How the hell are we 2 movies into the trilogy and the main character is still absolute shit?
Doesn't get any better as well when the villains are all incompetent and has only achieved power because the "good guys" are retarded and disarmed themselves
How the hell are we 2 movies into the trilogy and the main character is still absolute shit?
Why is Korra the Chad in this image? She's just as bad if not worse than Rey
For obvious reasons.
At least you have to agree she actually struggles in her story, they fucking handicap her in the third season
And the antagonists in Legend of Korra are fucking top tier
She has more porn I guess? That's really the only "good" thing I can say about her
>she actually struggles in her story
Amon was badass, the others were all shit
You think laughing makes you right?
Among actually managed to remove her bending in the first book, she only got it back because of nothing she managed to do
In book 2 the villain manages to destroy all her past lives
And in book 3 they manage to literally cripple her and she would have died if not for allies
Book 4 is the only one where the villain don't manage to severely hurt her
>main character
stopped reading right there
Unaloq was really the only bad villain in Korra. Besides, the Red Lotus were way cooler than the Equalists.
>no mention that Korra managed to cuck Bolin with his own brother, then cuck the brother with his own ex gf
Individually yes, but I think the equalists make the perfect new antagonists for a post ATLA world
In fact they should have made anti jedi fanatics the antagonists in the sequel star wars trilogy
Legitimate arguments for the jedi and sith being the cause of every major conflict in recent galactic history
> they should have made anti jedi fanatics the antagonists in the sequel star wars trilogy
Yeah Hux would work great as a non-force using villain
>brown eyes
Literally shit color
you should get your eyes checked user
Used the color picker in the middle of her iris
Korra is grade A masturbation fuel and she has been since 2012
What's with this "brown eyes are shit" meme. Literally all the people I've seen with blue eyes have watery, pale grey eyes that look shit. Big brown eyes are the best.
>septic gangrene eyes
umm they're called hazel, not brown sweetie. undoubtedly the true master race of all eye colours.
>Made her a gay girl to spite the fans
>Using her as a paragon of anything
Sure, as a paragon of Sup Forums
55% of the world's population has brown eyes, it's the most basic of all colors in a world of shit
8% of the world's population has blue eyes, it's rare and also a objectively pleasing color
>Made her a gay girl to spite the fans
they actually hamfisted that relationship at the end to appease the fans, or at least the fans on tumblr
Daisy has hazel eyes though. Only 5% of the world have that colour, so therefore hazel eyes are better than blue eyes?
Get the fuck out of here tumblr
Also there is a fucking vast ocean between the eyes of Ridley and the one in the picture you posted, not even a pretty color either
Daisy a cute!
>my genetically weak, soon to die out eyes are the best because they're pretty!!
If you're not a woman, you look like an effeminate faggot.
>t. shit colored eyes
>muh aryan eyes
back to pol
blue eyes are only considered attractive in areas where they are rare, which prompts me to believe that you're an amerimutt. in scandinavia they are so average that people prefer all other eye colours.
She's barely human, fucking hell what a monster.
She fucks up a lot and really does get the shit kicked out of her user. She's noticeable more humble in the end.
Hva faen sa du om meg din lille hore?
Jeg skal faen meg ta deg og rive pikken din av deg
Men seriost, gå til helvete muhammed
Why do Korra fags keep making threads?
I think he refers to how she multiple times try to get Kuvira to surrender peacefully, and then in the end show empathy towards her instead of being like the old Korra which was all "KORRA SMASH!"
>56%er literally fuming
>t. white cuck getting outbred by bbc
>Among actually managed to remove her bending in the first book,
And magically got it back.
>In book 2 the villain manages to destroy all her past lives
And then she sat in a tree and instantly became an ultraman before getting her Avatar powers back in full.
>And in book 3 they manage to literally cripple her and she would have died if not for allies
At the end and leaves on a cliffnahanger that...
>Book 4
What a surprise, Dark Korra went nowhere and it was alllll in her miiinnnd woooo.
Korra was a shit character who had every problem solved for her and who's development can be summed up in
>At the end of the first season, Korra solves her problem by punching the villain really hard until they bitch out and their army just fucks off despite having full control of the city.
>At the end of season 4, Korra solves her problem by punching the villain really hard until they bitch out and their army just fucks off despite having full control of a whole country.
would of been cool if they kept the whole "Korra lost her bending" thing. Could have played around with the dynamic of the Avatar essentially becoming the "Sokka" of the group.
He's maybe fuming but he's still right. In few generations gingers and blue eyes will go down the shitter. Especially with all the Ethiopians running a train on this guy's wife.
>And magically got it back.
Was mean to be the show finale, besides, it wasn't like she magically willed it back, it was having managed to establish a connection with Aang that her past life could restore the connection, after seemingly contemplating suicide
A lot better than Rey who lost nothing in the fight against Kylo Ren in TFA
>And then she sat in a tree and instantly became an ultraman before getting her Avatar powers back in full.
She regains the avatar state, but all her past lives are gone, she has actually lost something dear to her that has major consequences for her character in the future
> At the end and leaves on a cliffnahanger that...
It's still a season finale ending on a somber note, of course it was going to get better for the actual finale, you think they should have kept her a cripple?
> What a surprise, Dark Korra went nowhere and it was alllll in her miiinnnd woooo.
At least she had an internal struggle to overcome, unlike most protagonists these days
>At the end of season 4, Korra solves her problem by punching the villain really hard until they bitch out and their army just fucks off despite having full control of a whole country.
You ignore the part where Kuvira is the one that order her men to stand down, if it wasn't for Korra actually showing mercy towards the main villain of the season, both in saving her and in having some empathy towards the villain, the conflict could very well have continued
>forgetting Kuvira
In Scandinavia they prefer brown eyes because they are cucks.
Don't you dare insult the Great Uniter!
Also I'm suspecting that Kuvira's design is borrowed from a decade old Japanese Visual novel
She's fucking incompetent. Hardly a marysue
>this is what mutts actually believe
Korra seemingly exist in some paradoxical state of being both weak and fail at everything while also being a mary sue
Hopefully Rey has shown people what a proper mary sue hero looks like
It's a fact though. Get out of your basement Sven. Do something about it.
>That pic
Try looking at it the same way again after you notice the speck between her lips
Oh yeah
The still present dick bulge slay me.
She's hot.
That fucking forehead
Oh nonononono
She has a small mustache HAHAHAHAHAHA
Rey will have to settle for Poe, a character originally planned to die in the beginning of the first movie
Choices are:
>comedy relief nigger
>ugly edgelord with massive anger issues
>handsome fighter pilot
Who do you choose?
Obviously the last, but it's funny that the two of them have spent no longer than seconds together, this trilogy is a fucking mess
Fiery tomboy and classical beautiful princess are a great pairing.
Asami is clearly the top in the relationship though
it's just a shitty pic, did you honestly believe ana was anything other than perfection?
Korra was absolutely worthless. She lost every fight, got fucked, bitched and moaned, stopped other people from fixing it, exacerbated it and then bitched and moaned when others fixed it.
>All those pathetic white boys thinking they can get a woman like her.
>she will never ride you