The best ship.
The best ship
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Why? Is this the "self insert as the guy and pretend to get all the girls"? You Bolinfags are worse than Ron and Narutofags.
At least it's not as bad as the people who were shipping Sokka with every person with a pulse
Dont get me started on Sokkafags.
While we're on the subject of OT3s, this is the only one with two dudes I can see working so far.
I agree. This works fine.
Harry Potter?
Yeah, this works.
Ron from Kim Possible. Pretty much the biggest self insert in Sup Forums.
Well, I like him with Korra. But not so sure about Asami.
Why hello my fetish.
Your fetish is fat porn?
Soooo what's gonna happen when he impregnates both girls?
Probably get murdered by the Bei Fongs?
Ah, you again.
Is there more of this? Big threesome fetish here
Anyone ever draw/write that "Bolin as the final boss" concept?
Not that I can find.
Disillusioned Earth Republic President Bolin when?
Never? Ok...
Pretty sure miguel's sucked dick before
Kys fag. You want to ship KorraBolin or BolinAsami? Fine. Dont self insert you fucking faggoy.
>Earth Republic President Bolin
thank you, user. i needed a new headcanon
They're the main reason I hate Tokka.
Thank God
>that broken Bolin fic didn't update this week
Wish I could fucking draw...
I can dig it, so long as Lin hooks up with Mako.
>that pic
Bolin so scarred from his war crimes that he's basically a passive rape-me doll for Korra and Asami
I just gave myself a boner
W-which fic is
These and this
SI shipping is the worst form of shipping.
Ah wonderthong...what agreat time for comics.
Trinity shipping is cancer no matter the composition or coupling.
yes, even SuperBat.
The story where they cuck Bolin and steal Opal away from him is much better
Earth Nation Chancellor Bolin
He will make the Earth People great again.
He will create a Earth Nation Co-Prosperity Sphere and reign in all under his rule.
Hail to the Leader and Chancellor.
>two hot women
>and some fat idiot for losers to self-insert
Nah, bro. Nah.
But user this is not....
But bolin is nothing of those things.
>not an idiot
We can talk about whether he's fat or just sorta wide, but there's no argument in the world that can be made for Bolin being even of average intelligence.
Wait, is that fucking lava?
When did he learn to do that?
Wouldn't that be firebending?
No one is worse than Ronfags when it comes to "I really wanna have the loser character impregnate the female cast."
They dont make their own threads. They pop in ship threads. They are contained unlike Bolinfags.
>“Korra, he’s huge!” She emphasized her words with a squeeze that left Bolin tremble with a twitching eye. “Just like you thought he’d be!”
>“Asami!” Korra hushed her friend, finally speaking out amidst the scene. Her cheeks turned a bright red against the dark backdrop of her skin, and she bit down on her bottom lip as she looked back up at Bolin. “Bolin, don’t listen to her, she’s clearly gone crazy!”
He learned that in Book 3.
You should probably watch the good parts of Korra instead of just book 1 and 2.
>no fic of Korra and Asami asking Opal if Bolin can knock them up
>she agrees as long as she gets to watch
Wrong twin.
>Lavabending, son!
>Used to play pro-bending, ya know!
>Would've gone international too if I didn't join the Earth Army!
>Don't FUCK with this goofball!
Fund it
He didn't so much learn it as he saw it done a few times then miraculously figured it out when he was seconds from certain death.
This was the norm before America's post WWII nuclear family stuff started imposing weird morals everywhere. Hell in Europe it was perfectly fine for men to have mistresses and different lovers and their wives didn't give a shit, usually had a couple of their own. Many south american artists, poets, revolutionaries had both the men and women taking on lovers outside of the marriage plenty of times, no one gave a shit. Christian faggotry made things weird and Muslim sociopathy turns it into owning livestock when it tries to do it.
Why not both?
>It was the norm before Post-WWII
I want Mormons to leave.
>wanting Bolin to have his brother's sloppy seconds
Better than having that manipulative bitch Opal
Otherwise, imagine r63 Bolin and Eska/Desna in an OT3.
Imagine Eska warming her up to be heirbended on their wedding night.
>Opal is a manipulative cunt
>Bataar jr built weapon to surpass Metal Gear
>can write essays on how shitty Suyin is
that whole family is shit.
Is this where all the fattys self insert?
Im writing a fic where my OC goes to the Water Tribe and fucks all the girls. He has no flaws and is funny.
All the more reason to help his friends out with some dick.
>At least it's not as bad as the people who were shipping Sokka with every person with a pulse
you mean Bryke?
What I always love about these posts is how they always seem more upset then the people they're trying to get at.
You sound like a cuckold yourself.
I agree. You got any good fanfics good sir?
Prefferably harems!
>two women
Christ, what a sheltered little thing you must be.
>passive rape-me doll for Korra and Asami
Haha what are you talking about? Isnt this the thread where a guy can project himself fucking a ton of women?
No, this is a thread about a character having threesomes, possibly a relationship with his evidently bisexual friends. For whatever reason this leads to anger for you that combines with the regular unreasonable anger you hold for people who like the character.
Haha no its not! Come on! I like self inserting as well!
That's all well and good for you. Stop projecting.
Or rather keep projecting, but expect anyone to care.
Hey man youre the one projecting by pretending to be a fictional character getting all the girls.
>he funds the development of the Shattered Lotus (his version of Desperado)
>using children to develop Alt Benders like the Red Lotus
I mean he's basically the most well connected, one of the most powerful benders in the world. He's prime material for presidency
The problem with taking it in this direction is that's basically straight up evil. I would just have him have to be militant hardass with a now sarcastic, almost mean spirited sense of humor due to adapting to outside forces. Give Korra some she would still feel bad about facing.
>implying HoracexKorra isn't the best ship
>Senator Armstrong
No, it was not. What the fuck are talking about?
>Many south american artists, poets, revolutionaries had both the men and women taking on lovers outside
user, there are very few of them that actually took the hippie way and most of them kill themselves. Don't talk with your mouth full cock, you lying dumbass.
Bros before Hoes.
No hes a beefcake
That's the point of DISILLUSIONED Bolin
It's when he's been broken and believes that the means justify the ends.
I could even see him believing that, given his background and how great he became (especially given how he learned Lavabending due to duress), that a Might makes Right philosophy is best
Lavabending sounds op as fuck. It doesn't seem fair to give it to the retard of the group.
I seen animus with that premise.
But Bolin isn't really fat, guy is really beefy. That's why I just don't get the point of projecting into him, he is nothing like the average fat bastard or lanky piece of shit that you find on Sup Forums.
Honestly if book 4 had a throwdown between Mako and Bolin, with Bolin winning the fight but also turning against Kuvira afterwards because of Makos conviction to fight it could have been GOAT. Could have had the loyal soldier Bolin going all out and then feel the regret over what he did after his realisation. If nothing else it would have been better than the Beifong plot.
Character development was one of the many issues of Korra.
You got that right.
How did the writers of TLA give us LoK, anyway? Did Avatar just require all of their skill and permanently use it up?
Atla had MANY talented people in their creative team. LoK only had two pompous assholes believing they could carry the project by themselves.
The creators weren't the only ones in charge of Atla, they had a bigger team to support/carry them, and they didn't have the praise of having made Atla so they were probably more humble and open to listening back then.
I want Punished Bolin that metalbends his prosthesis.