Isn't he basically #1 on the Rick hitlist for the Citidel, after that shit he pulled on Season 3 premiere?

Isn't he basically #1 on the Rick hitlist for the Citidel, after that shit he pulled on Season 3 premiere?

It's destroyed. Along with the Galactic Federation. Now there is only a few Ricks left... with any luck, the Doofus Ricks is still alive.

>a few Ricks left

I thought there were infinite ricks

Wait, you know what, I'm trying to use my brain with this cartoon. Sorry.


How does this fit with Pocket Mortys? Is my account getting deleted?

Rick and Morty is an adult cartoon of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive theory faggotry and EDGINESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad. However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for edgy, pseudo-intellectual underageb& redditors who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The extremely flawed characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the portal, small, squiggly pupils, the whole science faggotry and everything about the R&M world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on depression, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average nu-male and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little nu-males and underageb& meme-spouters eat this shit right the fuck up. R&M is basically THE series to attract the most hated cartoon fanbase known to Sup Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Rick and Morty threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

As cancerous as Rick and Morty is, I really do hope McDonald's brings back the Szechuan dipping sauce for a limited time event thing

>reddit and memey
into the trash

The Community guy said he wants to avoid too much continuity and have each episode be it's own thing so it wouldn't surprise me if this is all just to reset everything. Sucks though, I thought the council could've made for some fun bits here or there.

They were already going to kill him. He ended up warping the entire citadel into a Galactic Federation facility, and a ton of Ricks were killed. I wouldn't count too much on them having a "list" of any kind at this point.

So, in the memory parasite episode, why didn't Rick just write down their names so they'd know who was real?

>that episode where Summer and Morty fucked

See? That's your mistake.

Man, I missed this pasta.

Until they decide otherwise, there may or may not be n+1 Ricks still in existence, n+1 Galactic Federations and n+1 worlds were Szechuan Sauce is still on the menu


Is the concept of infinity scary to you?

The problem is, everytime someone fucks with him he ends up on top and their entire society gets fucked up.

The smartest way to deal with him is to do your business away from him and never involve him. And even then you have to pray he doesn't just happen upon your operation and get paranoid or end up getting mouthed off at by some dumbass who doesn't realize what they're doing.

The problem is that almost all Ricks are just as arrogant and ego driven as the main Rick so they consistently underestimate him and get fucked in the process. I don't think they are capable of just fucking off and leaving him alone.

>Mary Sue Rick so he could kill a giant space station full of his clones
What a fucking trash show. I don't even want to watch the next season


Ah geez Rick, d-d-does that mean that Hitler isn't in he'll right now? Isn't that a little anti semitic.

No. Pocket Mortys happens in-between seasons 1 and 2, although probably not with the Rick and Morty that we see in the show, or the ones from the comic.

Infinitiy is a pretty huge number.
That particular citadel was basically a reddit circlejerk subreddit, with a group of mods controlling what you are allowed to think.
There are better citadels as a Rick to waste your time on (Sup Forums), but there are also worse citadels as well (dumblr).

Rick really needs to be brought down. Guy coming on top all the time is getting tired.

Meant to reply this to you as well

Really wish they didn't wrap up all the previous plot points from last season in one episode

It's already been established there aren't actually infinite Ricks. Not an infinite amount that can be accessed, at least.

>Along with the Galactic Federation

Doesn't the fact that this one particular dimension's Galactic Federation was trying to get dimension travelling technology from Rick through that brain interrogation / liquefying interface confirm the Galactic Federation isn't trans-dimensional like the Rick Citadel is? And wouldn't this mean that the Galactic Federation still exists in almost every other Rick's dimension? And wouldn't at least one of them have succeeded at getting the information on how to cross dimensions from an alternate version of Rick? And wouldn't that one go on to create a trans-dimensional Galactic Federation that not only conquers one Earth like the situation main Rick resolved but ALL Earths, especially since the Citadel is out of the picture now and can't do its job of keeping other governments from screwing with them, putting main Rick right back into an even worse version of that problem he resolved?

>Guy coming on top all the time is getting tired.

I disagree. Magic Man was great until they had him lose his powers to fucking Betty. I don't understand this desire to humble characters who know how to win all the time. Are you just jealous of them or something?

Question: I know that the Citadel of Ricks isn't an "original" concept. I know if was done in Fantastic Four recently-ish with the Council of Reeds. Has it been done in other sci-fi stories where a bunch of the same guy from different universes organize together for protection/advancing their agendas?

I like magic man, he was a good character until they made his backstory about margles getting raped into nonexistence by golb

Which of course begs the question of why they don't have it. The federation runs interdimensional customs in the very first episode.

Magic Man was an act that wore thin.

Which is the thing, Rick winning is wearing thin. Magic Man got a couple of episodes but when you're the main character and never lose anything it's boring. Even Bugs Bunny took a few losses.

The episode Will be revealed to be the dream of some character/not real

>Magic Man was an act that wore thin.
No magic man was great when he was a dick to everyone for no reason with no secret dark past.

I watched the series thing starting yesterday afternoon. I was an idiot for avoiding this because of the animation.


>No magic man was great when he was a dick to everyone for no reason with no secret dark past.


>wearing thin

I don't understand that complaint at all. Do you want everything to always change? There are no aspects of any show you enjoy keeping the same?

hopefully they forget about the federation shit and get back to stand-alone episodes until the end of the season

le upvote, good shit

if you used that brain to actually watch the show you'd know there aren't infinite ricks, just lots.
it's like this, guy. First you see this sleeping giant, you think everything's fine
then you see he's got this sweet little island chain he barely uses, and you're willing to risk pissing him off to nab it
then you find out he's actually willing to fight you. Well fuck, now he's #1 on your hitlist. you've got tons of determined fighters, you can do this. he'll rue the day he crossed y-
then after some fighting, he reveals he's been hiding his power level, and drops two fucking genki dama on you
that's when you decide to just leave him alone and stop trying to take over earth

>Rick, remember that time when you forgot everyone's names and had to write them all down?
They would have just made up a memory either way.

so your one of thos fags that like status quo ?

Rick and Morty shills answering themselves.

>season 2 sets up a ton of continuity possibilities
>lol let's scrap it
I like the show but the season 3 opener has me apprehensive. I was hoping for more episodes about how different earth would be with the Galactic Federation and how Rick's breakout would be a sort of cumulative thing.

>Taking shit seriously
I don't get this board.

Man Sup Forums, why are you so fucking angry all the time?

Yea that kinda felt cheap. I would have liked to see Morty try and break out Rick.

"Try" being the key word here.

No need to hold back, call me a fag like everyone else you fag

Because everyone else is shitty

I tried asking for some last night to go with my super Mario happy meal, they didn't know what it was

You're a retarded fucking faggot.

cool it, bud

Now imagine how Rick would explain to Morty on how Juraians work.

Considering incest makes them stronger and they have gods... looking for something above them. God looking for God basically.

I'm not your bud, pal

I don't understand why the leddit the show thing exists, roiland is literally a 4chinner.

>using human logic and constructs on how the infinity of the multiverse works.

Your own single universe is constantly expanding. You know that right?

do you ironically believe time travel and dimensional shenanigans are good plot devices

Thank you for your expert analysis.

The pilot doesn't appear to be entirely in-canon with the rest of the series. They haven't brought back variable time dimensions, either, unless you count the microverses (which aren't REALLY dimensions).

Maybe that explains why everything he makes is shit

and it's still better than anything you'll accomplish in your life, whoaaa

Ironically? yes it's funny when they try to apply "rules" to it or pardoxes, espically in the end when in a human or a character that acts human is all mind fucked in the end. Of course you would be mind fucked you can even sense most of the stuff in the universe. Same way that sense of smell is shit tier, but you try perceive their reality.
With no bullshit theotical visual aid

Your missing out on sensing dark matter already

I fucking love Rick and Morty! Fuck the haterz!OwO

does summer have a piss fetish haha do you think she wets herself for fun haha

Plus the entire point of the show is basically to ask what reaching the godlike level Rick works on would do to a person.
If anything was an actual threat to Rick, it would undermine his whole character. He's miserable because he's experiencing the ennui you feel when you play a video game in God mode in his real life.
His motivation being a desire for the Mulan sauce seems like it's a deflection on his part, but it also makes perfect sense. One thing he cannot do is time travel, so if this sauce doesn't exist in the present day in any universe, then obtaining it actually represents some small measure of challenge for him and gives him purpose and direction in his otherwise meaningless life.

This show is fucking garbage.

Not in that exact way, but the old sci-fi short stories The Man Who Folded Himself and All You Zombies involve people whose entire lives are built around interactions with other versions of themselves.

That was the Federation of a different dimension though. There's almost certainly at least one universe/dimension where they cracked interdimensional travel and conquered multiple universes.

Wow, that is really insightful.

But you do know that they said it was just a bit, right?
For God's sake, they even presented it within the confines of "comedy comes in threes."

>Rick really needs to be brought down. Guy coming on top all the time is getting tired.
He is an alcoholic who is in constant despair. Does he even SEEM like he is on top? It is canon that he hates himself.

OR ... captured their dimension's Rick and got his formula, as was seen to be an objective of the home Federation.

this is so cringy, the entire point of the show is boy and wacky scientist uncle go on adventures, it's not the chronicles of rick: nobody else is important

There is an "infinite" however I quoted it because the rick controlled by evil Morty specified that "out of all the ricks on the central finite curve" so either outside the curve the realities dont have ricks because of something to do with how the planet formed or those outside the curve are unreachable.

So in the infinite universes there are technically infinite Ricks but not infinite, its n/n as n reaches infinity and we don't technically know which one reaches infinity first but we can be more confident that the numerator reaches it slower applied solely to this senario as there cant ALWAYS be a rick unless he exists even if earth does not.

Which would lead to a bunch of other crazy things

I think it was less that the Federation needed Rick's dimension travelling technology to travel dimensions, and more that Rick's was just so much better than what they were using.

The Federation needed huge stargates that were completely stationary and only connected two dimensions to travel. Rick's gun could point at the air and instantly take him to any dimension he wanted. It would have completely revolutionized the Federation in every way.

This was so dumb after the introduction of Unity, Unity itself said they would be what is referred to as god

You're one of those spastics who gets upset if someone suggests Animal Farm is about more than talking pigs, aren't you?

No. It's not. That's not how dark comedies work. Bu-doi.

She was just being flowery. She'd be every sentient being in the universe at once, but that's not what God is. She wouldn't be omnipotent and she'd have no claim to have created the universe.

k take your fan theories and headcanon to reddit, faggots


>Even Bugs Bunny took a few losses.
>referencing the worst episodes to prove a point
no one cared for the little alien and im glad they never brought him back

She might not be a full powered god but anyone that can control whatever you do whenever it feels like it is pretty omnipotent

Not really. She'd only be capable of what the universe's sentients were collectively capable of. That's nothing to scoff at, but it's nothing close to omnipotence.
She couldn't rewrite the laws of physics on a whim or conjure infinite lemon snow cones with a thought.

If you can't handle a fucking Sup Forums thread I'm guessing that this isn't the cartoon for you.
Why don't you go check out the MLP board?
I'm sure that'll be more to your speed.

>super Mario kids meal
Where you located at my nigga

I think we're arguing over the definition of god here, for example Poseidon could not create horses out of nothing he had to use sea foam and yet he is a god. Generally a god is a being that has superhuman powers that is worshiped or followed by many just because they cannot do anything they want does not make them any less godlike

Yeah but won't the universe eventually collapse on itself?

Does this mean there could have been multiple big bangs?

He didnt get unity that time.

Yeah but they're not talking about Poseidon or even Zeus when they talk about God on R&M. They're talking about capital G God. The creator. Cloud dad.

>Season 3 premiere
season 3 hasn't premiered yet

Yes it has???

For real, does nobody on Sup Forums know any string theory factoids?
First one: they thought so, but observable data and the math has reversed itself. So it's still an unresolved issue.
Second thing: the current theory says "yes" and thus it's a mathematically proven multiple occurrence.

Poseidon and Zeus are God's with capital G's their power just wasn't omnipotent and no God can actually be by very definition. The old question "Can God make a rock so heavy he himself cannot lift it" illustrates that, if God is omnipotent he can and cannot therefore there is no God by your definition

That's more than Sup Forums janitors make.

Hi Justin

There is a limit, due to the Portal Gun only being able to access universes in the Central Finite Curve.

Does this means portal guns from other Ricks would have different ranges of realities it can access?

How could he know the list was accurate when the parasites put false memories in his brain? Use your head.

This pasta was retired after Sup Forums started allowing naruto threads so pls don't soil it.

Acknowledging that powerful beings exist in the universe isn't the same as eating magic bread every Sunday and worshipping the Jewish son of a carpenter named Joshua.