Ultimates Storytime

Continuing Based Ewing's trip through the cosmic

Volume 1

Other urls found in this thread:



>not naming it Ultimates^2 Storytime
Aww shit son, what are you doing?



God damn this art is amazing, it nails the cosmic feel so well
Thanks again for the storytime, I gotta pick this up now

Got too focused on the story to care. Please forgive me You're welcome

Monitoring this thread.


Please do. The sales aren't doing too well and it'd be a damn shame for this to get the Nova treatment.





is it weird that I'm just numb of all the cosmic stuff? the writers put down landmarks, but the landmarks are just erased or crushed or moved so they aren't useful as landmarks anymore. and when a new cosmic figure is put down and the writer says "okay this is the new landmark," I don't have faith that I can orient myself by this, because I don't have faith that it won't be erased or moved just like the last one, whenever someone new has a whim.

I'm not expecting permanence, but don't expect me to invest in something as if it's permanent. Cosmic stories were useful as allegorical tales, or a new mythology, but these ideas aren't archetypes they're fashion.





I'm reminded how this artist can have some great stuff depicting cosmic stuff, but regular scenes like these just look off.






















>turning a cosmic entity of destruction into an entity life had consequences
Who could have guessed?











My god, what happened between this and Animal Man?



Bravo Adam


Is Ewing /ourguy/?

The problem is the coloring, not the line-art. The art improves dramatically when a new colorist comes on, and the coloring on Animal Man was top notch.

Honestly, Marvel's biggest problem on the art side these days is that while they get some solid artists, they saddle them with garbage inkers and colorists.


Yes. Also, let's see if anyone can spot the upcoming King of the Hill reference.



Strickland Propane!


This is awesome

I've never seen KotH


And you call yourself a Sup Forumsmrade. For shame.












Damn thats cool











So, does "personify" actually mean anything? Because you'd think that the death/mutation of the personifications of Law, Order, Chaos, and Balance would have some immediate ramifications outside of this book.






>We interrupt the cosmic plot to bring you Chavez being a cunt.



The way I understand it, it's a "they draw power from law and order" thing. as in they're affected by actual law and order, but their death doesn't affect actual law and order. (Or well, It will indirectly, because they aren't meddling)

though the death entity doesn't operate like that so what the fuck do I know