Steven Bomb 6 promo #3


WHAT BULLSHIT. I'm done with this series.

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They're releasing the new episodes this monday then?

yes how dare they release promos that were likely prepared well before that leak as if some shitty quality cam leak didn't happen

The leak happened three weeks ago, and it's CN's fault for putting in on VOD before deciding to pull it, they have no excuse.

Nope, the bomb starts on Monday, May 8th with Lion 4 being the first episode.

>people still watch this shit

>you're still a virgin

That's the best defense you have for your shit show, LOL.

nice comeback


Can confirm personally, he's not.

>Implying Lion 4 was filler

That is definitely Pink Diamond's space ship right there. You can see the crooks of the fingers poking out the sand.

Also, I'm mildly surprised this is the straw that breaks your back OP. As far as I'm concerned, as long as something on the level of Onion Gang doesn't get aired again, I'm good.

>inb4 Rocknaldo

Ronaldo being told to fuck off and stop being a prat made the episode worth it. Even without that though, it would have been generally amusing and full of foreshadowing as his episodes usually are.

>defending rocknaldo.
>defending "the plot we were building up for three seasons was fucking nothing."

Drank too much kool-aid my man.

Why are you done with the series over CN's autistic advertising?

The crew can't control how CN advertises the show but they sure as hell can work on their writing and development skills and learn basic anatomy

>defending rocknaldo.

Not going to apologise for that, it's a decent gag episode. Not their best, but not their worst.

>defending "the plot we were building up for three seasons was fucking nothing."

I'm an optimist. I have to be, I'm from England . I've seen shows build up pace quickly for 2 seasons, go absolutely nowhere with it, continue building up pace for another 4, and drive off the cliff edge because the writers had no idea what they were doing.

I'm willing to wait to see if it's a slow burner with an explosive last season. That's how most anime of the genre this show keeps referencing end up.

>Implying Lion 4 was filler

It was.

Tell me one thing Lion 4 told us about Steven and Rose's relationship that Storm in the Room (another bad episode) didn't.

Why does Steven sound like Gohan?

Sugar is such a weeb.

That Lion not only knows about locations on Earth from when Rose had him, but has knowledge of War locations? That's definitely a crashed ship, and if it's anything like the other Rose locations, it's a complete secret. The only way to access it was with a key that was inside Lion.

Also, how did the tape end up in Rose's 'garbage' if she would have had both given to Greg? It's not like they can do an ultrasound on an unregistered alien, and Greg said Garnet couldn't predict the gender. So who took the tape there?

The same person who put Steven's tape in Lion's pocket dimension, it was Rose herself.

So... are we going full Sailor Moon then?

OP, my user, what were you expecting from a promo?


just end the show already

So, I have a question about Lion 4:

How did Rose arrange it that the tape for Nora ended up in the junkyard and the tape for Steven ended up in Lion, each tape where it belonged?

Did she put them there herself, when she realized what sex the baby she was carrying was? That doesn't seem right to me, because in the tape itself she's already visibly far along in her pregnancy, later than most ultrasounds would be positively identifying sex, and still doesn't know then, as demonstrated from the fact she made both tapes around that time.

Did she arrange for somebody else to put the tapes these places after Steven was born? She couldn't have put them there herself after Steven was born and pronounced a boy because she and Steven can't exist at the same time. She didn't have the gems do it because they didn't know about Lion.

So, did Lion put the tapes away himself? Can he insert things into his own mane like that?

I didn't watch it. The leak quality is abysmal and most people said it wasn't even any good. What kind of junkie do you have to be to watch that shit?

Oh, sorry. Didn't realize this was already being discussed.

>What kind of junkie do you have to be to watch that shit?
it's not like the fans are bored, starved for new content and the show gets released on an intermittent basis with long stretches of time between episodes.

>CN is trying to hype up "Steven is close to finding his purpose!!" really hard when in the episode it turns out that Rose didn't have any secret plans for him and simply just wanted him to be their kid

>Falling for fake Rose's ruse this hard

>it's not like the fans are helpless junkies with no self control
Am I supposed to feel sorry for them?

Venture Bros release 8 episodes every three years. Cry me a river with this scheduling nonsense.

>More crying
Glad I dropped this shit.

>This again.

Get the FUCK out of the thread then you dumb faggot

Keikaku cometh.


But then if they do that, Lion 4 as a whole is extremely pointless and even more cheap "feels bait" than it already is.

Steven needs to stop smoking.

Can we talk about the fact that Rose purposely decided to build a secret hideout above the tomb of the intergalactic matriarch she just shattered?


>Promo makes it look like another "QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED" ad

Thank God the ep got leaked ahead of time so Sup Forums wouldn't get its hopes up since the Lion episodes are viewed as the most popular.

Pink is dead man

let it go

Is it better to die a villain or live to see yourself ruined on the meme barn?

God these characters look fucking AWFUL from dynamic angles.

Nah, it was just those boarders making that pose shit.

Here's a better pose of her.



*in a coma with Space AIDS that she pretty much explicitly refused treatment for



Yellow Mommy?

Her head design seems to be completely different, but that was her first appearance and the artists have gotten worse over time in drawing these characters.

My goodness, Jasperg's head looks like a peenus

Why does Steven's voice sound so shit

Well at least now we know not to get excited. If we hadn't seen Lion 4, people may have been expecting something big. Those who haven't learned better.


As someone who has seen the leaked episode He was riding Lion in the middle of the desert for eight hours and was probably dying of dehydration and heat at that point
Yes, devoid of context, it does stand out.

Go Babalu somewhere else Scaramouche.

Remember that Rebecca's favorite anime is One-Piece, so expect out of no where growth spurts when she eventually does the one year time skip.

>Dat last dialog

Lion 4 was filler.

>Steven crying because his mom had an extra tape in case he was born male

Also made Steven seem even more like a child.

Good video on how it has fallen.

>he fucking said it


he didn't even get into how bad the writing has gotten

This highlights everything that is objectively wrong with the show.

>Could talk about how the writing has gone to shit
>Instead goes on about how people having different art styles is somehow inherently a bad thing


>PD spaceship
why the fuck should we hype it, it's likely the same as other handships
>Ronaldo being told to fuck off
maybe don't dedicate so much screentime to poorly made strawman character in the first place

Man, fuck you. As far as filler goes, Onion Gang was way better than Rocknaldo.

At this point i hope he regresses to an embryo and dies

I never noticed the height problems. Oh god that is going to piss me off from now on.

Gohan is best boy, obviously


thats because steven universe is AU dbz fanfiction, pass it on

How did you not notice the inconsistent heights, they're all over the goddamn place. Fucking speedwatchers.

>Could talk about how the writing has gone to shit

But he did

wouldnt speed/bindge watchers notice it more than longtime viewers?

Speedwatching means you aren't actually paying attention to the show and just kind of fucking around with the show on in the background

i thought speedwatching meant watching the entire series but at a higher speed like x1.5, so you can watch more stuff faster.

yes you have to do that at the same time
basically as long as at the end of the day you have absolutely no idea what actually went on during you show you pretended to watch but still think you've got a grasp on it you're good

>That Lion not only knows about locations on Earth from when Rose had him, but has knowledge of War locations?

Nigger, we knew that shit from Lion 2 and Rose's Scabbard.

i lost my shit in public when that happend

Colored in some of the concept art from the art book preview.

that was a fun bit


Why are they still doing these shitty fucking bombs?
It's not fucking Rocket Science. I'm sure CN could spare one TTG rerun a week to have a new episode of SU air there.

>Have 5+4 kids
>Cartoons on 24 fucking 7
>Steven Universe was the only bearable CN show
>Now every episode is just clickbait or filler

This is what I get for thinking a children's show could be enjoyable.

what are the plot important episodes of Steven Universe?

I really wish this was even more in-depth. It feels like it only barely scratched the surface of the issue.

Weird how Sugar has some fantastic art but when it came to developing her own show, it had some of the ugliest concept sketches I've ever seen from her.

Steven's last monologue before death!

I think these sketches look better than anything from the entire produced show but you do you.

Sugar's art has always been butt ugly but cool despite that

She swung her hammer so hard it ripped her pants right off.


Comparing anything to the show is unfair. The few times the show looks good is when Jeff boards it. It's like saying Rugrats is gorgeous in comparison to Newgrounds animation.

I still think a lot of these sketches have really derpy, warped faces, weird proportions, and noodle midget arms.

>That is definitely Pink Diamond's space ship
so then what isnt filler

It would be fitting if the whole show stuck to it though

I'm just saying the style of the show could never come close to Rebecca's usual art style.

It's still so baffling to me that a woman whose clear artistic passion and forte is organic flowing lines and lumps and all that ended up with such a painfully geometric show.

She's the only one who can pull that style off, neither her boarders nor the Koreans who actually animate the shit would be able to make it look like she does and it'd just be garbo