Sup Forums I've been gone for about a month! What can I say a mew apartment, nintendo switch amd Persona game have distracted me! Well no longer(hopefully) so let's get back into the old story timing business! We are reading Lucky Penny, yes I've done it before but I'm out of practice and it's the only thing I have prepared! So let's dive right in!
Sup Forums I've been gone for about a month! What can I say a mew apartment...
How is everyone doing tonight?
not so great but a comic's always nice
lucky penny's an enjoyable one
Need to talk about it user?
Dan's alive!
For about the first 75%, then it goes off the rails into Crazytown.
this comic is so comfy and then the writers wrote themselves into a corner and just kinda go insane for a bit like a short version of Cerberus
How old is MC? Halfway between thinking she's cute but she also looks like she could be ancient
I fucking hate girls and women so much
Out of college age I'm guessing 26 or 27 as someone who is 25 she seems like someone in my age bracket that is a little late to launch, her friend is moving across country for job opportunity and family and shit and that is what is happening with my friends and such. So all of that anecdotal evidence leads me to think between 25-30
I've never read this but did one of my favorite short horror stories in Dark Horse Presents.
Need to talk about it user?
I know what that tattoo MEANS. And it's nothing good.
What's it mean? The leaf looks like the plant that the Romans used for aborting pregnancies.
OH or is it a snake and apple and I'm a dummy for thinking it's a leaf.
You'll grow out of it, kid.
Wait, how old are you? I hope you're still in middle school. You might just die alone and unloved. But there are worse things I guess.
DAN! How've you been, my man? Sup Forums hasn't been the same without you. How's life? How's the new apartment?
Once again, thanks for the storytime!
>Penny will never romp about your apt in her panties, bra, and soft light chub.
Why live
You'll find a girl to do that some day user! You just gotta keep looking and keep your heart open!
I'm doing as well as I can! The new place is nice, right by my office, a lot more spacious and kinda quaint. I can't really complain over all. How are you user?
Didn't already storytime all of this? Fairly recently too?
Yep I even said that in the OP. I was unprepared, what can I say.