Gorillaz - Humanz

Probably the best morning I've ever had.

Eh it was kinda lackluster to me.

In the middle of listening to the album for the first time.

I'm easy to please, and pretty much all the song have me into them by halfway in at latest,
But the album feels like a bunch of songs so far, not an album.
It could be just cause I've listened to the older albums a lot more, but they felt like their songs mostly chained from one another to make a vague story to imagine (especially Plastic Beach).

But like most Gorillaz albums I'm sure as it'll grow on me in a way that will have me listen to the entire album once a day for a month without realizing it.

Demon Days=Plastic Beach>s/t>G-Sides>The Fall=Humanz

They're doing an AMA right now

What about their album labeled Gorillaz?
And idk there's enough going on in Humanz so far to feel it's above The Fall and prolly G-sides.

They should have made an account for each member.

hello Sup Forums my old friend.

S/t means self-titled.

Wish I saw this album before making a thread.

Favorite songs?

>Busted and Blue

Then yeah I mostly agree with you tier list.

Also, I feel like the Fall and Humanz are both very much alike. I see too little instumental or genre variety, and most of the songs feel like incomplete ideas that could've used more work. The last three or four tracks are by far the lowest point in Gorillaz history, and the interludes don't do anything for atmosphere or story in my opinion.

Plus, I'm liking some of the bonus tracks more than the main ones.

It's prolly a bad sign for an album if you're looking towards the bonus tracks.

I remember D-Sides the only song I really liked was the remix of Kids With Guns.

>Saturn Barz
wish Charger kept going for another minute. I hear the deluxe tracks are apparently strong. Need to go find them.

DB was so good on submission, huge fan of his stuff and the beat was really different from what he usually raps over.

Also just buy the deluxe version man cmon.

I already bought the standard cd. Not my finest moment of thinking.

it's literally the biggest meme album ever released, every part of it taylor made for reddit

Op here. Almost done listening to it. I'm really enjoying it so far. This album has already grown on me so It'll be the only thing i listen to for the next month lol

>lol it's just reddit, a-am I cool yet Sup Forums..?

nice buzzword you fucking troglodyte. Kill your self pl0x.

I remember when people called something reddit, it actually meant something. Now it's just like people unironically using 'cuck' as an insult. So overused it has little to no meaning anymore.


I just realized I bought the regular album too.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

and we dont even get to pick which creepy manequinn is on the cover. grand

I see a lot of negative buzz but I really ended up liking every track. The middle being the strongest.

does amazon music let you refund an album?

I pre ordered only a couple of days ago

welp I gotta pay 8$ more to get the songs I didn't get on the regular album, when I distinctively remember clicking on the deluxe album on amazon, fuck everything.

At least some of it goes to supporting one of my favorite bands.

The Apprentice is the fucking best track in the whole thing

Too much political shit desu lads

Gorillaz have always been political, they have a bit more on this album because political shit is relevant, but there's plenty of tracks that aren't about politics.

>nice buzzword you fucking troglodyte
W-Why do i like this sentence so much?

I feel bad for you man. You could always become an hero.

Did the Deluxe album have any other covers besides the Noodle one? I just saw the 2D and Russel ones for the regular edition

it just feels like a mix tape featuring a random assortment of experimental rap songs occasionally featuring Damon Albarn on vocals for a chorus or a verse or two. it's doesn't seem cohesive and nothing about it really says Gorillaz to me. i almost feel like Albarn got tired of everyone asking about Gorillaz so he decided to make his more politically focused hip-hop project the next album.

at least it's not just him breaking the same old ground but it really doesn't feel like a proper successor to Plastic Beach.

get the deluxe version everyone.

>She's my Collar
>Saturnz Barz
>The Apprentice
>Let me out
>Busted and Blue