1,094 days until Avatar 2
1,094 days until Avatar 2
Based Avatar 2 poster
Avatar was shit.
Based based poster.
Avatar is the second most overrated movie of the last 50 years.
Second to the original Blade Runner
Can you hang out somewhere else? This thread is not for you. Thanks.
We don't need a second thread user. We have to be careful as to not spam, otherwise butthurt haters and capeshitters will beg the mods to start pruning these threads.
Otherwise based though.
Who /learning Na'vi/ here?
>people look forward to this derivative animu garbage
Titanic is James Cameron's only good movie
yes yes
but how long till avatar 3?
>second Avatar 2 countdown thread
I'm gonna have to call "based" on this one. Nice work OP.
Wrong, Avatar is actually a criminally underrated film.
based and a brilliant thread! gj OP
Thanks user
>second Avatar 2 countdown thread
>Broke LITERALLY every single box office record and the kitchen sink.
>criminally underrated
I'm going to to marry a Navi!
It got lower RT scores than The Last Jedi. Let that sink in.
>Caring about paid reviews
Formerly 1,095 days until Avatar 2
I was 15 when the first avatar came out...
Nah I don't think they were paid, I think they were afraid of being wrong and fan backlash. No backbone and no integrity.