>didn't even get a second season
What happened? Did the ratings suck or did people think it was too similar to Archer?
>didn't even get a second season
What happened? Did the ratings suck or did people think it was too similar to Archer?
Fire Chrysalis was best girl
hamfisted unfunny humor and a bad plot
Im not going to pretend it was some kinda masterpiece, but it was compared to the shit Comedy Central and Adult Swim try to pass for humor these days
Took too long to hit its stride, unfortunately.
CC put it in a bad slot and kept dicking it around. After it wasn't super gangbusters out the gate, they gave it a dead time slot after Daily Show/Nightly Report for most of the season
It was funny enough that my friend named a DnD magic weapon after the show. A 12-barreled flintlock pistol that allowed the wielder to fire all 12 shots in one attack with a -10 to hit modifier. It was dubbed, "The Dazzler".
I'm pretty sure the guy who's character used it shot other party members only slightly less often than enemies.
>no more busty pizzaz tits
it hurts
I'm stealing this.
Is this satire?
Yeah, this. I don't even remember what first episodes were about, but Bowling Cartoons Killer, Rad trying to pass as aristocrat, Dazzle making his movie was pretty fun shit.
It also for some reason had instances of weirdly really good animation.
The animation looked nice but the writing was garbage. I'm actually completely baffled as to how you could do such a great job with animation but not put in the slightest bit of effort in maintaining passable episode scripts. It's not like you need skilled experts to do that, you just need people who know how to speak English and don't have shit senses of humor.
this show is the hat in time of tv shows
all looks and no glamour but shallow retards think it's the best thing since sliced bread
try cultivating some REAL taste kid
Ratings were decent, but that voice cast was expensive as fuck.
Probably would have needed South Park-level ratings to afford it.
I haven't like cc animation ever since they canceled ugly Americans for brickelberry. Hell if it wasn't for another period there would be nothing to watch on the network
>wrecking ball assassination
How can people not laugh at this?
To be fair, Brickleberry was being voiced by the host of one of their highest rated (and cheapest to produce) programs.
Hey at least The Legends of Chamberlain Heights is getting 2nd season.
Why was brickleberry crap compared to tosh 2.0?
That show is a D+ at best.
Tosh.0 was a different writing team. The guys who did Brickleberry where the same guys who did Stankervision.
so too similar to Archer then