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Flat Chicks Edition

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What is she, /swco/?

Exactly. I just think it should be treated just like how every other tv show is recommend. By people recommending a good episode so they can get a taste, or people just casually flipping the channel and happen to have an interest. I never see fans of other tv shows telling people to skip half of the content.

I guess Star Wars has a lot of division between 'general' and 'specialist' fans. Look at viewing figures for TFA vs. audience numbers for Rebels, or readership for the books.
I'm sure there'll be a lot of people who want to breeze through TCW just to get 'caught up', but for every one in five that sticks around for the whole show, there's a real treat in store.

Sheev and Vader die in a tragic shuttle accident!
One of these men will become the new emperor.
Who has your support?

Soo... I'm just gonna throw this out there.
I hated the Umbara arc.
I thought it was really boring, and was actually very surprised to see that people regard it as one of the better arcs in the show.

Why is she undergoing training if she mastered force control and bested a trained force user in combat?

>I guess Star Wars has a lot of division between 'general' and 'specialist' fans.

I think that's something people don't really get. There are a lot of Star Wars fans who don't give a single fuck about the films and are only in it for the games, or a specific niche like fighter squadrons or ewoks or whatever.

Of course if that's you you can fuck right off now. Star Wars is about angry brown haired white women going on trench runs and fighting death stars exclusivity now. If you suggest that we get a new Rogue Squadron book, or bring up that Eric Walker or Aubree Miller would jump at the chance to do another Star Wars project, you'd get laughed out of the Lucasfilm boardroom.

I think it actually comes from the fact that so much of TCW sucks dick hard.
People see season 1, they see kids show for 7 year olds, and they're discouraged.
So the guide was created to help them skip it to get to the actually good stuff.

>angry brown haired white women
Fucking kek.
Just had this conversation yesterday.
Gf is blonde. Wants to coaplay without dye/a wig.
No blondes in star wars.
Best we can come up with is Evaan Verlaine.

Thrawn, but he acts like a complete faggot in the Rebels cartoon, but a great leader in all the books.

>Book Thrawn
>A new hair cut
>A disguise
Now where have I heard this before?

Yeah some of it does suck, especially half of season one. I guess you could probably tell people to skip those episodes since they don't add much but half an entire show is a bit much.

When TCW movie came out there was a review that just said 'shit sandwich'.
Takes a lot for normies to get over that.

*giggles* Why are men even trying to fight? We've already won the culture war. Star Wars is for us girls now~ :)

TCW movie was shit.

>Let's rescue the baby of the ruthless gangster who throws people in sand vaginas, and celebrate afterwards.

They should get rid of all the girls in Star Wars and only have cute gay boys.

Just give up manchildren. This franchise is OURS now! XD

>What's up with Sabine? Spend too long in the tanning bed?
>Rey looks stupidly gormless
>Jyn Erso? Is the one with the harrowing end the best choice for my nine-year-old? How do I explain she gets Hiroshima-d to death?
>At least Leia looks okay,

There's nothing wrong with the idea of this. What's wrong is those terrifying fucking doll designs.

>for my nine-year-old? How do I explain she gets Hiroshima-d to death?

>The same kind of girlie dolls that have been released for every major toy franchise are now being made for Star Wars
Surely this the end of an era, and not a totally foreseeable conclusion to anyone who's ever been in a toystore. You definitely aren't pretending to be retarded

>T-toys specifically for little girls in a series that's been about nothing but selling merchandise for decades means it's going downhill!
I hope you're being ironic.

Girls legit love Star Wars now. At the risk of causing a huge shitstorm, what's everyone's problem with this?
I've seen little girls in the supermarket dressed up as Rey, holding their dad's hand. They've obviously insisted on wearing the costume all day.
Honestly, the only effect I can see is that it doubles my chance of having a kid who's into star wars. And then I get to share that magic, yo like my father before me

Where did user say it was going downhill? All she did was say Star Wars is being won over by the little girls audience. And she's right. We really ought to give up and let them take over :)

>Terrorists and criminals are perfect role models for little girls

What did Kathleen Kennedy mean by this?

Boys don't like the things girls like. It's just a fact of life. If they see girls liking stuff they'll hate it just on principle, especially if their friends call them a girl for liking it.

It scares people because they think Star Wars is going to be t-taken away from them now.

This is nothing new. Look at how many people idolized Han Solo.

That's a good beta, I mean, obedient male~ You'll make a good orbiter when you grow up as long as you do whatever girls and women tell you to do. Why are you afraid of us being included? There's no reason to at all~

*blocks your path*

Get the fuck out of the way rebel scum. We're late for our cummies from daddy Vader.

Well I guess when XIII and IX are gigantic flops and end up making a loss you get to be the smuggest man on earth.
But just on the off-chance they don't...

Is that seriously the best design they could get for Rey?

The new trilogy is pure nostalgia bait. The people eating it up are people who are into retro 80s looking stuff regardless of the quality.

What the...


>this bait again

>Read Poe
>Poe literally has no personality
>Literal who X wing pilots
>Oh it's the fat fuck from Aftermath
>Hey that Duros dude
>Sir Mc I throw Muuns in the oven while I eat babies for supper Edgealord as the main bad guy

Absolute trash.

Which one of you made this thread:

>taking the bait
>responding to bait

This is actually pretty cool.

Will we ever see stuff like this again?

If they ever revisit the Old Republic era it's more likely to look like that than KOTOR

I think people don't quite realize just yet how fucking thin the ST cast is when you strip away the actors natural charisma. Without John Boyega, Finn really isn't much. Kylo Ren's motivation is thin and confusing and if Adam Driver weren't a fucking good actor even with shit direction nobody would care. Even Daisy Ridley has a couple of good scenes to her credit.

At this point Poe has so many stories and so many supporting characters but none of it has fucking stuck. He has no real relationships that feel genuine except maybe with horse alien dude and even then only for like ten seconds since they don't really act like friends after he gets on the squadron.

Corran Horn had more of a personality in his first appearance as a supporting character in a comic with like nine other characters. In his fist novel he had actual friendships with Lyjayn and Ooryl and so when things happened they had an actual emotional weight besides "this guy looks cool".

10/10 would take on as an apprentice

>mastered force control

Rey did one jedi mindtrick on a stormtrooper after being force-interrogated by kylo ren and figuring out it could work both ways

>and bested a trained force user in combat?

kylo was bleeding out and exhausted, wounded by both chewie and Finn, and kylo's training is also incomplete

but whatever, be obstinate

I could see an animated series set in the Old Republic.

I think a feature film set in the distant past of the Star Wars universe might be a little much for your average moviegoer, which is a shame because the storytelling potential is limitless.

Star Wars Vintage Collection final poll is up! The winners from various websites have been tallied and we now have the six finalists!


1. Doctor Aphra
2. Saelt-Marae (Yakface)
3. Fives
4. Sim Aloo (vintage Imperial Dignitary)
5. Ahsoka (Rebels version)
6. Emperor Palpatine (ROTJ version)

not a single EU character made it to the final poll!

>not a single EU character made it to the final poll!

I need one of these!

I love how Aphra goes from barely Asian looking to OMG its an Asian Alien depending on the artist

>2. Saelt-Marae (Yakface)
So who's responsible for the fuckery that got this guy into the running?

She's in the lead with Ahsoka at a fair second, so it's likely.

No idea why so many people wasted their votes on Yakface or Sim Aloo. I understand why collectors want them, but they had to know that neither stood a chance in final voting.

They've made star wars dollies for a long while. They just quit after the movies were done.

>Aphra 25%
>Ahsoka 21%

I have a feeling idiots will vote for Ahsoka as if she doesn't have enough merchandise already.

If we got the Skywalker-Solos together in a room with the Legends Skywalker-Solos, what would they have to say each other? Who would be more disappointed?

Truly a mysterious creature.

Poor Daisy, the star of a billion dollar film and still forced to be some VA personal mule. Hollywood unions are cutthroat, man.

What's the Sup Forums version?

It's been 20 years since the last Yak Face release.
a lot of people want to see the original kenner figures all updated to TVC quality.

It also doesn't help they haven't met each other. Finn knows both of the others but he's the only link. OT most of the cast met up and then snatched Leia up. PT they all met in the first thirty minutes and stayed in contact. ST...not so much.

Just the kids or the full set? Like will there be a legends han and a different canon han both present?

The Sup Forums version is accepting the mystery and realising she's the ultimate waifu - she can be whatever you want her to be.

Yeah, it's funny that despite being billed as the Main 3 of TFA (and by extension the ST), Poe and Rey never interacted. There was a single scene where the two were in the same room but they still didn't bother to have them interact.

All part of her training.

Let's say the whole set.

>Ben Skywalker didn't make it
>Palpatine and Fives losing out to the shittiest character ever, Doctor Mary Sue the Quipmeister
>Yet another Ahsoka figure inbound
Cancer. Pure fucking cancer. Bet it's not even collectors voting for the dumb whore and she'll fucking pegwarm for an eternity like the other female characters people supposedly wanted so bad.

I can't imagine Rey and Poe having much chemistry mainly because I can't imagine Daisy and Oscar having much chemistry. Poe is as mild as warm milk and Rey is kind of self obsessed, because the plot revolves around her getting everything. They want nothing from each other. The best thing you could say is if she becomes a pilot under him and has to actually take orders for once but even that's pushing it a bit.

They were only even on the same planet in a vague and academic sense for most of the film. Finn disappears and is nowhere to be found in vast open desert while she's on Jakku. While she's at Starkiller base he spends most of his time in orbit or flying around in the air. Same shit on Tadokana.

Poe was going to be written out of the movie, originally dying in the TIE crash on Jakku until Abrams decided to 'fix it'.
Much as I like what Oscar Isaac does with the character, he still feels tenuously written-in. He has so much less going for him and his comic is dull as shit. I don't think he counts as a main character. Unless they do something drastic to turn him around.

Partially because he's one of the more noteworthy aliens who hasn't been updated in a long time, and partially because Yakface has meme status among collectors, first for being one of the most notoriously difficult to find during the vintage days and second because one of the major collector sites is literally called Yakface.com.

Then you have Sim Aloo, who's one of a small handful of figures from the classic vintage line who has yet to be updated in the modern (1995-present) line and some feel that the only way a character as obscure as him is going to get another shot is by winning a poll. They're right that he has almost no shot at being remade, but they're wrong to think he'd have a chance at winning a poll like this.

>EU Han: Tough luck pal
>EU Leia: By the Force, what went so wrong
>Jacen: At your age I was throwing half of Coruscant in concentration camps

>No idea why so many people wasted their votes on Yakface or Sim Aloo.

There was a rumor Sim Aloo had a hand in the knights of ren or Snoke for a while.

If that's even an actual rumor that went around it wouldn't mean shit to collectors. has a better explanation for why Sim Aloo got in.



Same kind of fuckery that gave us Sim Aloo, although honestly I don't even think that "fuckery" is the right word to use when it comes to his place as a finalist.

A pretty large subset of the collectors who are pretty deep into collecting are interested in seeing the more unusual and noteworthy OT background characters get definitive action figures. It's personally not my thing, but I understand the appeal and given that characters like Yakface have a snowball's chance in hell when it comes to their chances of being made compared to other finalists like Ahsoka or Palpatine (Even though they're likely to get more votes), I feel like he's a valid and worthwhile candidate.

I love Ahsoka, but chances are she will always be popular but Aphra is at best a shooting star, she's gonna wain pretty quickly so better get a good action figure out of it that may be worth money 50 years into the trump new world order

>because I can't imagine Daisy and Oscar having much chemistry

Oscar has chemistry with everyone.



No, fuck off

cute, tiny nipples

>Doctor Mary Sue the Quipmeister

Whelp I'm triggered



Honestly Yakface has a chance of being remade with or without the poll. He's popular enough among the "background alien" characters and several Jabba's Palace characters have been remade, so yeah, Yakface is a wasted slot. This poll is better saved for characters who otherwise would have little or no chance of being made.

Pretty cute. Would donate for a Porn game with that art

Can I/Should I watch Rebels without watching Clone Wars?

The characters in Rebels look really cool and I want to watch it, but everyone is telling me to watch Clone Wars. Issue is, that everyone also tells me Clone Wars is bad the first one/two seasons and I don't think I could deal with 44 episodes of shit before I get into good stuff.

Season 1 and 2 aren't great but there's only a handful of legitimately bad episodes. The issue with those seasons isn't that they're shit but that they're not really amazing.


No episode of the clone wars ever got as bad as tfa, so if you watched that.

Like all the great EU characters we never got figures of, or in the case of Jacen, Jaina, and a Yuuzhan Vong figures that weren't great quality and were only in extremely rare comic packs. With this poll, we could have fucking had Ben Skywalker. I need that fucking figure and Tumblr cunts spamming Aphra literally ruined what may be the only chance of that ever happening for a garbage character. And what the fuck is Ahsoka doing in this poll when last year she got like 4 different figures, including a 3.75" young Ahsoka BS and 6" Rebels BS version. Jacen Solo better get a fucking BS release next since Jaina is this year.

Book thrawn and rebels thrawn are basically two different characters.

I mostly write it up to Zahns on personal affinity for the character leading to an unwillingless to attribute any actually villainous traits to him.

The book was still pretty good though.

TFA is gr8 tho.

and I've watched 5 episodes and they're all worse than TFA by large margins.

Does Vader's TIE have hyperspace capabilities?


Is he /ourguy/?

Why hello there, tacticool cuti-
... It's like Star Wars insists on reminding me how utterly fucking stupid it is.

And I'm that guy who likes tacticiool shit, so I don't have particularly high standards.

>Tumblr cunts spamming Aphra
Psst. This wasn't a tumblr poll.

Yes, I believe so. It was a one of a kind prototype I believe. He probably modified it too.

it has a spin cycle

Wait a minute isn't there already an Ahsoka black series? Same for Emperor Palpatine.

How come Harrison Ford hates Star Wars so much?
He had given up on acting before getting cast as Han Solo. The role made him a literal millionaire superstar.
Now he sighs and groans his way through interviews whenever it's brought up. He acts like it's a huge drag to have been a part of so many people's ciname experience and popular culture.
He denies ever having been "interested" in the role at all, despite what Hamill and others have said about his dedication to getting the character right and feverishly working on perfecting his dialogue.
What's up with that?

This isn't for Black Series, dude.

That one shitty drawer who posts camera pictures of his art book where he draws Aphra with cartoonishly big hips and no nose but everyone applauds his shitty art for some reason.

He's just always thought it was kind of dumb and is a little annoyed at being more well known for Han Solo than for a lot of other stuff (though not quite as bad as Guinness).

Apparently he also really hated the costume.

>What's up with that?

Ford presents himself differently to fans rather than friends. He doesn't view the role of Han Solo as being the apex or nadir of his career: Simply one of many roles he's done.

It's a really good strategy for dealing with the enormity of star wars' success.