Somebody should buy the rights for EU and make 3-6 Movies about the Old Republic and the Sith

Somebody should buy the rights for EU and make 3-6 Movies about the Old Republic and the Sith.

Who gives a fuck about Mary Sue and Emo Kyle.

Who gives a fuck about Mary Sue Revan?

Why disney hate Twi'lek?

there will never, ever be a hint of female sexuality in Star Wars ever again

Fuck off sargon, I agree but fuck off

better than mary sue rey or boring finn
Personally prefer kotor 2 but honestly the bar is so low now anything can beat TLJ

Maybe George can buy it back with his mouse bucks, say 3 billion USD and keep 1 billion for the movies. However Disney would never do that as they would be insanly popular and they would kill the new franchise that Disney aims to sculpt.

>pic related
She could play as Kreia aka Darth Traya

There was a sexy first order spy in TFA, and a few sluts in the casino in TLJ

Should made a movie about her.

No, make a movie about her.