Samuraaaai JACK!!
Samuraaaai JACK!!
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In b4 the cringe maymay
More different S
Didn't she say "drop"?
Olivia aged pretty well considering she's in her late 60s
Given what I'm seeing, I'd completely ravage that.
I understood that reference
I tried to draw the hand shape 's' thing but I can't into paint
His sword into a pit
Is that S for Samurai or Salad?
Thats not even how they did it, nor is that even how the hands work. what the fuck am i looking at
People say this was cringe, but I thought it was sweet. It was a little dumb that they ultimately didn't actually help Ashi find the samurai,but hey, it's a good callback.
It's really sad she never actually got a job or moved on with her life
Did any of the cameos actually help find Jack?
No, only the woman in shadow did, and we don't know for sure if that was even a cameo, Genndy could be trolling us after all.
Da Samurai's cameo is also kinda sad when you think about it.
Also, if the tiny old forest lady was Momotaro or Kuni like a lot of people seem to think, then it's also sad that she apparently remained a womanlet for her whole adulthood.
I don't get why a lot of people seem to think she's the fairy from the Jack Tales episode
I still think it was the princess.
Which one, you ask? I'm not sure myself, although the design does point in a particular direction IMO.
holy fucking shit I can't breath
what the fuck is this benis babe
Because the design is identical except for the antennae?
are you retarded
why does it look like a toilet
is this the next meme?
dude.. do that shape with your hands and realize how fucked up that image is. what the fuck, that's not even close to how it was done
If you're talking about Mira, she would have had to have shrunk quite a bit in her hold age, plus I can't see her wanting to help Jack.
If you're talking about Vebrina, the eyes are way different
Pretty funny how this single song completely shits over the entire catalog from Steven Universe.
They're also drastically different sizes.
>plus I can't see her wanting to help Jack.
Right, that's why Ashi is still out to kill him. Wait...
could you post your hand? are you an alien by chance?
Personally, I still like Stronger than You, even if it's been completely drowned in Undertale parodies and parodies of Undertale parodies and parodies of parodies of Undertale parodies
Come on, we all know size doesn't matter.
it was done like this you bad boy
Congrats. You totally fit in, bro.
And how the original rave song shits all over this shitty "tribute".
>If you're talking about Mira, she would have had to have shrunk quite a bit in her hold age, plus I can't see her wanting to help Jack.
>implying size mafter
Did I need to show you adult Dexter and old Dexter from the same movie made by Genndy?
uh dude
What the fuck are you?
not to be contrarian but that scene felt a bit awkward
>ashi walks into rave
>"where's jack he might be in trouble"
>samurai drop
>everyone does the jack dance
>song ends
>ashi walks off
her question wasn't even answered, or did I miss something?
saved so we can laugh at you in the next Samurai Jack thread too
hold S to pay respects
I felt that way too, complete waste of life and lesson. He even bought another pair of the showy shades jack slapped off his face.
Now I'm not even upset he gave up fighting, that's fine. Going in another direction with life is ok too. But he never changed his attitude at all and just worked in that slum forever. At least give him a little hint of having learned some inner peace or something from Jack, even swing the other way and have him trounce a shitty robot in the bar in a dignified manner like jack would have, etc.
It wasn't but she realized these doped up ravers couldn't tell a fucking thing and just left
You know what this reminds me of? That "cameo" of Professor Zei in LOK. Both disgusted me almost equally.
i want to fuck that cat
>mfw try to emulate the sign
I think my favorite part about this image is the fact that the top "finger" has a line separating it from the rest of the "hand"
Why is he so popular with girls?
>not wanting to be the world's largest rave DJ
>you will never fuck a Chinese Siamese cat so hard his twin can feel it
I don't get it
Girls want what they can't have, and they can never have fags.
He totally changed his attitude, he said Jack enlightened him to the true meaning of being a Samurai, and he presumably stopped being a total asshat. He found inner peace as the bartender, not a bad job IMO and in Aku's shit world to boot.
>you will never simulate two prostates with each stroke of your dick
no man was meant to wield such unrestrained power
put me in the screencap
I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. WTF is this?
That's not how hands work user
maybe i'll try and be a fag next time i'm out at the bar, hopefully i dont get my twink ass raped
hi r/Sup Forums
hello reddιt
You can try metrosexual instead.
No u
No, THIS is how hands work.
The S is for Sucks!
You know, as cringey as it seemed I couldn't help but smile the whole time it was playing.
For the first time we see the positive effect Jack's actions have had on the future. Even if he can't get back to the past, he's become an eternal symbol of hope to the denizens of the present. A shining beacon against Aku's darkness.
It's downright heartwarming.
I thought she said samurai track
>he actually took the time to spell out reddit with a dotless i
get a load of this loser everyone
Someone tweet this to Genndy or Phil Lamar
What if the head of the cult is someone who wants to stop Jack from going back to the past because if Jack kills Aku in the past they will no longer exist?
What the fuck are you doing user
There was nothing cringey about it. It really was amazing seeing that part, and remembering those characters when I was younger
Don't listen to these fags user. You did just fine.
What the fuck?
>they were all voiced by the same black guy
Demongo and Scaramouche tag-team adventures when?
Holy crap, I thought you were kidding. How did we let this happen?
The gentleman was voiced by daran norris(cosmo from fairly oddparents). But everyone else was indeed voiced by the same guy(kevin michael richardson) who voices basically every other character that appears in the show.
girls these days dig the twinks.
Reminds me of this
include me in the screen cap
Did his head look like a penis?
Stop trying to make a funny typo
What did he mean by this?