Voice acting so bad it made you drop the show
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He's obviously good though. I think you're misinterpreting your bad taste as though it means he's bad, kind of like if you had really bad eyesight and didn't like the Mona Lisa because it just looked like blurry nonsense.
OP so bad, it made his mother drop him on the floor at birth.
the acting is great
the CHARACTER is awful. annoying, ugly, serves a pointless role..
taste so shit it made you think OP is a colossal faggot
>Hating on Tom Kenny
Fuck that was Tom Kenny? No wonder I couldn't immitate him
>Dissing the best assasin
Pic Unrelated
Now Ashi's voice however is pure shit
Still better than nuAku though, and Tara is actually doing a surprisingly good job since Ashi started going good.
I agree that OP is a fag, though.
>someone taking over after the original died isn't as good as the original
No fucking shit it wouldn't be good
yeah, but thats because nobody can replace mako
Honestly him and Jack are the best VAs in the show, Aku and Ashi feel out of place at best and oh shit nigger what the fuck are you doing at worst.
I really hope the last battle with Aku will live to the first season's tone and have as least voice acting as possible.
It's not really bait, early Ashi was terrible.
The entire show has weird voice acting. It's the biggest thing keeping me from getting into it.
There are amateurs on youtube that do a way better job.
I noticed that too, it's not just the main characters but everybody just sounds weird.
man Sup Forumsntrarians are such a bore
Sorry to bore you! I really do want to like the show. Everyone else does and they talk about it constantly.
New Aku.
Kill yourself
Get better bait or better taste.
This is a low quality shitpost just like OP's IQ
Not vidya at all but her fucking voice made me stop playing her game.
I am not a nitpicker. I was actually fine with the VAing for the entire series up until this point. I barely noticed.
But this... was a pretty bad take.
i heard he was 5th best
Megaras voice actress
It's fitting for the character, but she just sounds wooden
Meg still best "princess"
No, they are all shit. Last time some user posted about a dozen links and there were some meh to solid impressions of single calmly said sentences, but the very moment those amateurs tried to actually act or emote they all were either screeching, losing accent or changing their voice entirely.
Impressions are not acting. You idiot. Mako cannot be replaced, so fuck off and stop being autistic about Aku having a different voice.
Wow shit taste babe
Skee boo bop bop kill yourself