullshit series every summer for kids and SJWs? They're already alternating with stuff that comes before this timeline. They're just so fucking stupid.

So you admit that women and minorities will only accept a product if white men are either eliminated from it or turned into the antagonist?

That sounds like a nice, healthy progressive culture!

Not my choice or decision.

What many people ITT including OP do not realize is that money is no longer the primary incentive for movie studios any more. We know this because they continue to push SJW politics even if it costs them at the box office and what people need to understand is that power and influence are more attractive to studio executives who are already swimming in shekels anyway.

The reality is that American culture is largely defined by media and the prospect of shaping that culture, shaping America (and by extension much of the world that consumes American culture) is much more appealing to studio execs than adding more zeroes to a bank account. Young people are especially susceptible to media programming and the reason why older audience members are being portrayed as “bitter and out of touch” is because they represent opposition to the narrative that Hollywood wants to promote. It doesn’t matter whether the movies are profitable, what matters is that they capture the attention of the younger demographic because they will inevitably supplant the older generation. The goal is ultimately to groom young people to accept whatever the media promotes as a means of social conditioning.

That is indeed true, but there is a circle of conditioning and profiting from that conditioning. Doing a SJW friendly movie sells.

Kathleen kennedy is a total hack. She was a sceretary, Spielberg hired her as assistant, and since she was so bad at taking any notes, he made her associate producer on his movies. Go figure. She is largely unqualified to direct anything, let alone a srudio like Lucasfilm. All the movies have gone through production Hell. The biggest hack producer would have ripped apart the scripts made by JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson, she gave it a green light because there was a female lead and that's the only thing that mattered.

Some cogency but whiny marvel bashing indicates a BvS fan. Points ignored. Thread passed.

Damn, looks at those fucking muttonchops.

Does it though? TLJ is under performing and is only profitable at all because the Star Wars brand is still valuable but even a strong brand like Ghostbusters couldn’t salvage the all female reboot. Nonetheless we are also getting an all female reboot of Oceans 11 that will no doubt tank at the box office but again that is besides the point.

She will be kicked soon after the mess with TLJ

Fucken oath OP.
Take it from someone who the original Transformers animated movie on release.
Same shit here. Motherfuckers want to kill off all your toys so’s you have to buy new ones.
Picture fucking related.

Let me put it this way: how much money would it be making had MEL GIBSON wrote and directed it.

She covered for Spielberg's sexual misconducts and cocaine use between 1977 and 1983. That's why.

Mad Mel is too edgy to be a good fit for Normie Wars but if they gave it to Nolan I believe it would have broken box office records.


You're a Big Guy.


>Katty K'd



>katty K does star wars

Want to know something really fucking sad? I'm an old dude who saw the OT as a kid, and even my mom, in her late-20s then, fell in love with Star Wars. She liked the spiritual, Eastern-flavored mysticism and the implications that anyone could use the Force, but it took practice, dedication, mental discipline. She loved the story of goodness, hope, and compassion ultimately triumphing over evil, fear, and cruelty. She loved Leia, Luke, and Han almost as much as I did, and we cheered side-by-side in a packed theater of cheering fans when Luke's faith was rewarded and his father clawed his way back into the light.

We saw TFA together as well. Me, my kids, and her. We were tentatively optimistic about the direction they were going in, even if we weren't perfectly happy with every last little thing, mainly the treatment of the OT characters. When TLJ got released and I started seeing the reactions from Europe, I asked my kids if they wanted to see it. My son said he only wanted to go if I did and I was honest with him. We all three ended up giving it a pass and playing games through the weekend.

My mom wanted to go, though.

I tried to talk her out of it, tried to tell her without spoiling anything that fans were not at all happy with it, but she talked me into it saying, "Well, it's just a story. Maybe the special effects alone will be worth it." So we went.

She was really quiet after the movie, quiet on the ride home, and when we got back to her house, I could see she'd been crying. I asked her if she was OK, and her reply was simply:

"I just don't understand why they did that to them. I don't understand why they treat them like they're worthless just because they're not young. Can't they see how they turned them all into failures?"

They took characters she loved, characters she identified with, and treated them like they were just fucking obsolete, just used-up, busted, and worthless, and that's how they made *her* feel.


>One made up of an alliance of nu-millenials, asian market, SJW,s Tumbelrinas and whole lot of other minority crowds.

but all those groups already liked Star Wars

I did my best to cheer her up, to mock them for their stupidity, to laugh with her about the dumb shit they did, like the Light Speed Missile thing(which she yelped at in the theater for being just so incredibly fucking dumb), but even if it was just a flesh wound, these motherfuckers hurt my mom with their thoughtless fucking bullshit, so now and for all time.

Fuck you, Disney. Fuck you for happening.

>Disney wants to cut its fanbase and profit in half

Yeah, nah. They're just incompetent.

I think I got dust in my eyes.