Mocking cancer surviving teens to make a pedophillia joke

>Mocking cancer surviving teens to make a pedophillia joke.
>When called out his only response is "Im sory my leftist friends didnt laugh"

Name a bigger shithead in the industry than Joss Quipy Whedon

He's working for DC now so obviously now he is a redpilled masculine man who dont care about leftie feelings

>following quipfaggot on Twitter
>following any mainstream """""creative""""" on social media
Holy shit OP that's a pathetic way to spend your time

I thought he quit twitter after Ultron came out?

Fuck you Sup Forums cancer, nobody cares.

I really hope that OP gets an horrible cancer and dies slowly.

A lot of people are tone deaf, user, it's a serious condition.

totally different.

>Sup Forums
>Twitter screencap
wow it's like all the cancer killing Sup Forums came together in one post

I heard about it on the news, mongoloid

He came back. They always do.

Hit the gym already Whedon

Gas yourself already Dobson

DC making a man out of writers only works if they're in the comics division, not the movies.

I dont even, like, get why he did that. Shes not like a dreaded anti-SJW or anything.
What possessed him to think telling a girl grieving her fathers death to "calm her tits" would ever look good?

I think that he had no idea on what happened.

Im not sure how some creators get away with this shit while others get fired for making dongle jokes in private.

So he decided to tell a stranger to calm their tits out of the blue? Thats only slightly less autistic

Take your shitty gossip back to Sup Forums

"Writer of Batgirl literally mocks kids with cancer" is relevant to this board

fuck off Sup Forums

Joss is a hack and his movies are bad but that's fucking funny.

Fuck off back to the 10th SU thread of the day faggot

Do you KNOW how much money hes suckered people into dishing out to disney? If i was his boss, id let him denounce Judaism before i fire him.

No idea, maybe because she loves modern Zelda games with blonde Link.

>Pedophilia jokes are bad

What website do you think you are on?

'My cancer is less cancerous than your cancer'
Nope, fuck off.

Holy shit that was funny. Not the whole dead father thing but him making an ass of himself.

at least SU threads are ostensibly on-topic

I have no idea what that sentence is supposed to say.

They sure are on topic.
The same topic
Multiple threads on the same topic.
Many times a day.

What great board this is, cant talk about comic news and fuck it up

>comic news
it's only tangentially movie news, not even remotely comic news

Maybe he thought it was a term of endearment.

Still not Sup Forums.

It’s like there aren’t any janitors in Sup Forums.

it was a joke, not a dick, learn how to take it

I like to think he figured it would score him brownie points with the edgier parts of the SoJo audience if he told a "privileged" woman like Zelda she was being hysterical

>Samefagging this much
Just clise the tab dude

>Whedonfags will justify mocking cancer surviving teens to millions of followers cause of muh Firefly

>*posts cheesecake thread for the 80th time*