The first film in the trilogy always made the most money, second film always made the least.
The Dark Knight grossed like 3 times Batman Begins
>Megaflop from a mega pozzed company
Toy Story 2 earnings doubled what the first made
>Iron Man
>Captain America
>Dark Knight
>INB4 capeshit
>Captain America: Winter Soldier
>Iron Man 2
>The Dark Knight
>Thor 2
How can you be this wrong?
TFA had many quesions and when the answers were given in TLJ people didn't like them.
>I'm a giant casual look at me!
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the SW trilogies.
TFA was arguably the most highly anticipated movie ever. TLJ was never expected to make more.
Luckily they don't have to pay Carrie Fisher
>no one liked ESB when it came out
I'm on to you, (((mouse))).
>They made 1/3 of what Justice League did
>People still saying SW will be a huge success while JL is a flop
Is there anyone more insincere than Disney and Marvel shills who shitposted endlessly months against DCEU and Snyder? It became pretty clear that they are on a payroll
Even if he wasn't, there is a lot of evidence that hyped up properties that do well at first don't make more the second time. Avengers, the hobbit, DCEU(probably cause the movies are just shit), even craig bond peaked at skyfall
Tell that to the shareholders.
No shit TLJ has made less than JUST League. JL came out over a month ago. What point are you trying to make?
Justice League > The Last Jedi
>underperforming was part of our plan
What's the next step of Disney's master plan for Star Wars?
If TLJ keeps this trajectory it will make over 100 million less than TFA.
Crashing it with no survivors.
>A Nov. 17 movie has made more so far than a Dec. 15 movie
>Monday and Tuesday are big days for adults going to the movies, so this development is a little surprising. Almost every other film increased from Monday to Tuesday by quite a lot. Only “Last Jedi” declined, by 6%. Again, Monday and Tuesday are days when adults come out and sample “smart” movies. For some reason, their interest in “Star Wars” less than was imagined.
I feel like almost answer was just a "fuck you" with complete contempt for the audience that had any interest in it. Wanted to know what's the deal with Rey's parents and why people seem to know her? Nope, she's just a child of druggies. Her force powers has no interesting familial lineage. Oh, you wanted to know who Snoke was, how he got into power, and what his connection to the Dark Side is and the Sith? Too bad. He gets killed. And Kylo replaces him. He gets no backstory at all. What's that? You're interested in Luke's development, his training methods, and why he left a map for those who wanted to seek his help? He never wanted to be found, he hates the Jedi now and wants the order to die with him, he dies, and Rey learns nothing useful from him.
I mean, you could have made this more of disappointment? Screen time already spent a quarter of the movie on some capitalist military merchant planet, got sidetracked into saving the animals, and then failed anyway. That purple chick was introduced when Ackbar could have easily replaced her, considering they both die in the end.
Do you really think Luke won't be a Force ghost in IX?
>Oh, you wanted to know who Snoke was, how he got into power, and what his connection to the Dark Side is and the Sith?
He was supposed to be Anikin's father but the fanboys figured it out so Johnson killed him early.
Him appearing as a ghost in the next film is irrelevant to his points, they snubbed everything about the first film and that’s not what people wanted
Rey being a brainwashed former Jedi, a new Chosen One, or at least related to a famous powerful force user would have at least explained why she's so talented with the force. I didn't call Anakin or Luke Mary Sues because they're gifted with the force, because they explain it: Anakin is the Chosen One and Luke is the son of Anakin, which means he inherits his force abilities.
Why is Rey so good at fighting force users? She didn't only defeat an injured descendant of the Chosen One, he also defeated Luke, and a couple of fully trained body guard force users of Snoke, who may have been the Knights of Ren/former students of Luke, too.
I'm only talking about Star Wars.
look at this dude
Yes, you proved him right, and?
>the most highly anticipated movie ever
Wasn't that the Phantom Menace?
Im simply providing a chart you retard
Okay? And anyone is capable of using google to know this....????
Did your mother drop you multiple times?
I'm now imaging 2 people talking to each other irl who look exactly like those pics.
this is why it doesn't bother me as much as frogposting