So i watched a bunch of Alien movies for Alien Day and im back in
what are some good Alien/Predator/AvP comics?
Aliens and Predators and Vs OH MY!
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also i watched Prometheus and whileit had its faults i though it was over all a great movie i dont get the massive nerd rage surrounding it
pic unrelated
Aliens: Stronghold is pretty dope.
>licensing hell means we'll never see this released on consoles or PCs ever
why you gotta lead off by twisting that knife, user
isnt that the one with the sassy robot Xenomorph?
in this the day and age of Arcade ports being spotty and licensing preventing classics from seeing the light of day MAME is a requirement
i mean at least I have it on MAME
that game was the best days of my childhood!
Those by Dan Abnett.
Aliens: Inhuman Condition
so uh, how bout them xenos
Forgot Predator (2009).
I'm at unhealthy levels of hype for Covenant
I might jump off a bridge if its bad. hold me Sup Forums
ive heard that the ones that are supposed to take place right after the movie are good but they slowly decline over time with a few really good stand out stories.
this is a good video about em
Reminder that the teacher is Best Girl.
It was alright, but in this day and age everything is either an absolute masterpiece or complete shit.
I think I actually ironically liked Predators more, though I haven't watched that since it was in theaters.
Anyone want me to dump Superman vs. Aliens?
Warning: It's like 150 pages
I suggest checking out the new Alien one by Stokoe
it is garbage. Don't bother.
>hold me Sup Forums
goodbye pal.
>try to read Predators
>drop it because Adrien Brody looks so ridiculous trying to be a tough guy
to be fair they are completly different movies.
Prometheus was also higher concept and therefore could fall harder
that said Predators also did some cool new things with the mythos.
And with Shane Black on The Predator im gonna gamble that the next movie will be good too.
shes ok, and i love plague's goofy Pred stuff, but its pleb tier if you aren't into the intimidating sexy bod AND monster face
well next time try watching it, ive head movies are better watched than read
also really? Brody did well enough i thought. that and its an ensemble cast, there are other people besides him. did you even make it to based Fishburne?
It's a good movie on its own, but lore and franchise wise it's like a wet fart
I didn't watch the movie, for the reason I mentioned in >Shane Black on The Predator
Tell me more?
honestly no
Prometheus just completely lacks internal consistency, it has nothing to do with the rest of the franchise, as a movie it's just paced like shit and makes no sense.
>Tell me more?
hes the Writer AND Director
so like thats great, also its gonna favor practical effects
i need to see The Nice Guys
can you extrapolate?
>that said Predators also did some cool new things with the mythos.
>And with Shane Black on The Predator im gonna gamble that the next movie will be good too.
I'm going to be so disappointed if it doesn't amount to much
i mean Shane Black makes good movies
he wouldn't be the first guy i thought of when i think "helming a Predator movie" but then again dude has an eclectic career
alien day?
like the franchise or just aliens in general?
its the day the movie was released and its meant to celebrate the franchise
so most of the recs have been Alien based
anyone got any Pred or AvP recs?
4/26. As a reference to LV-426.
Superman Vs Aliens II: God War is much better
>original AVP series
>AVP Duel
>AVP War
>AVP Three World War
>AVP Booty
>AVP The Web
>Batman vs Predator 1 and 2
>Predator Race War
>Predator Bad Blood
>Predator Big Game
>The original Predator comic miniseries and its sequels all involving Detective Schaefer which are Cold War and Dark River
>Archie Vs Predator
>Predator Hell and High Water
>Predator Kindred
>Predator vs Judge Dredd
>Predator The Bloody Sands of Time
>Predator Primal
>Predator Hell comes a Walkin
>Predator Captive
>Predator Strange Roux
>Predator Invasion from the 4th Dimension
>Predator Jungle Tales
Also the various Alien and Pred mini's that were in the original Dark Horse Comics series
Read Aliens Berserker before AVP war since AVP, War, Duel, Berserker, and 3 World War all are interconnecting
Haven't really read any of the Aliens, Pred, AVP stuff since they started doing the Promethus stuff so can't really help ya there.
>picture related
>Godzilla, Predator, Aliens, and James Bond all together
>Predator vs Magnus Robot Fighter
>>AVP Booty
>stokoe finally got to do his alien comic
fucking rad
like so maybe?
this please
anyone else think covenant looks... good? i just dont wanna get my hope up too much
Why is Aliens Vs. Predators Vs. The Thing not a reality?
i liked the Engineers from Promethus
but i hope Scott doesn't try and make Covenant say Xenomorphs are like something David did or HUMANS ALL ALONG or some stupid shit. keep them being Bio Weapons the Engineers use
as much as the critisisms that Prometheus had seemed like ignorable nerd rage i think the creative team too them to heart cause it feels even from the trailers like an Alien movie
that said ive heard its gone though rewrites and reshoots so i dunno that shit light be the same corporate hand that screwed with Prometheus
then again i though Prometheus is fine so what do i know
Was this as dumb as it sounds?
>A xenomorph with a gun...
Oh God, we're fucked!
Why do you want a port, when you have a perfectly accurate MAME emulator?
Actually it was worse.
Because it'd be a massive clusterfuck.
Batman basically became king of the Predators
It was pretty fucking dumb
Because you can't beat The Thing
The Thing literally has it stuck in the worst possible place for it to be stuck, in the middle of nowhere with nothing around but scientists.
If the Thing got anywhere with a halfway decent amount of life forms around, we'd all be fucked. Utterly, utterly fucked
Make xenomorphs incompatible/immune to the thing's replicating and infiltration abilities.
>remove the most dangerous aspect of the Thing
Then the Thing is worthless.
Pretty much.
Let's say it can mimic their shape, It still makes sense for it not to be able to replicate their blood.
Xenomorphs are canonically described as sharing a hive mind. The thing cannot hope to infiltrate because it doesn't share the telepathic link.
Anyone got an upload/mega of Aliens vs Pig?
It's called Aliens: Pig
Look for Aliens - Pig (1997) (Digital) (Bean-Empire)
You're thinking of outbreak, nightmare asylum and female war. They got renamed/decanonised when Alien 3 came out but aside from changing the characters names they're exactly the same.
They are quite good, especially nightmare asylum which has some amazing art.
>can't beat the thing
Fire seems to do a pretty good job.
It's just mediocre, like most of the Dark Horse crossovers that aren't Batman vs. Predator.
Fire is a good deterrent, but not a guaranteed killer. Despite it's severely limited options there's a good chance it survived past the film - Childs was probably infected.
If the movie had been set basically anywhere except remote frozen wasteland the Thing wouldn't have had a problem
Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens is fun
>it is garbage. Don't bother.
Still better than Batman VS Alien 2.
Is Nightmare Asylum the one with the general who wanted to militarise his own Alien force retake Earth?
according to the lighting (those infected are positioned in each scene so that they whites of their eyes are obscured by shadow), it was childs
Hell yeah it is. I'm sure that concept is played out now but asylum was the 2nd or so Aliens mini, so it wasn't quite as boring then. Spears is awesome in that book, a totally deplorable villain that manages to almost be as scary as a Xeno.
I recall MacReady using napalm to blast the shit out of the thing in the jungle and that being a pretty good solution. Why aren't there more thing comics? That concept is terrifying.
I just watched that video like 20 minutes ago and I feel like it's total bullshit. Childs being infected I agree with, but I've never bought into any of the theorys surrounding the infection.
Even if the idea is played out, NA did it well enough that it still stands out.
I didn't get to read too many Alien books, but that one and one set in a city where some researchers were kidnapping people to study an Alien's hunting habits and ability to learn are the ones I remember most clearly.
>Aliens vs. Predator vs. The Thing Beat 'em-Up
>Playable characters are Dutch, Linn, Predator Hunter, Warrior and a decendant of R.J. MacReady who uses some cyber flame gauntlets or something.
>4-Player Co-Op
>Final Boss in 4 player is the unselected character, a Thing/Alien Hybrid(The character is a random unselected choice in 1 to 3 player mode)
I read Genocide and the one about the king alien in school. Even now I've only read the first Aliens omnibus. I think I'm more of a predator guy but I know there's plenty of great books out there for both series.
All the Thing has to do is replicate the parts of the Aliens brain that allows it to be part of the Hive Mind
The hive mind would be aware that that body had been killed and infected/replaced. There's no way they'd fall for it.
If the Thing was brought in it'd probably stick to the already established canon of their series.
>Childs wasn't orginally infected
>ended up getting infected towards the end of the first series and Mcready puts him down
or they'd just control The Thing and stop it from doing whatever. As long as it isn't a Queen that's infected, it'll be easy to quarantine/kill.