Why does the whole

Why does the whole
>actions tied to the beat of the music
feel like a gimmick?

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because it is a gimmick, a cheap one that they discard when it becomes inconvenient. It's a bad movie, one of the worst of the year easily.

>saying that in the year of Justice League, Spider-man Homecomng and The Last Jedi

If Edgar really had the idea for Baby Driver for 18 years, he should've made it before Drive and Guardians of the Galaxy

It is a gimmick. I stopped watching it after he autistically bought the second crew coffees.

The driving was so shit, the dancing was cringe worthy but I did enjoy the two action scenes when Jamie Foxx shot all the undercover cops and the beaner chick gets blasted. It's a 6.5/10 flick.

You think I would actually go see any of that trash? I only watched Baby Driver because my dad wanted to and he's 60.

>one of the worst of the year easily

le epic contrarian

the driving wasn't tied to the music. He acted to the music when they stood but the actual chase isn't

In the film world, thats called mickey mousing. When the music aknowledges every action and movement on the screen.

It generally comes with heavy cartoon associations when done in live action films and is generally avoided.


Baby Driver was fucking terrible. The first heist plays out like a GTA character trying to avoid a 4 star wanted level. The absolutely fucking retarded resolution of him getting between two red cars that HAPPENED to be red and HAPPENED to be a similar model just instantly ruined the whole scene. And then we get to the "one take" charmless walk through the city to get coffee scene where the protagonist tries so hard to be cool and cocksure but looks like an utter fucking dweeb that no one would like and everyone would laugh at.
And we are just getting fucking started. I could dissect the horrific movie for hours if I wanted to. One of the worst things I have ever watched. Reeeeee

it's not a gimmick if it's done by a decent filmmaker

I thought this movie was awful. I can't honestly think of a single film with a more unlikable cast. The music was just plain annoying.

I torrented this flaming piece of shit and I still wanted a refund afterwards.

Why did they cast an irl autist to play another autist?That didnt work with anakin

it failed as a romance
it failed as a musical
it failed as a heist film
some of the driving action was ok. But the characters were so shit and the constant abrupt changes in tone made the film impossible to like

It's sad because Edgar Wright had a stellar track record before this abomination. Hot Fuzz is one of the best action comedies of all time.

>films normies can never understand

So true.
Edgar Wright has lost it since "The World's End" imo.

>I Drive

Because it is.

Still a lovely movie, though. Great to see a hero that doesn't quip and isn't played by the Goose.