It still hurts Sup Forums, it would have been so good

It still hurts Sup Forums, it would have been so good.

No it wouldn't.

Are you sure about that?

What if the KND is actually real and we were all operatives once but got our memories erased after turning 13. The show only exists because KND central command tolerates it thinking its cool to show their past operatives in action and that no teen or adult would believe anything in the show ever happened.

>tfw the video was released April 1
>tfw only Sup Forums fell for it
>tfw only Sup Forums continues to fall for it

No, Warburton really did want it to become a thing.

>tfw the Toonami revival was on April 1st
>tfw it lead to it being fully brought back
It still hurts

>tfw Gmail was launched on April 1, 2004

Yes. It would have been at least as good as the original series.

>the Pokemon anime first aired on April 1, 1997
>it's still making fools out of children and fans to this day

The original series was shit. I swear to christ every episode of this show was bad. Every time a villian is defeated it's because of a rube goldberg machine of coincidences and mishaps. It was not funny, the art was ugly, and the premise is ok at best. I have no goddamn clue what people saw in this show.

I feel like you believed the antagonistic nature of your opinions made them have more weight to them, but it just makes it read as if you were a contrarian piece of shit beneath everyone's contempt.

You know, I find it funny that an adult (or what I presume to be an adult) is lambasting the show about kids fighting against adult tyranny. Almost poetic, in a way.

I'm not going to suggest I'm not a bitter lonely sap that makes bad choices, but my arguments, even sans anger, still hold. Granted, this is my opinion, and I understand that something I do not like might in fact be liked by many. That being said however, I have yet to have somebody explain to me in a rational and calm way why this show appealed, without attacking my choice of words or tone.

Maybe one day, user. As far as I know, Warburton still wants it to happen

>explain to me why people enjoy thing
I have yet to see a single, isolated case where this wasn't 180 degree'd back into the person asking the questions and being called a coward for taking the decision of not replying back.

I could clearly be in the wrong here, but I came here to lament the non existence of a revival for a thing I like, not to discuss why I think it was in my taste. it's cool that you're cool with opinions, so let's agree to disagree.

>implying nice things happen

I haven never seen the appeal of this show too, don't know why it gets so praised around here

Sounds like something a cruddy ADULT would say.

Yes, I am sad, brb making noose.

So fucking sad.

the concept, the characters, the lore.