Sheev Origins movie

You know you want it.

now I do. who would play him in this biopic?

Eddie Redmayne?

I would have wanted it but not anymore because kathleen and disney run the show

>young sheev was a twink

the prequels ruined sheev for me. he went from being genuinely menacing in ROTJ to a campy, scenery-chewing old woman in the prequels.

Sheev was still a sarcastic and hammy cunt in RotJ, it was just balanced well with his genuinely terrifying side

in Revenge of the Sith he's a complete joke. Somehow, it works though, probably because Ian McDiarmid knew how shitty of a movie he was in and just decided to go wild

No... We don't need origins, prequels, sequels, remakes, reboots or anything like that.

We need well written, original films and until you retards realise this we're going to be surrounded by capeshit and star wars until the end of time.

yeh I can see that

well regardless of what you think, the only reason anyone would want a sheev biopic is because they've read the plagueis novel and want to see that brought to life with visuals. It will never happen though so it doesn't matter.

Why haven't they made a Darth Vader movie yet? James Earl Jones only has a few years left to live, so the window of opportunity to exploit him and his voice is getting smaller and smaller.

I'll take anything Sheev that I can get.

I do

you already got six fucking Vader movies

there is literally nothing left to explore with that character

How do you go from this ....

To this

His annual raids on tusken villages

How many senators will be dissolved in this?

To this

Never, ever going to get it. Disney hates the prequels. Too masculine, too cerebral.

That's the whole point of his character, though. That's how he managed to disguise himself and grab so much power.

>Sheev dissolved the Senate
>but Sheev also said he is the Senate

Was Sheev actually depressed and suicidal the whole time? Was the laughing and smiling all an act?


In Plagueis young Sheev crashed a space car and killed some people.

ENTJ pride worldwide

Sheev, did I ever tell you about Snoke? He's a powerful master of the dark side, and he knows about you and your future apprentice, Darth Vader (formerly Anakin.) He won't do anything to you though, and will only grab power long after you're dead. He will be neither a good nor bad friend.

Palpatine is scariest in AOTC, because it's visibly obvious that before they decided to do the "force mask" way of ageing Palpatine into The Emperor, they were already set on gradually transforming him naturally, with the more sensible implication that his appearance changed through natural ageing and unnatural dark side energy over the course of time.

In TPM, Palpatine looks young and fresh-faced. In AOTC, Palpatine looks vividly scarier and darker-looking, as well as more menacing, and it's a shame they didn't continue that transition into ROTS (where he's back to being fresh-faced before being revealed as evil), where his sith reveal would correspond to the fact that he already looked intimidating by that point. It would have been interesting to see how he would have naturally looked in ROTS if they'd kept with that idea.

Seriously, rewatch the scenes of AOTC where Palpatine is involved, you'll see what I mean. It's pre-Emperor Palpatine at his most evil looking.

Post more Sheev memes

>doesn't like prequel Sheev
he's literally the only good thing about the prequels and his scenery chewing is fantastic

I'd love a Sheev/Plaugeis movie. Plaugeis is supposed to be a Muun I hope they keep that.

What makes the plagueis scene so good?

so he's the matthew broderick of the sith?

Have your plans ever gone so well that it made you cum?

Episode III and the first Spiderman movie are the absolute pinnacles of kino.

Ian McDiarmid's performance mostly. Perfectly captures the odd quasi-seductive way Palpatine is playing on Anakin's fears as the seemingly innocuous story grows more pointed and sinister

>People still ripping on Liefeild
I'm 39 an read X-Force/Men in the 90s an thought he was shit then. Glad to see the contempt for his lack of talent has persisted

That's not even funny, that's just stupid.

But have you guys ever tried to draw hands and feet? It's super hard, trust me. I'm totally not Robert btw.

Not from Disney I don't.