>Saigon. Shit, I'm still only in Saigon.
Saigon. Shit, I'm still only in Saigon
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wouldn't an Apocalypse Now style Rogue One have been the shit?
who else thought he was super hot here
surprised at his age
embarrassed just thinking about
That was the original plan but Disney realised the target market for Star Wars is 13 year old boys. The movie probably still would have sucked, but i'd have loved to see it just for the 'the absolute madman actually did it' appeal.
Apocalypse Now>The Godfather
Yes it would.
He's the best.
Apart from the french scene which isnt even that bad this film is a masterpiece
I mean like a shot for shot remake but set in the SW universe, well, maybe you already get that
The scene on the French plantation ruins the redux version for me. It feels like a leftover from when the screenplay was still written as a theoretical travel back in time in Vietnam. Not to mention it completely fucks with the pacing.
Copying something to the exact is never good. If it would be as different from AN as AN is different from Aguirre, it could work.
did anyone notice monkey shat on Aguirre in this shot?
hey as long as they keep the last ten minutes being a massive space-napalm strike in slow-mo I'm for it
>but Disney realised the target market for Star Wars is 13 year old boys.
not anymore shitlord, the force is female
Of course it's still would be tacky and goofy because it's Star Wars, I can't take it seriously. It's not as rooted in reality.
was i the only one who found the french plantation scene absolute comfykino?
>would an insulting remake of a perfect movie with porgs and purple haired women be shit?
muh nigga
also why did they keep the corpse of a playmate slut inside a crate or something in the helicopter?
no no, Rogue One, and a non-shitty version of it, as tough and brutal as AN, like maybe the sauce chef could have been that morose droid, and the "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" guy some deranged Rebel commander, just a thought for a laugh friend
My thoughts exactly, I don't think a realistic Star Wars movie could work, not in a way that is recognisably Star Wars at least. Portraying horrific violence with colourful space lasers seems almost insulting.
> muh pacing
> muh feels
Will someone ever be able to articulate a clear and solid argument against one of the best part of the movie ?
I don't think so.
>tfw no other movie will ever be this good again
Why even bother?
Yes, the pacing and the feels.
I honestly don't remember that, I need to re-marathon this 4h49m film.
the whole show actually overwhelms me with feels.
to climax them at "The Horror" finale
to fuck it
watching the bluray of this is AMAZING, and the behind the scenes really opened my eyes (and ears) to the audio
>when you have claimed the heart of darkness.
that was seriously some weird messed up scene
to keep fucking the corpse? heh, edgy
It's like making care bears realistic and gritty. Sounds more like an ill joke.
>my yify rip didnt look like this
oh well
Thats a pretty blatantly huge false equivalency, but im guessing you already knew that before you posted
is this supposed to be rick and morty
Literally what?
>He's close, man. He's real close.
Do people seriously not understand what Heart of darkness, Aguirre or AN were about?
AN in particular would clash with the star wars universe on every possible thematic level, since there is nothing close to an equivalent of the US military or viet kong in the setting and absolutely none of the major characters would translate into plausible members of the Empire or Rebels.
They're about the breaking apart of a civilized person when his thin shell of civility is faced with the primeval brutality and meaninglessness, how under this pressure the civilized constructs shatter and suppressed taboo urges overwhelm the man and consume him. Particularly the book.
>And remember, Nietzche: culture - is but a thin bread crust above the incandescent chaos.
I wish to know more works where these themes are explored.
Now what I think of it, Aguirre is an odd one because it has Kurtz as the main character.
Or maybe he's an imperial officer and it's not about some rebels this time around.