Underrated classic, Christmas kino, or garbage from a hack?

Underrated classic, Christmas kino, or garbage from a hack?

Pure garbage.

>it was SUPPOSED to be bad!

The only reason people like it is because of Danny Devito. It doesn't even feel like a Batman story tbqh.

My opinion of the film varies wildly over time. It's at tough call honestly.

Pic related is a better example.

>posts 3 good movies

>hating on 2 of the greatest movies of the 90s

Whenever they're suppose to be outside you can tell it's a set. The entire film feels so fucking fake because of it.

But Gremlins 2 fucking rocks, user.


A bit of all three.

Yeah Gremlins 2 is fucking Awesome.

It's a classic, but certainly not underrated. People love this damn movie.

Garbage. Go back and watch it. The dialogue is awful and mostly very dumb double entendres, there's really no plot, the frame-Batman scheme goes fucking nowhere, the action scenes are boring, and the Bruce/Selina stuff is half-baked. Could've been great because it does have some good stuff in there.

Just watched both of these. 2 is better than the first just for Clamp and the gremlin mutants alone. The first is probably a way way better kids movie than one enjoyable by adults. The acting's bad, almost everything that happens is asinine, and it's probably the fault of Spielberg for defanging it so much. The second one at least takes things way less seriously.


Since fucking when? You'd think it never existed with the way people ignore it. The only time it ever gets mentioned is because of Devito, mainly for meme reasons at that.

It's shit. Since I grew up I never felt like rewatching it

you're shit

Die hard

Tell my why batman returns is a good movie? Its just meh

first thing that comes to mind is probably the atmosphere?

Good Tim Burton movie, garbage Batman movie.

Best Batman movie till v. Superman.

>everything looks like a set and it's so outrageously gothic it spins right around to looking cartoonish
At least the first one seemed a tiny bit more subdued.

It's a movie about a penguin man as a villain with an army of penguins with little rockets on their backs.

>2 minutes into the kino
>already an attempted infanticide

>5 minutes 30 mark, a fucking baby is raised by penguins

8:20 this fucking kinographic business meeting between shrek and the mayor

Turbo chad shows up doing a christopher walken impression to show he's shreks son

I liked the cartoonishly gothic aesthetic. Combining it with the Christmas aesthetic made for a really memorable setting.

The Burton Batman movies feel like an extended fever dream, like Bruce is slowly going insane and we are seeing events play out from his warped, mentally ill perspective that degrades over time until a story that began in a semi-plausible city ends with an army of penguins with rocket launchers strapped to them.

the bad guys unironically explode out of a giant christmas present

minute 23, in a film with a half man half penguin monster and a guy that dresses up like a bat to fight crime, suspension of disbelief is stretched to its limit when we're expected to believe michelle pfeiffer has trouble finding a boyfriend

As much as I don't like this movie, Pfeiffer was great in it. Her character looks like her feet stink.

Great, enjoyable movie.

It honestly doesn't hold up too well, that fucking ketchup on the guys face after catwoman scratches him yeesh.

Tried re-watching a few weeks ago for nostalgia, woof, not like I remember.

catwoman and atman should have been in it more

It doesn't hold up to nostalgia, but between the score, the atmosphere, and the good moments littered throughout (Bruce and Selina dancing when they discover each other's identities) still make it much much better than what came later. It's not as good as your childhood says it was, but it's still charming in its own way beyond going for OTT camp factor.

Underrated AND Christmas kino. 1989 was still superior though

It holds up extremely well.

I fucking love this film, pyar kino

I rewatched it this year, first time I had seen it since I was a kid. It's really not that good, I'm not surprised at all that director seat was wrenched away from Burton afterwards.

Best Batman coming through.

I remember this being really good but when I watched it recently it was Batman and Robin level of garbage. The Burton Batmans have aged horribly.

I still like the original Batman in terms of atmosphere