>Star Wars should never venture outside of the OT - RLM
I'm not even sure if these guys are paid off by Disney or just geniunely actually retarded.
>Star Wars should never venture outside of the OT - RLM
I'm not even sure if these guys are paid off by Disney or just geniunely actually retarded.
RedditLetterMedia has always been contrarian populist paid shills and nothing more
why the fuck do you guys care so much about what they think. genuinely don't know why Sup Forums is so obsessed with RLM.
Because, as I already explained here they're contrarian populists, which appeals to the average 4channer mindset.
Man you're dumb as fuck
Given the context of the MOVIES (the only thing they're talking about) the writers have proven themselves out of ideas. Of course more could be done with it, but Disney wont. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that at this point after the last 2 main line movies.
>contrarian populists
That must explain why they all pointed out the problems of TFA while still praising it, like pretty much everybody did in 2015. It sounds like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
bro they barely have over half a million subs. What world are you living in where that's popular.
>why the fuck do you guys care so much about what they think.
Because they're children who are desperate to have their shitty opinions validated by their friend simulator.
fucking angry joe is more popular than these guys what the fuck is your problem.
Because most people are sheep and follow people because of their personality or because they're sarcastic
hitb is the parody and nerd crew the real deal.
im fucking sick of this RLM spam on this board. what about them makes them any different from the thousands of other film critics on youtube?
THEY ARE NO ONE. WHY DO YOU CARE. lol goddamn Sup Forums. Find someone you like to watch and then follow thier shit instead of posting who you hate. You're just going to make that person/channel more popular. Oh but whenever someone posts from a channel that hardly has any subs you discount it as selfposting. You fucks are beyond retarded.
they are our guys, now fuck off to r/anime you faggot
MOST PEOPLE!? DUDE. MOST PEOPLE (Channels) HAVE MORE THAN A MILLION VIEWS. Quit being buttblasted. What the fuck.It's like me being mad at my local radio stations opinion. Literally no one gives a fuck.
they dont suck the cock of every shit film that comes out unlike almost every other "critic"
why though?
You say contrarian populist like that's a thing and not some retarded term your brain made up
REEEEEE Their opinions don't mirror mine! REEEEEEE
there are plenty of critics on youtube that give movies negative reviews, even more than RLM does. in fact RLM generally has the same views on movies as most mainstream critics and their opinions aren't particularly unique, so you're objectively wrong there.
>being this proud that you base your opinions on films off some fat men in Milwaukee
>contrarian populist
did you have a stroke user?
>RLM trashes The Last Jedi
>says it's a messy film
>says Star Wars itself is creatively bankrupt
>says TLJ killed all interest in future movies
>autists on Sup Forums somehow interpret this as them defending the movie
What is this mental gymnastics?
ok then i like them because they arent smarmy faggots and sometimes theyre funny.
i dunno, they can be pretty fucking smarmy at times.
i don't really care if people like them, hell i like them, i just don't get why their opinions are seen as the objective truth and final call on what people should think about the movies they review here.
no, but people should understand that star wars is just traditional fantasy with an interesting coat of paint, and if you're going to do something beyond that it had better be good
nigga you're the one who's caring and getting buttmad that people don't blindly agree with them.
>only 600k subs
how many subs do you have?
I'm seeing this a lot actually, and not just on Sup Forums. A lot of people seem to think that RML is praising the movie for whatever reason.
They 75% trash it while 25% talk about things they liked. Apparently talking about anything that was potentially good or that they didn't really have a strong opinion on is a cardinal sin with TLJ. You have to 100% hate it or your a paid shill.
Yes, Disney paid RLM to say that their movie is a generic, uninspired mess and they have no further interest in the franchise. 7D chess.
Literally what are you on about. I've been railing the guy because he cares so much about this one small channel. It makes 0 sense when bigger channels have more shill opinions. Also assuming you're the samefag I'm making fun of, you're pathetic. I don't know why you care so much about a 600k sub channel but its fucking hilarious and I will continue to make fun of these threads all day.
It makes 0 sense. Disney should be more worried about Pewdiepie who has actual reach and notoriety who just trashed their film.
im not the samefag you were replying too. why are you pretending 600k isn't big, specially when they've had their videos on trending before and have millions of views on some of their vidoes and have 4000 patreons, stop pretending like they're some small "indie" channel no one has heard of.
and stop pretending that your "epic trolling" is because that user was bullying a small channel and not because you think everyone on Sup Forums should agree with RLM or they are wrong.
The amount you're going out of your way to try an discredit them honest to god makes you come off like a paid shill yourself.