This is going to be so awesome for all the poor children

This is going to be so awesome for all the poor children.

>implying Sesame Street wasn't commie libtard cuck propaganda since its inception

Have they made their new character Tali Ban yet?

Yeah all those poor children who had the misfortune of being born in the country they live in instead of moving there illegally, shitting it up and getting free money and white women.

>being charitable means you're a lefty
>a children's show that helps starving/homeless children is an insidious leftist plot
>Therefore, Jesus was a lefty
>the Berlin airlift was lefty
>the Catholic Church has always been lefty

They're gonna eat children?

Sam Hyde and Varg and Weev and Sup Forums unironically told me all of those things are correct and Jesus was a kike on a stick and we wuz pagans and Christianity is for cucks

Syrian stake tartare


Helping homeless children is now 'cuck'

Thats the alt right for you everyone

Sam Hyde told me the weak should fear the strong and also just giving poor people money or food is communism and communism is for cucks