Post directors that pseuds love but are in actuality either overrated or outright bad

Post directors that pseuds love but are in actuality either overrated or outright bad

happy haneke

hanky is shit

Take that back christopher lee is a treasure


Why is it shameful to like Haneke?

This crackpot faggot.

Wes Anderson.

>I put person in center
>Groundbreaking cinematography, holy shit 10/10

This man's movies are worthless after you digest the blunt-as-a-hammer symbolism and c-tier production

Why? Haneke is pretty good

He's a leftist

I don't think I liked one of this guy's movies but somehow I'm always interested when he's involved in something because chances are it's going to be ridiculous or insane.

all these guys are actually great and you know that you are in for a quality fucking time when you watch their movies.

Also, implying that movies are not an activity for pseuds to begin with.

Haneke's movie "The Seventh Continent" is one of the more disturbing movies I've seen, and its not even gory. The less you know about the movie the better.

But I think the movie is prophetic in that it depicts the fate of middle-class families as they continue to wallow in the soulless consumer culture, continually taxed and stripped of sympathy by the corporate elite classes, and forced to face snub-nosed futures.

Please, go to jail already, you talentless hack.

I never use the word pretentious in criticism, but Haneke is just that. Ultimate soycore reddit piece of shit.

>I never use the word pretentious
>does just that

what did you mean by that?

Godard. He fucking sucks.

die pleb

His politics can range from fucking boring to childish, but his direction is always quite good

Essential hack list:

Von Trier
Van Sant

Yeah, his most famous movie is one that doesn't even exist. Says a lot about him.


Nolan, basically Michael Bay (would argue Bay is a better director) but with a competent script.
Aronofsky is a decent director, but can't write for shit. Notice the difference between The Wrestler and the rest of his films.
Jodorowski, failed to impress real artists and had to settle with the pseud crowd.
Cuaron, has to stop every scene for 2 minutes so people can notice the obvious symbolism.

I agree, Paul Thomas Anderson is 100% a hack
But at least Lynch has a style of his own

>a hack
>implying he hasn't created one of the most iconic and individually-owned styles of this century and when he has a good script can't make pop art

That was exactly my point when I said "would argue Bay is a better director".

Why does Sup Forums hate haneke?

>Sup Forums
>not /anyonewithabraintorecognizehisboringpessimiststylethatdoesn'treallysayanythingbutgetslaudedbypeoplewho'veseenveryfewmovies/

Godard is like 50/50 imo. He has some good films but a lot of his stuff is so self-masturbatory which i why i put him on the list. also DUDE DECONSTRUCTING THE MEDIUM AND MARXISM LMAO etc etc. very few of his films have any actual substance to them

Also I'd add Tarantino, Nolan, Spielberg and Lucas to this list but they seemed to obvious.

Spielberg's last great movie was over a decade ago and I'm sad to see him devolve into that dull blue-gray aesthetic of current directors

This but I'm unironically looking forward to Isle of Dogs



Godard hasn't made anything good in decades, but he invented about 30% of modern cinema, he's hardly a hack

He trolled the shit out of """""film reviewers""""" with what he did with Film Socialisme so he's good in my book

Basically Kubrick but bloodier and with less visual invention


The biggest pseud there ever was.

haha great thread Sup Forums

>He's a leftist
i'm not a leftist and still love his films, christ how fickle and childish do you have to be to discredit an entire wealth of films on such a simple premise?

>makes one movie
>it adheres to his vision and doesn't have a compromised frame in it and became one of the most remembered cult movies ever

If anything he was like some alien auteur

they get pass for me because they get sjws mad as fuck
>I was raping frank herbert, RAPING IT LIKE THIS
>Until that point I thought I had a Jewish background. But I'm really more of a Nazi. I believe that my biological father's German family went back two further generations. Before she died, my mother told me to be happy that I was the son of this other man. She said my foster father had had no goals and no strength. But he was a loving man. And I was very sad about this revelation. And you then feel manipulated when you really do turn out to be creative. If I'd known that my mother had this plan, I would have become something else. I would have shown her. The slut!

absolute madmans

>Jodorowsky or Von Tier
>making SJW mad
they're literally their market

>marathon the thread
>this guy hasn't been posted yet

what the f*ck???

>a literal rapist
>not making sjw mads
"the left eats its own"

SJWs can play ignorant

Godard and Korine are actually talented.

Lucas is criminally underrated.

his best movie is american graffiti T B H

Korine is just john waters minus the irony and self-awareness which is what makes Waters good in the first place


>one-point perspective is bad.

But it's okay when Kubrick does it

I think Inarritu is most guilty of this, followed by Villenueve/Nolan, than PTA a little behind those two. McQueen's kind of shit as well.

>implying we like Kubrick
You're not on reddit anymore, kid.

>Haneke is pretentious
Pray tell, what are his pretensions?

This. Btfo

the eradication of the white race

anything nu-Sup Forums hates probably isn't that bad (excluding all the capeshit and star wars, but then again I'm pretty sure half of this board frequently watches that kind of trash)

I'm also a huge faggot

>competent to the point of being one of the only mainstream directors who understands how to convey narrative and tone through the aesthetics of his movies
>treats violence with deadly seriousness
>focuses on stretching and examining the gray extremes of "moral" characters
>movies actually look like movies

Dennis is a good boy

this is definitely not a nu-Sup Forums thread, the only thing wrong here is that it took more than 50 posts for cheeto dust man to be posted.

Fuck off back to /pol, will ya, you cunt. Haneke is KINO.

That's not a pretension. You don't even know what pretentious means.

Anyone on Sup Forums who claims something is "pretentious" is freely admitting: "I didn't understand it."


>heh, w-we hate kubrick here. r-right guys?


Wes Anderson?
Paul WS Anderson?
Gillian Anderson?
Paul Thomas Anderson?

>Paul WS Anderson?
He's talented, all the others are hacks.

Heineken is alright


>john waters minus the irony and self-awareness
Somehow that weird bastard manages to disturb me down to my foundation while simultaneously being comfy as fuck. Based Waters.

Not a hack
Definitely not a hack
Not a hack
>Wes Anderson
Not a hack
Can be a hack at times but has some good stuff
hack in the 70s, decent-to-good now
Not a hack
>Van Sant
>Von Trier
Not a hack
Not a hack
Definitely not a hack
Not a hack
Definitely not a hack
Not a hack
Not a hack
Definitely a hack
Not a hack
Not a hack
>Paul WS Anderson
Definitely not a hack

Actual overrated hacks are: Park Chan Wook, Stan Brakhage, John Waters, Francois Truffaut, Federico Fellini, Michaelangelo Antonioni, William Wyler

Fuck nolan

The only people who disagree are star wars fanboys who haven't seen it and plebs. One of the best slice of life movies ever.

Get the fuck out tourist.

mass replying like this should be banned

This dude is the biggest hack filmmaker ever and it upsets me that people actually pretend that they enjoy his boring-as-shit poverty porn

> dude Crime and Punishment but with incest rape LMAO

El Norte is the biggest meme I've ever fallen for, four hours and ten minutes of boring bullshit. The only interesting part are the political conversations which are only like ten minutes in total.

"the right allows its swamp to fester"

>not hacks

>a hack

How is Tommy Chong bad?

Fellini is for pseuds. He did nothing Piavoli or Pasolini didn't do better

lol what kind of retard thinks Fellini and Piavoli are even in the same ballpark