Opinions on this?
Opinions on this?
It's good.
The show is crap
Came for Jesse's war against God, stayed for the triangle drama between him, Tulip and Cassidy.
Thumbnail totally looks like young Michael Keaton
Great. However, readers should walk in knowing that Garth Ennis doesn't really give a fuck about traditional sensitivities for the sake of comedy.
Go to bed, Slappy.
Loved it, still love it, great book all around.
It hasn't aged that well, but it's still great. A lot of the "edge" doesn't really land the way it would have in the 90's.
>readers should walk in knowing that Garth Ennis doesn't really give a fuck about traditional sensitivities for the sake of comedy.
translation: it was written before "trigger warning" and SJWs were a thing.
This book couldn't be made today as tumblr and news websites would have a fucking fit due to what's in it
The funny thing is that Preacher also embodies the m'lady/white-knight mentality alongside the anti-PC comedy. It's pretty "classically liberal" insofar as tone, and actually just shows how much of a parody the left has become of itself.
>Then - the best way to defend women is to be a good man.
>Now - the best way to defend women is to transition.
I loved it, personally I disliked the ending though.
I really wanted Jessie to tell God to go fuck himself.
The ending feels simultaneously rushed and drawn out. Everything after the Salvation arc was a big disappointment to me.
There's something that I always wondered when reading this.
John Wayne was undoubtedly the kind of idol Jessie's father and his whole generation would adore (and by extension, Jessie as well). No problems there.
What I could never figure out is whether Ennis does as well feel admiration for the guy or not. Garth is inmensely thorough when researching, so for him to ignore how Wayne never served and considering how little respect he usually has in his narrative for "wartime posers", would be shocking.
It's hard to believe Ennis may have fallen for the propagandistic lies surrounding Wayne's persona. However, I've never seen any remarks in Preacher where he took a jab at the whole hypocrisy he had going about him.
It was one of the more out there stuff I've read
Between arseface and his girlfriend, Cannon man and the meat doll, his mom being alive, I was really confused by what is going on or rather, why it's going on
Shit, really?
I'd forgotten about it but remember hoping it'd be okay
One of Ennis' best alongside his Punisher run. Also has some of Dillon's best art (which isn't saying much, but still). Far from flawless, but Ennis does manage to balance his mountains and mountains of edge with lots of good writing, so you end up loving even someone as fucked up as Herr Starr when his balls are eaten by an oversized dog and he flashes his artificial dick to his superiors.
I think what we're showed is Jessie's admiration of Wayne, not necessarily Garth's.
Otherwise p nice.
How's the series?
Good, but way too overrated.
It's not even Ennis' best work, let alone the "greatest comic ever" like the obnoxious fans would have you believe.
they went for some weird unexplicable creative licenses and the series hasn't even picked up yet
season 1 was just setting the story. Other than that I think it does capture the tone well and I'm optimistic for the show's future