Mark Hamill hasn't tweeted for 3 full days

What did Disney do to him?

he was drunk as fuck probably

He's probably just sad about it all man

probably sucking the tits of some escort to wash the taste from alien titties.

That scene is so gross. I mean let's admit he drank milk on that island. Why not create a cute animal that would look like a goat or a cow. Nahh, let's make it a gross disgusting sloth like giant animal resting on its back. The look Rey gives it looked like she got him in a sex act or something. How the fuck in this Disney movie where there is no blood, they green lit this shit. Not a single person stood up and said, this is gross, cut it. And this stupid movie is 2h30 hours long.

He's hanging by his neck in his fucking closet.

"Luke, it's my turn.."

Ew.... I didn't know Kathleen Kennedy was part of the fappening....

Still recovering from getting absolutely BTFO by Ted Cruz

well net neutrality is gone, he can't access the internet anymore.