War Movies

WHy is always the German uniforms the most manliest and badass on every fucking WWI and WWII movies?

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SS officer uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss.

SS officers are UBERMENSCH?

Simple and asymmetrical but take away the bright red arm brand and it gets dull pretty fast.

It might have something to do with the fact that the Germans were the good guys.

German Amy
>Dressed by Hugo Boss
>Footwear by Adi Dasler (Adidas)
>Cars by BMW / Porsche / Mercedes Benz

> Dressed by Dennys and Macys

Only manufactured it.

>Boss joined the Nazi Party in 1931, two years before Adolf Hitler came to power.[4] By the third quarter of 1932, the all-black SS uniform (to replace the SA brown shirts) was designed by SS-Oberführer Prof. Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck (graphic designer).


>Hugo Boss involved with the German Army
W-What? I never knew about that holy fuck.

>It might have something to do with the fact that the Germans were the good guys.
So the americans are the retards who fucked up the world?

No, the rest of Europe is.