What the fuck was that exchange with Poe over intercom? Seriously marvelshit tier.
What the fuck was that exchange with Poe over intercom? Seriously marvelshit tier
This is General Hux, can you hear me?
Ur mum
>Seriously marvelshit tier.
thats what star wars is now, shouldn't be surprising
>and I thought they smelled bad on the outside
The mom part felt so out of place specifically. That was the first sign of the MCU trash dialog.
>A "your mom" joke in star wars
Levity is fine, but Rian Johnson doesn't understand the tone of this series at all.
I'm not against jokes but that whole dialogue with Poe was pure idiocy.
Wow, cucks defending jokes. Absolutely disgraceful. They have NO PLACE in my starwars.
> When 900 year old you reach, look as good you will not.
That scene was so out of place it instantly took me out of the movie. It was like watching the gag reel. The Hux in this movie was a completely different character. Rian is a fucking faggot.
>So... are we the baddies?
There is a difference between immature childish jokes that are out of place and don't really add to the story and ones that are built into the characters and environment.
>I can arrange that
Shall I go into the clone wars? There are some real gems there.
Is bringing up a cartoon show supposed to justify TLJs "witty dialogue", one liners and grade school humor?
Oh no, I'm talking about the prequels buddy. The era.
Are you fucking newfags really complaining about corny jokes in fucking starwars? Sweet Jesus...
>Poe called him Hugs
>Camera quickly zooms in
>"when 900 years you are..."
>cuts back to luke reaction
>"look this good you will not"
>comedy close up of Yoda cellulose a la spongebob
>comedy close up of swamp grass stuck in Yoda teeth
>Yoda turns pinky to corner of mouth and grins
I can't help you if you can't see the difference.
[Begins flailing about]
Hux is great because he's one of the "Empire did nothing wrong" fags if he actually existed within the star wars universe
those who actually idolize fascism generally aren't well adjusted or admirable people
Are you dumb?
[runs into another droid]
I really wish they used Chewbacca more in this movie. Luke never even invited him up to the temple and he just sat by himself at the Falcon and was used as comic relief with the dumb porgs. I wish there was a longer scene of him and Luke talking about Han or a scene where he rescues Rey from Snokes ship.
>"you know, kinda PASTEY"
wrong on every point, too bad you couldn't make it
>joke is a small side remark to the scene
this is fine, in moderation
>scenes just for the purpose of a shitty joke
fuck off
In my opinion it is you who is hello.
Why is Hux the numero uno when there are older and presumably more experienced officeres we see in the film? Is he Snoke's fucktoy?
>scenes just for the purpose of a shitty joke
Litterally the entire prequels in regards to jarjar
His daddy donated the most money to build the starkiller base, so he could get his pathetic son a career and most importantly out of his house.
Affirmative Action at work guys.
are you unironically using the prequels to defend TLJ
Worse, he’s an underage faggot.
I would probably say that too. Han is a smart ass. Even Poo's who is going to talk first scene isn't terrible. It's awkwardly funny.
OT had a sarcastic sense of humor. That's quite different from Marvelesque quipping.
>Implying that X-Wing fighter jocks don’t have senses of humor
Fuck this gay shit
The fact that you can complain about jokes yet ignore 9 hours worth of prequels is dumb user.
>this movie is shit
>nuh-uh, these other movies are shit too
The Prequels have no relation to TLJ being terrible.
I don't understand your point
See this is called tone, something disney cant understand. If this were the OT empire Hux would've been force choked or killed by now. Other high ranking members would be vying for his power. Yes instead of giving the first order presence they just make them the butt of every joke. When your leader is this incompetent you cant really have tension in the story what you have is a giant joke.
Retarda and normalfags who dont understand how to properly tell stories will go 'muh humor' becauee all they want is a quick chuckle.
How would've Tarkin reacted?
>these movies suck
>yeah well, these other movies suck. haha, I sure showed you
They've been getting slated for over a decade now, sorry if we're taking time out to criticize this newly released disgrace - the prospect of someone having a break must be really offensive to a Disney shill forced to live on Sup Forums defending a movie so bad it might have topped the prequels in that regard.
OT Imperials are actually believable as military officers, which is something that the ST fails at.
>surrender now or I blow your ship to smithereens
I think he'd probably have opened fire.
The First Order being a bunch of faggy Nazi LARPers is what makes them interesting, though. Unironic Mary Tzus like Thrawn are so boring
>they're retarded on purpose!
Its honestly baffling how right they got imperials in Rogue one. Then you go to the sequel trilogy and everything is a quipptastic joke.
I literally wanted to walk out the theater during this scene.
'Ur mom' is probably a reference to his being a bastard. He is a bastard, it's on Wookipedia.
>3277 LY
>not being from some enlightened and euphoric region like, for instance, Chiss Ascendancy, where there's no concept of marriage
I seriously hope you human males don't do it.
this, they're an extension of ren's wannabe vaderness. they desperately want to ape the efficiency and refined military spirit of the old empire, but they're really just clowns in nice suits.
as above. those was the true imperials. that's why their spirit was captured correctly in rogue one. the first order are pretenders.
as a caveat, i hate the marvel-tier humour too, but the wannabe-thing is clearly what tfa and tlj are trying (and failing) to get across,
>ot aliens
>existing in nu-starwars
>laughing brown sacs
>When your leader is this incompetent you cant really have tension in the story what you have is a giant joke.
Exactly this. There were literally no stakes in anything that happened, you knew all the "important characters" were going to survive.
inb4 Snoke isn't actually dead
Holy shit, I haven’t seen the movie yet. Is this for real?
Admiral Thrawn is canon
>accepting a phone call from some enemy fighter in the first place
this entire scene was just terrible
My point still stands, the first order are a consistent joke. They were supposed to be a fanatical regime of the empire that indoctrinated children and worshipped what the empire did. We see nothing to convey this and instead they are just made fun of. Theres no threat to them whatsoever.
The difference between jokes in this shitfest and the other movies are that the jokes in this pile of garbage is directed at the audience, and not between two characters
The First Order are supposed to be complete fuckups with no competent officer corps. They're the Sup Forums-posters of the Star Wars galaxy getting funding from space Trump to cosplay as the Empire with shitty made-in-China tier knockoffs of Imperial tech.
Like Star Destroyers without shields, Stormtrooper helmets that don't protect against gas, etc.
>I don't like it so the intent doesn't exist
Fuck off
That would actually be really funny.
Poe starts going through his list of jokes, and the officer just drops the connection and calmly says 'Open fire'.
Yet they took over the entire universe. What the fuck is that?
They had a really big gun and enough ships to overwhelm the mostly demilitarized and peaceful galaxy.
Who cares about that, though wikifag? That's not what the story is about
I'm not talking about Thrawn. I'm talking more about Piett, Veers, Tarkin, etc who act like military officers. They have a certain bearing.
>They had a really big gun and enough ships to overwhelm the mostly demilitarized and peaceful galaxy.
Yeah, but they're a bunch of moronic fucknuggets. They shouldn't even be able to make ships that are airtight unless they're backed by some kind of engineering genius.
>they're canonically intended to be literal retards and fuckups, you guise
>successfully take over the entire Republic, destroys the entire Resistance except for literally one single ship with about twenty people on it
these two new movies have completely thrown coherence, continuity, and a somewhat believable or at least internally logically consistent setting entirely out the window.
>when you're a joke
How can he keep living like this?
Thats because the media and disney only care about 'geeks' and normalfags who think theyre such nerds for liking starwars. If you even begin to talk about how inconsistent anything is they'll tell you to go back to wookiepedia.
He finds comfort in Kylo's dick.
>tfw you're a pale blonde who kind of looks like this gingersnap faggot
Kill me
all find comfort in kylo's dick
Yes. In the opening scene the Resistance is evacuating their base from TFA and Poe prank calls Hux to stall for time. It's really, really bad.
It's amazing how the phone exchange was so shit that it actually makes this scene look clever
well, not clever, but it works as an act of desperation
I liked it because Kylo really did just silently glare at him for 15 seconds after he was brought before him
Like, how long do you think the dude would have kept that up if Poe hadn't said anything?