Past the age of 19, a man without a family, is a very bad thing

>Past the age of 19, a man without a family, is a very bad thing

Was he right?

*Mows your lawn*

>tfw 22 and never even hold hands with a girl

how is this even possible?

some people are extremely socially inept and do nothing to change it

hahahaha WHAT?

I'm 36 and I've never even made eye contact with a female

>dumb frogposter
Ofc, kys pathetic faggot, FOR REAL

>it's /r9tvk/

>go on a first date with two different girls in the last two weeks
>no second date

Hahaha what a fag

well where should i start
>be me
>like 6 years ago in middle school
>look quite attractive even girls hit on me but im too much of an antisocial guy living in my own little world coming home everyday from school eating dinner and playing world of warcraft that only years later i noticed what they actually wanted from me
>after middle school i went to a IT class wich did not have any girls
>it was funny and eveyrday in school we talked about games and internet but my habit of coming directly back home from school did not change
>after finishing high school i noticed that half of my class had a social life and didint like me just come back home play games eat dinner go to sleep and back to school
>tfw people have already sexual expieriences and know what they want and im just a kid in a mans shell

now whenever i think about geting approached by someone i start to think that after them getting to know me better they would not want to have anything to do with me because im just a wow playing antisocial neet

>Past the age of 12, a man without a family can be a bad thing.
Just what the fuck did he mean by this?

>tfw 24 and never even pissed inside a girl's ass while fucking it

Extroverts tend to seek experiences with others, introverts with themselves. Don't worry about being self-focused, they like that. But maybe drop the WoW.

Kys pathetic reddito


Bump those numbers up to 20 homie

>tfw 86 and don't know what a female looks like

>Past the age of 12, a man should be at least Journeyman in a trade and own his own home and have a wife and at least 2 children, otherwise he's basically a pedophile...
Jesus Christ Pizzolato...

>6 years ago
>middle school
Like said, kys

>im just a kid in a mans shell
Do you see a lot of other 19 year olds and think "What a fucking MAN that guy is"? You ARE a kid.

>Past the period of 5 years on Sup Forums, a man that's not a baneposter, is a very bad thing

how did he know?

my opinion on them doesnt matter since i am a fuckin nobody

Why did she snitch?

Wasn't it age 40 or something?

Cause Marty ended the relationship like a bitch, and a woman always has to have the last laugh

22 is young enough nowadays to still be considered a child/kid. there's still time for you to fix this user. a nice girl will at most giggle and say "really?" if you tell them it's your first time.

>inb4 blind


no read the book

I'm 26 and i've legit never been touched by a human being that wasn't part of my family. Loneliness isn't a strong enough word to describe it; it's more like a disease or a tumor.

>a nice girl will at most giggle and say "really?" if you tell them it's your first time.

Not him but please be true..

It's not true. Keep it a secret when you lose your virginity.

ethnicity of the men behind these posts - white

I'm hispanic, actually

Not an ethnicity

It's not a race, but it is an ethnicity. I'm only like 60-70% European

do normies even deserve life

whatever you say, mongrel